• Member Since 26th Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen Last Wednesday

Local Loco

I write for fun. I made this account when I thought I would be finished with the first chapter of Friendship is Weird... that didn't happed until 2023. Wowwee

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I finally figured out how to blog post about stuff now. Anyway here's an official update. · 6:03pm Jul 2nd, 2023

No post in comments on my profile, nor on the story, THAT'S RIGHT, I finally figured out how to make blog posts regarding the story

So anyway, THE FUTURE (be weary of spoilers):

I am currently writing both chapters 12 and 13 at the same time as they both happen in the same rough time. That's just how my brain works. I have written the ending for chapter 14/15 depending on how long it'll be I might make it a two parter. Why did I write the ending before finishing 12/13? Because that chapter is the end to volume I

I try to write each chapter like it's an episode of the actual show with each chapter focusing on the different event with some events intertwining with the actual show's timeline a bit (Nightmare moon/Trixie being heckled/Gala Tickets) but I take my own twists with them you know (Group hug ending/talent show/everyone has tickets). So by that logic the volume I finale will be based on the season 1 finale of the show. As the characters get more and more developed it'll stray further and further away from the show with at least 1 original story beat per volume (though chapters 7/8/9/12/13 are in and of themselves original story beats). I may add a """bonus chapter""" as an epilogue for the volume though I'm not sure if I'll do the same for the other planned volumes. It just isn't a chapter I want to start off volume II you know.

Anyway the stories for volume II are being planned out, I'm having writers block doing 12 and 13 at the same time, and am looking forward to finishing volume I before summer ends. Enough stalling, back to work.

Report Local Loco · 99 views · Story: Friendship is Weird · #update
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