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The Psychopath

My very first (self-published) book can be found on Amazon Kindle for 5 or 12 paperback! If you love dragons, give it a look! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CSM7QQ2M

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  • 4 weeks
    For those wondering why I haven't been doing anything lately

    I've been checking the second book I'm going to publish called Lux Locus: The First Awakening. I won't give details right now, but it's a sci-fi fantasy hybrid in the same vein as Warhammer 40K, but with (If I did it right) a balance between grimdark and noblebright with a lot of grays. For the UNIVERSE (not this one book) I have at least 20 alien species (humans included) that will be main

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  • 8 weeks
    For my next project

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  • 19 weeks
    EXTREMELY Important Announcement Regarding my Authorly Endeavors

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  • 27 weeks
    I finally finished the Helluva Boss fanfic

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  • 28 weeks
    Boom! Big Reveal!

    Almost done with the Helluva Boss fanfic. Sorry for taking so long. Started working as a...dishwasher. One chap left.

    When it's done I'll finish a project I put on hold here then resume Left Behind: Sunny Disposition (it already has two chapters finished, and the third should be done quite quickly).

    3 comments · 166 views

Trying to find a new goal to motivate myself to write · 4:03pm Jul 2nd, 2023

Since I'll never become a published writer I can't use that as my long-term goal for writing anymore.

I don't make money off of my work so I have no incentive there.

I don't need to 'write for myself' because I can run the whole story through my mind. I only write to share what goes through it with potential readers.

I need a long term goal that can be potentially reached through short term, but I can't figure anything out. Any suggestions from the three people that look at my blogs?

Report The Psychopath · 134 views ·
Comments ( 16 )

write an epic that will last long after you have passed somthing of a lagacy
build a world that keeps the readers coming back and wanting more
somthing on par with the hobbit and lord of the rings
but above all else something you are proud and happy to write

Probably not the best pony for advice since I myself struggle with writing procrastination. But I've heard some advice from Somber that it's a good idea to just set aside an hour of time each day (or whatever interval). Make it a scheduled sorta thing. I know Starscribe is very focused on scheduling, but that sorta release schedule isn't for everyone.

I guess that's more process advice than goal advice, though.

That's a good idea. the Austraeoh series is a good example of that, for pony fic examples, at least.

I already did that. It's called Lux Locus. I even wrote an alien language for it and was in the process of making a second one. Accidentally made Lux Locus into a universe I could've written infinite books for. Every alien race is different and has their own different cultures, their own form of space travel, their own gods (that an enter the physical plane through the use of rites), and so on. So far it's at 62 rejections.
Tried that. Doesn't really work.

What if you were to create some new stories while trying to get your previous stories published?

One good way to look at it is giving back to the community. If one has read 500 fics, giving a fic back is a nice thing to do.

Nobody wants to give them a chance, and I already have several others in my head.

I don't really read fanfics much anymore. I just like sharing what I make.


Okay, why do you think "Since I'll never become a published writer?" I will say things have changed an awful lot for writing since tons of free venues have appeared for content. In the past, the only way to write anything that was viewed by people was by submitting short stories to magazines of short stories. Now the bar of entry is tremendously lower, causing a bunch of competition, but also making the pool of paying work smaller. The same thing happened with video games and when steam stopped viciously curating games for the platform. Anyone with $100 can pop a game onto steam where before you had a long process where very few games got approved. For this, instead of being one of a few games each week, you get to be one of hundreds where it is hard to stand out.

I just read one of the other responses where you said you tried to get ONE thing published. That is meaningless actually.

If you really want to get a foot in the door, I'd actually recommend trying a few contests. Look at r/literarycontests for one place that showcases a lot of available ones. In general you don't just get your first attempted work published.

I tried getting three things published, not one. I rewrote the latter two multiple times and submitted them to contests, only to get snubbed by stories not even present on the chart (the 'winners' were always romance stories). I recall I and another writer on Inkitt being in first and second place respectively got snubbed by a werewolf romance story the writer said she only wrote because it looked like the currently popular (trendy) thing.

As for the 'free' venue, that's an illusion. You have to pay a ton of cash to even get your book out there, let alone noticed. Editors, artists, then you have to pay for advertisements.

Oh! And I just remembered. I participated in an Eco-focused contest, but that was early in my writing career (and it was a shitty story). Then I attempted, in 2020, to write a story for the Black Library, and they said no.

Basically This.

If you are unable to get into the mainstream or in any official capacity just say fuck it and write shit people will like, make yourself a legacy as a good writer by well... writing good stories (it's been awhile so i'm gonna look back through what i've read of your stories again (memory loss is an existential bitch)) now what you choose to make is up to you off the top of my head you could make:
- Fluff
- Comedies
- Super Long Epic Story With Pure Quality So Great That When You Eventually Die Your Remembered Van Gogh Style

and thats just what i thought off top of my head.

My best advice is this: Write because you want to. Open up a means of people to tip you (i.e. patreon, though please note patreon is a bad method, just an example) and then get a job, try garbage companies because last i checked because of how "undesireable" the job is, they have to pay boat loads (though for obvious reasons i don't recommend taking financial advice from some chucklefuck on a pony story site with the profile picture of a guy writing on a whiteboard "In Conclusion: My Dick Hard")

Good Luck m8!

Edit: Eyy i remember now, i do enjoy the works i've read from you.

Don't let life and bullshit get you down ok? just because some governing body dislikes your work doesn't mean people don't either (had a fucking stroke trying to type that apparently, just to cover my ass and make sure there is no miscommunication:

- Governing Body No Likey
- Regular People Likey)

Good Day m8! /)

I have a patreon. I even opened a kofi for tips (which is in my bio up top). Also, like I said in the post, I don't write for myself. I write for others. I can pass the whole of a series through my head (allegedly I'm some kind of 'rare' form of pantser. Allegedly). My initial goal after discovering Fimfic and the activity it had was to write as much as possible because I love reactions to my work. Knowing people would theorize on the new chapter was really really fun. All the feedback I got was part of the many goals I laid out to eventually become a published author and see my work in stores. Maybe I could have eventually lived off of them alone. Alas, reality does not permit one to get what they want, only what they don't.

Also can't get a job. No one wants to hire me, not even as a janitor. Even McDonald's said no.

Have you ever tried writing a collab story before?

Do you have any other interests outside of writing or anything you might potentially be good at? Maybe have a go at programming and if that works out, you could try making a simple game? I don't know. It's possible to tell stories through games. What I'm saying is maybe try to diversify. Find things online you can try and see if you're any good at them. You might find more things you can enjoy, while expanding your skill set.

I don't know. It's late and I'm going to sleep soon. Good luck with whatever you find yourself doing going forward.


That is when you become an entrepreneur. Find something that there is a need for that you can fulfill and do it as self-employment.

I wanted to do games at first, but I can't draw and I'm not sure what programming language or languages I need to learn to even make something """"""""""""""""simple"""""""""""""""""""""""" like Undertale.

Well, I'd personally say that making a 2D game is arguably harder than making a 3D game in this day and age. Personally, I started with roblox. It's designed to be easy to use and lightweight on a computer. It's cloud stored and so doesn't take much storage on your device, even if you choose to make a massive game. The programming language on roblox is lua, which some people consider to be the simplest programming language. Roblox may not be the best engine, especially if you want to make money off a game, but it's the one I'm most familiar with. Personally, I'm trying to branch out into learning other programming languages and engines. But I can show you a bit of how to use roblox if you're interested, and maybe provide insight into some of the other options as I learn more about them.

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