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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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Something feels not right · 2:20pm Jun 21st, 2023

This might be for NASCAR Equestrian Cup.

I think I was watching the replay of what happened in Texas and… I think the crash involving Rainbow, AJ and Lightning was not looked properly because I think AJ CAUSED Rainbow to crash and I think the decision was not right! AJ clearly was in the wrong and that suspension was not right for Dashie. I think Dashie was not at fault with that incident. AJ is. I think before Race 11. I think I'm going to appeal to NASCAR in the grounds of a wrong verdict. I don’t mind driving Dashie’s car I DO mind the reasoning behind it. I didn't want Dashie to miss a race like that, it felt inhumane of NASCAR to throw the book at my best friend like that!

Report DangerDean · 126 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Dean, for clarification...Dash's suspension had nothing to do with the crash.

Rather, it was because she provoked and started a fight during the red flag after the crash, and she was the only one to actually land any punches. You can argue that the crash itself was primarily AJ's fault, but the fact of the matter is that the crash has nothing to do with the suspension, the fight was what did it.

To me, Viral, Applejack should have been suspended because she did screw Rainbow over but I think the suspension HAD something to do with crash. Dash was the victim and I'm more than happy to defend her. NASCAR clearly suspended the wrong pony. It should have been Applejack personally. It wasn't Dashie's fault and I know it.


The suspension is 100% because Dash threw a punch at AJ.

I'm guessing you are viewing this in the context of Chase Elliott and Bubba Wallace's suspensions for intent wrecking Denny Hamlin and Kyle Larson.

1. This story takes place during the 2020 season, before the precedent was set and back when the cars were much safer.
2. Even if this did take place during the 2022 or 2023 season, the crash between AJ and Dash was not intentional. It was hard racing for the lead between three Uber competitive ponies who were inexperienced. All of them had the speed to win the race, and no one wanted to back down.
3. In the end, no matter who got suspended, it does not change the outcome of the narrative. Both parties will be in the playoffs.

This was supposed to be a bit, it's a reference for NASCAR fans to Joey Logano and Kyle Busch's fight years earlier where Kyle got bloodied up, and I figured thay since Dash and AJ are Uber competitive with each kther that tempers would flare and they would get physical. In hindsight, the suspension wasn't warranted for either party.

I bet Danger would share his frustration over AJ to Rainbow. Because he knows more than NASCAR because of his high levels of eloquent defense to Rainbow

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