• Member Since 6th Jul, 2015
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Silk Rose

Go read What am I?, by PseudoBob Delightus | Fluttershy is best pony! | Bio updates daily!

More Blog Posts82

  • 3 weeks
    More Readings and Some Questions

    I'm going to start with the new readings:

    Profound Ponytail now with a second reading done by Lotus Moon.

    There now with a reading done by Rainbow Infinity Readings.

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    1 comments · 52 views
  • 5 weeks
    Blue and Blushing

    I really liked this story, so much I had decided to make it a standalone story. This was originally written for the Exploding Story.

    I don't exactly know what story will be next. I've got two stories that it could be. (Both are romance.) I've been coding a lot recently, and I'd like to switch back to writing.

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    4 comments · 58 views
  • 7 weeks
    Leaning on Love

    This story was originally a rewrite for Ticking Love that I decided to make its own story. I think it turned out well. I love the cover as well.

    My next story is another romance, it just needs to be proofread. I'm excited about it!

    Thanks for reading!

    0 comments · 53 views
  • 9 weeks

    I knew exactly what the tone was going to be when I thought of the name. I liked this one a lot. I think it did pretty well for not getting featured.

    Both stories for May are written and just need proofread. I'm very excited for both of them!

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    1 comments · 90 views
  • 11 weeks
    Ticking Love

    This story was a speed write from a few months back. Finally finished it up and got it posted. I think it turned out good.

    I'm liking this two story a month release schedule. It's going good, and I feel like I can handle it so far. My next story is written and just needs to be proofread.

    Thanks for reading!

    0 comments · 48 views

Shower Coffee · 11:53pm Aug 28th, 2023

Shower Coffee is out. I actually drink coffee in the shower sometimes, and I hope the story has convinced some to try it.

I've got three stories with covers and only one of them has words down, going to try to finish that one for next week.

Stay safe.

Report Silk Rose · 53 views · Story: Shower Coffee · #Update
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