• Member Since 9th Nov, 2022
  • offline last seen 13 minutes ago


I write stuff occasionally

More Blog Posts55

  • 3 weeks
    Man in a Pony's World Sequel?

    So I've written the first paragraph of the sequel a few hours ago, no garuntee on how long it'll take to release, but basically...

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  • 4 weeks
    Back to basics

    So this story got a little unhinged. SO, i'm trying to recapture the first few chapters... by having Stinky educate Cozy Glow on changeling living conditions... in Chrysalis's Hive, not anywhere else. ANYWHO, first draft for the first scene and a bit of the second!

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  • 4 weeks
    how y'all feel about the limelight, or that one parasite?

    I'm running a little late on my lore when it comes to 'the limelight', so I dunno where it originates beyond Nightmare Rarity or whatever. I think it may have became a thing because of a line from the song 'Lullaby for Princess' where the second verse mentions a limelight. I saw that as 'Celestia was too washed up in the public attention to pay attention to what Luna was going through'.

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  • 7 weeks
    new horizons is coming soon... in a new coat of paint.

    so i decided to just entirely uplift this little sequel in order to just rewrite it from the ground up. the main thing with the bald ostrich, was that it had a goal in mind. with the original version of New Horizons, it did not. don't worry though, the rewrite is being worked on and should be up sometime tomorrow/the day after. there will still be Chryssy, Blaze, two assholes that need to get

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  • 7 weeks
    Beware: The Bald Ostri Saga is coming back.

    so, I've been rereading the Bald Ostrich title, New Horizons, and have been thinking that I should write for it again. Right now, I am currently just rewriting the existing chapters, while removing a couple, namely the ones where Ostri becomes an alicorn. I am still going to keep a few things the same. Once every chapter is rewritten/edited, I will start writing for it again and it will go

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an update on life, stories, yadda yadda. · 3:37pm May 21st, 2023

so it’s been a minute since my last blog post. i’m mainly here to say thanks for enjoying the garbage that i post occasionally throughout the week. but as you probably noticed: i update some stories more than others. for instance not so funny story gets updated almost all the time now, in comparison to my other two stories.

The simple truth is, So, Funny Story is a dumpster fire that i i still like, but i don’t like writing for it. it just feels like an excuse to not try at all. changed... it’s kinda hard to write for it, which i love, but i need to figure out how to give it a proper ending before i post the first chapter.

no so funny story is probably what i’ll be updating for the near future, but I do have new plans.

In hopefully a week or two, I will bgin learning how old english works for a story I have in mind, another human in equestria type of thing, but set in the distant past... before Nightmare Moon. I have no title for it, but the concept seems awesome, and i wanna do research before i begin writing it.

anyways, thank y’all for reading this blog post, sorry for not updating my other stories as regularly, and i’ll talk to you all later.

Report Nugget27 · 132 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

No problem. It's understandable that you are having a bit of struggle with your stories and I seriously enjoyed them and I can't wait to see what project you have next for us to enjoy.

So go ahead and take the time you need for your next story. Be safe and healthy! ^^

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