• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
  • offline last seen 59 minutes ago


"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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  • 2 weeks
    What do you think of this car

    The 2026 Bugatti Tourbillon

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    Here's some I like

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  • 2 weeks
    Danger City Le Mans Hypercar Challenge

    I had this idea with the 2024 Hypercar line up for Le Mans so I thought I do a race with this inspiration

    #1 AMR Wonderbolt Racing - Aston Martin Valkyrie AMR Pro - Rainbow Dash
    #2 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Earl Bamber
    #3 Cadillac Racing - Cadillac V.Series - Scott Dixon
    #4 Porsche Penske Motorsport - Porsche 963 - Felipe Nasr

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    New stuff I like

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  • 6 weeks
    What are your thoughts on...

    A story based on this video I recently watched:

    with the characters: Danger Dean, Sonic Flash, Crimsonia Dragonsfire, Azura Dragonsfire, Blazing Lionfire and Sparkling Lionfire (aka Crimson Firestorm)

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Something I fancy for future NASCAR the Equestria Cup · 10:49pm May 10th, 2023

I think for the final round... I fancy like 40 drivers to battle out on the track
Some drivers I think would be interested

#5 Sonic Flash
#7 Adriana Novalight
#23 Iris Dayspark
#35 Crimsonia Dragonsfire
#36 Azura Dragonsfire

#38 Sapphiria Daybreaker
#39 Hatsune Soulblitz
#45 Manic Speed
#51 Danny Dean
#74 Aria Blaze

#78 Jasmine Spark
#91 Beatrice Radiance
#97 Rusalka Swordlight
#17 Midnight Skies
#16 Alicia Storm

Report DangerDean · 125 views ·
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In that case, here is an updated driver lineup based on the 2023 NASCAR Season.


Trackhouse Racing
#1 Derpy Hooves
#99 Sandbar

Richard Childress Raxing
#3 Oscura Galaxia
#8 Trixie Lulamoon

Hendrick Motorsports
#5 Sunset Shimmer
#9 Pinkie Pie
#48 Twilight Sparkle
#88 Starlight Glimmer

Legacy Motor Club
#42 Jasmin Spark
#43 Iris Dayspark
#84 Hatsune Soulblitz

Spire Motorsports
#7 Adriana Novalight
#77 Rusalka Swordlight

JTG Daughtry
#47 Sky Stinger

Kaulig Racing
#16 Alicia Storm
#31 Midnight Skies


Team Penske
#2 Apple Bloom
#12 Scootaloo
#22 Applejack

RFK Racing
#6 Rarity
#17 Sweetie Belle

Stewart-HAAS Racing
#4 Vinyl Scratch
#10 Octavia Melody
#14 Lyra Heartstrings
#41 Vapor Trail

Wood Brothers Racing
#21 Fluttershy

Joe Gibbs Racing

#11 Lightning Dust
#19 Spitfire
#20 Danger Dean
#54 Rainbow Dash

23XI Racing
#23 Akula
#45 Viral Velocity
#67 Danny Dean

Sorry I couldn't fit in any more, that was all of the full time teams from the current season.

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