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Emergency Commissions are.... Closed! · 4:57am Sep 5th, 2023

Nevermind! Some incredibly generous individual just completely covered the rest of the cost, thank you so much!

Report Jest · 560 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

If I had spare cash I'd be all for this.
If I did though, would it be possible to commission existing stories and get extra chapters on them?

As for the issue at hand, if they screwed up the paperwork and you didn't budget for their faults, how is it your problem? They should take the L, god knows they can afford it, and continue on normally.
Of course convincing them of that is another story entirely

also you spelled emergency incorrectly in the title.

They underbilled you though, can they even legally charge you?

Have you tried talking them to see if you can pay it over time, like adding a portion of it onto following bills? I owed more then that to my electric company for different reasons and they did that for me. I'd be shocked if they didn't, doubly so since it's there fault in the first place.

I do not wish to assume, nor offend, but why can’t you get a job to help pay this back? Unless you are underage, of course. If not, as an adult you should have money set aside for rainy days, and $600 doesn’t seem like too much if you have money coming in every two weeks or so, and if you have savings.

Also, to piggyback from previous comments, if they under billed you that should fall on them, and if not, I’m sure they can work out a payment plan for you and your mother. Perhaps adding $50 extra to your bill for the next year, or $25 for the next two.

Either way, I personally see it as very difficult for you to come up with the cash via story commissions especially if you have restrictions on what you won’t write. But of course, best of luck! :twilightsmile:

Jest, while I can’t do much for you in terms of comm’ing you, I urge that you research Back Billing laws and call your Public Service Commission, or whatever organization regulates utilities in your area. If this is their fault, you can demand the payments be made over the course of months rather than all at once. Don’t let them bully you with anything illegal, it happened to me once and almost gave them 1K when I really only needed to give 400 total over six months period.

At the end of the day, they want your money. They don’t want you to stop paying and lose your business. Any sane member of staff will find a way to work rather than lose sales again.

Know your rights.
The onus is on them to accommodate you.
Hear what we are all agreeing on.

Lol thank you. Can you tell my spelling software for some reason doesnt correct me in the titles of blogs? XD

And yes! I would love it if you commissioned more chapters for existing stories. The only ones off limits are those that are commissions for other patrons as there would be conflict there though I can always ask if you'd like.

Yes, unfortuantely they can.

Yes we've gotten an extension however it still must be paid, and they aren't quite as nice as I hoped.

"I do not wish to assume, nor offend, but why can’t you get a job to help pay this back? Unless you are underage, of course. If not, as an adult you should have money set aside for rainy days, and $600 doesn’t seem like too much if you have money coming in every two weeks or so, and if you have savings."

Holy shit dude, that is an incredibly cruel comment. I support my disabled mother who does not make enough to survive. I burned through all of my savings keeping the roof over our head and food in our stomachs, also this is my job. What do you think commissioned work is? Not work?

"Also, to piggyback from previous comments, if they under billed you that should fall on them, and if not, I’m sure they can work out a payment plan for you and your mother. Perhaps adding $50 extra to your bill for the next year, or $25 for the next two. "

We talked to them, and an extension is the best we can do. We cant fight them in court as even if we win the lawyer fees are going to be way more then the initial amount.

"Either way, I personally see it as very difficult for you to come up with the cash via story commissions especially if you have restrictions on what you won’t write. But of course, best of luck! :twilightsmile:"

My only restrictions are not writing pedophilic content, necrophilia, or sex involving people pissing and shitting and you think that cuts off the majority of potential commissioners? Wow that says alot about you, like a disturbingly large amount about you. You couldnt have waterboarded that info out of me but you are out there just offering it up for nothing, wow.

We've contacted a lawyer we've seen the laws they are well within their rights to demand payment, yes they can make some acomadations but not as many as I would like.

Stop thinking that you know more then the lawyers we've contacted and the laws I've researched. They are well within their rights and I dont have several thousand dollars kicking around to fight them in court. (We'd lose anyway so that's pointless)

Not saying take it to court.
I had similar happen with the Electrical company, but it was over tree lopping. They claimed that our trees were too close to their power lines.

Eventually, they dropped the $420 charge.

You have to pay for consumed electricity? Sure, fine. But installments is a reasonable act as they are the ones who messed up.

As it is something you consumed they can charge for it. But in installments, considering the circumstances.

(Nothing was consumed in my case, and I was able to prove that the trees were not as close as they claimed).

True, unfortunately, this kind of underbilling and adjustment is fairly common and not as easily resisted.

Well good luck. If they say no to installments for their mistake then it will be very bad press for them, remember that.

If I had a good story idea and spare dollars myself, I'd send more than comments your way.

I've read the Post and the Comments and all i can say is:
Holy Shit Dude, Where do you live?

Actually i got more, hold up: IF your answer is america i recommend the following: Get what's called a "Skoolie" (it's a school bus converted into an RV/Home on Wheels)

I won't pretend they're not expensive as shit but IF you can:
- find one for a good deal
- it's in good condition
- it has full "Off Grid" capabilities

Me and Me Mum are getting that going ourselves and i'll let you know how it goes.

I won't pretend it'll be easy but IF you can afford it one day, it IS
a way out

Oh! and one last bit of (hopefully) helpful advice: Bitch to the Press! This is blatantly unfair and cruel and they are blatantly unwilling to help you so go for their Optics/PR

I appreciate the kind words.

I just hope it helps m8, and if nothing else:

Good Luck!


Congratulations on finding such a generous individual.
Or them finding you I suppose.

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