• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2019
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"If you're going faster than the speed of sound, keep going faster." - DangerDean

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    Danger City Le Mans Hypercar Challenge

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    What are your thoughts on...

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Continuation of Something Feels Not Right · 10:10am Jun 28th, 2023

Like, I should have allowed Dash to race at Bristol because NASCAR has no sympathy for the drivers these days. I don’t really care if she’s not able to race because NASCAR says so. That race was not the same without Rainbow. Throw the book at Oscura all you like, NASCAR but don’t throw it at my friends because of something trivial like a fight. That fight was purely justified because someone told me after the race that someone heard a faint instruction to order AJ to deliberately crash and proceed to win. I don’t want Dash to be left out on race so iconic as the Bristol Nightrace. I also think that suspension was just a conspiracy to favour AJ

Report DangerDean · 133 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

Dean, you are starting to get to the point in stepping out of line. You are taking this bit way too seriously.

All this part in the fanfic is referencing this moment from the 2017 Las vegas race, that's it. Please stop looking too hard into this, it's becoming a distraction for me.

Sorry about that... again. I think Oscura hit me on the head with something and it caused me to Dangerplode.

But... I felt distracted too when I'm working on my stories and... I felt like it was a punch to the heart for me. I kept look at that moment and... my heart wanted to punish her... I kept looking on and on and on and my brain couldn't handle it. It wrenched my heart, Viral, because of that move AJ made

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