• Member Since 14th Jul, 2020
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Angel Midnight

maybe in a world of odd people and odd things, I'm not so odd after all. But who knows. (they/them)

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The weather is not weathering properly... help · 3:49pm Sep 6th, 2023

Okay, who decided it would be summer in September? Earlier today it was about 32°C outside. For those of you who don't speak metric, that's almost 90°F. I know, it's not that hot in comparison to parts of the world that are closer to the Equator, but I'm used to overcast, rainy 10°C (50°F) days, not this second summer nonsense! Someone sort the weather out, please. Us Brits don't usually have hot weather so we don't have AC in our houses.

aaaaaaaaaaaa its too hot i cant think straight

~ Angel

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It's still consistently over 100°F here. I live in the desert.


I have a question. Which do you prefer more: the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere?

Where do you live anyway? I know Europe has been suffering through massive heat waves and parts of the US are suffering heat waves too. Look at it this way, you could live in Furnace Creek, CA where the temperatures are still hovering around 110 degrees Fahrenheit this time of year.

Also, it could be worse....it could be cold as hell with snow and icy roads with increased traffic fatalities.

God I feel sorry for you.
I've only ever been in the Northern Hemisphere so I don't know as I'm qualified to make a proper judgement.
I live in the south of England. Good ol' land of fifteen types of rain and obsessions with tea (and scones). I'm actually one of the few Brits I know who doesn't mind the freezing cold and wet weather that "plagues" the UK from October to June, but I can't really survive temperatures over 25°C (Google says that's about 77°F). I honestly feel like those of you around the world who are able to survive in those desert-like temperatures have some kind of superpower. I've always preferred "cold as hell" to "so hot I can't think straight" - although the only real way for me to test how much I prefer cold weather would be to go on holiday to somewhere really cold and see how long I can cope with it.

Hmmmm... cold weather... that would be nice... maybe I should copy every British person ever and go to Santa's Lapland in Finland for Christmas... :rainbowlaugh:

More proof of the joke that the average U.S. summer would kill the average U.K. person. I hate the heat so I'd buy an AC since warmer summers might unfortunately be more common now.

Also, good! Burn up since you haven't responded to my messages haha.

I myself have just returned from Malta and let me tell you, I'm really glad to be back in the blissfully cold Northern Europe, haha.


More proof of the joke that the average U.S. summer would kill the average U.K. person.

What joke? It's the truth, is it not?

I hate the heat so I'd buy an AC since warmer summers might unfortunately be more common now.

I would if I was the homeowner and if I wasn't a full-time student. Sadly, money is a thing.

Also, good! Burn up since you haven't responded to my messages haha.

What messages? I haven't had a single notification through to say you've been trying to talk to me lol.

:pinkiegasp: You survived?!

Technically, the UK should be absolutely freezing 24/7/365. Currently, the only reason why we're having these heat waves is because of the Gulf stream - although some scientists are saying that due to climate change and other factors, it might permanently stop as early as 2025, which means the UK and the rest of northern Europe could get a lot colder. No complaints from me, because I like freezing cold weather, but that's probably going to mess up the ecosystems more than the September heatwaves. :twilightoops:


When it comes to heat here in the US, there are two different kinds of heat. You have the humid heat of places like Texas, the Gulf Coast and Florida while you have the dry heat of places like Arizona. Where I live typical summer temps are in the 80s and are arid so the heat I put up with is nothing compared to the humid heat. It is the same way with the cold over here. A dry cold is much easier to tolerate than a humid cold.

As far as Christmas goes with cold, you could go up to Scandinavia for it....to me a perfect Christmas would be in the 60s to around 70 like it is in Phoenix. Your typical weather sounds a lot like Seattle and Vancouver in the winter, only worse.

I also recall our winters having a joke around them as well.
Also, I'm in Indiana so the only place that specifically has more jokes/memes than us is Wisconsin I think. But even then their jokes/memes are IN our jokes and memes.
And last but not least... because I HAVE to have a LotR meme in there somewhere...


Dude, I went to college in Western Ohio like 45 min from Indiana, so I relate 100%. Never ending rain and wind for so much of the year.

Also, I feel it my frien, our days have been pretty hot for a bit now. All I can say is make sure you have water on you when you leave the house.

I got heat exhaustion and almost heat stroke not long ago on a 90 day i was walking to work and forgot my water. It was bad. I stopped sweating for a bit, lost feeling in my left leg, and then my left arm hurt like hell. I went into the freezer at work and just chilled in there for a while. You would think it would feel even colder in there since i was leaving somwhere hot... but it actually didn't start to FEEL cold until around the 30 minute mark.

TLDR: Make sure you drink lots of water.

It's been really hot lately. Having our classroom at the top of the building doesn't help either, especially with every one complaining, and to make it worse, the ACs stopped working. We were told they'd get fixed next year.

I think you need to install the new update.

British Mode doesn't allow for the upgrade.

That's why today's sponsor is Nord VPN💀:rainbowlaugh:

I'm sorry dawg, I just had to XD

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