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  • 3 weeks
    Man in a Pony's World Sequel?

    So I've written the first paragraph of the sequel a few hours ago, no garuntee on how long it'll take to release, but basically...

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  • 4 weeks
    Back to basics

    So this story got a little unhinged. SO, i'm trying to recapture the first few chapters... by having Stinky educate Cozy Glow on changeling living conditions... in Chrysalis's Hive, not anywhere else. ANYWHO, first draft for the first scene and a bit of the second!

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  • 4 weeks
    how y'all feel about the limelight, or that one parasite?

    I'm running a little late on my lore when it comes to 'the limelight', so I dunno where it originates beyond Nightmare Rarity or whatever. I think it may have became a thing because of a line from the song 'Lullaby for Princess' where the second verse mentions a limelight. I saw that as 'Celestia was too washed up in the public attention to pay attention to what Luna was going through'.

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  • 7 weeks
    new horizons is coming soon... in a new coat of paint.

    so i decided to just entirely uplift this little sequel in order to just rewrite it from the ground up. the main thing with the bald ostrich, was that it had a goal in mind. with the original version of New Horizons, it did not. don't worry though, the rewrite is being worked on and should be up sometime tomorrow/the day after. there will still be Chryssy, Blaze, two assholes that need to get

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  • 7 weeks
    Beware: The Bald Ostri Saga is coming back.

    so, I've been rereading the Bald Ostrich title, New Horizons, and have been thinking that I should write for it again. Right now, I am currently just rewriting the existing chapters, while removing a couple, namely the ones where Ostri becomes an alicorn. I am still going to keep a few things the same. Once every chapter is rewritten/edited, I will start writing for it again and it will go

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Before the Night Sequel · 8:15am Jun 24th, 2023

So, as the title to this post implies, there is a sequel to Before the Night. I have the first chapter written out and I’m currently editing it and checking for typos and other various mistakes. The working title is Dawn of a New Age, and will probably go down a darker path than Before the Night. Stay tuned for when that

Report Nugget27 · 151 views · Story: Before the Night ·
Comments ( 3 )

for now though, if you have any questions in regards to Before the Night, you can ask them here. If you want me to make a seperate story which will be a one shot, which would have been another way for me to end Before the Night, lemme know. Because I was originally going to actually have Bald Ostrich killed.

I think the ending is kind of rushed. Things about Chysalis is basically exposition, and I don't see anything psychopath-feeling about Starlight that were mentioned in the previous chapter.

The thing you definitely should add is protaganist's interaction with Chysalis, just like what you had done with Blaze.

And make Starlight's thing longer. There's alot potential in'people from the future gawking at people from the past', that's basically a quater of Doctor Who's whole plot.(Scifi, Plot, and drama make it whole)

Maybe the title should be After the Night? Or maybe Before the Dawn.

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