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Admiral Biscuit

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ponyville Ciderfest and Scattered Pages: Tales from the Book of All Stories · 12:38am Oct 10th, 2023

So today I was gonna post a mechanic blog post about the Caravan with the LIN bus fault, but something else came up which I figure I should talk about. But first:


Fizzy Glitch (that's the kirin above) is one of the mascots of Ponyville Ciderfest, which is coming up soon—November 17 to 19.

The first thing I wanna announce is that I'll be selling an actual print copy of a collection of Pony on Earth stories, most of them featuring working ponies. For now, that's the only way you'll be able to get that book . . . and assuming everything is approved, you'll also have a chance to purchase Fanfare for the Common Mare, Rose and Sam, Sam and Rose, The Haunting, and Destination Unknown.

As an added bonus, if you buy Hooves at Work*, you'll find one story in that collection that has never been published anywhere. It's been teasered in a previous blog post, though.
*Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Fic came up with the book title

Oh yeah, I should mention that I'll be at Ciderfest, too, so if for some reason you want to find me, look for the hat.

I would say look for the Admiral Biscuit shirt, but a few other people have them. . . .

(they're comfy and easy to wear!)

There's even bootleg Biscuit shirts.

I don't know how much of the con theming has been made public. You probably remember a while back I mentioned that Vivid Syntax and Nyronus were asking for volunteers—"writers, editors, actors, and artists." And there was one project that might not have been announced yet so I'm not telling you about it.

It's not the Fizzy Glitch plush, although that's pretty awesome. They're selling like gothcakes, so if you want one and if you can still pre-order, you'll want to do that.

Here's what I want to tell you about. This is the tenth anniversary of PVCF, and the con's focused on writing and writers (yay!), so there's gonna be a book! An anthology of stories from authors you know and love, and I'm in there, too!*

They're all brand-new fics, never been published on Fimfic or anywhere else. There are stories by Nyronus, Test4Echo, Vivid Syntax, Janicethelight, SmilesPerHour, MalScribbleQuill, Timegal25, colrathxp, Snowday, MidnightConcerto, Sonicsuns, AlwaysDressesInStyle, Brass Scribe, Flutterpriest, Trinary, That Guy, and Somber.

There's also art inside by Alsey, SlushPony, Pixelkitties, The Artist Sora, Lucky Star, Nyanakaru, Ricostarlight, AlwaysDressesInStyle, Eighth, Imalou, and Gleamy Dreams. The cover's by Alsey, and it's epic.

Would you like to learn more?

For those of you who do click through, it's got an image of the cover and a list of the authors and their story title. I think that at least one person is gonna figure out what my story is about. Or maybe you'll get the wrong impression, who knows? I'm not gonna tell you if you're right or wrong in the comments, you'll find out later!
*they call me 'esteemed!'

Since you're here—not just here at this blog post, but here on FimFiction (although I suppose you'd have to be here here for this next part)—I'm gonna tease one of the other things that's happening. Which I feel like I can safely do, 'cause it's announced (sorta) on that link above.

If you counted, the book has eighteen authors . . . there's another project in the works with nearly a hundred storytellers involved.

It's gonna be epic.


Comments ( 23 )

I did a short story for the in-con event! Hopefully they'll get published or publicized sometimes so peeps who missed some or didn't attend can see them all.~

Seconded, Hoping to make it some year, but it sadly won't be this one n_n;

Real Kirins drink Scumble? :trixieshiftright:

Wanderer D

Have fun, y'all! Also we keep not hanging out! We need to fix it!

I wish I could make it this year, as the convention theme sounds amazing! I do wish I could get copies of your latest book as well as the convention book. Hope you and everypony have a wonderful time!

*grudge against Ciderfest continues*
There's no hard feelings but I still hold the grudge.

Woo! I'm going to this one! :rainbowkiss: See you there!

Also, that's not juice! It's never juice!


Yeah, I knew I probably wouldn’t be able to make this one, but it’s official now. Just bought plane tickets for visiting my family for the 18th. The timing for this one just isn’t great for me.

After the con, authors can publish their own stories, but no idea if there's gonna be a group or anything like that where they could all be in one place.

We'll wait for further announcements from Vivid and Nyronus :heart:


Seconded, Hoping to make it some year, but it sadly won't be this one n_n;

I hope you can make it one of these years!

Yeah, we totally need to hang out. Freaking work :pinkiesad2:

Yeah, it's gonna be awesome! Really looking forward to it, and another bookstore--those are always fun. I'll try to remember to include pics, I don't think it'll be quite as professional as the one at EFNW, but who knows?

As for my books, hit me up after the con, I'll probably have extras unless things go really, really well. I don't know if they'll have more of the con anthology, it might depend on how popular (or unpopular) it is.

I'm equal parts curious and afraid to ask :derpytongue2:

Whoo, looking forward to it! We can bounce pegasus pilot ideas or vague legal theories off each other!

Yeah, it's not the best weekend. I'd like to say that you should come to a ponycon instead of do family stuff, but family should come first. Have fun!

I was an organizer for CANterlot. (Toronto Ponycon) They stole our weekend and considering their proximity us running at the same time would have hurt both cons.

Really they just did more or less the same math we did and got the same answer so I can't really be upset with them, especially with a few people I like being on staff.

We had that weekend first (by a year) so while we were looking at how to improve for the next year they made the announcement of their first year and we realized it would effective kill our foreign attendance. It pushed us over the line for what we thought was possible and killed any hope of another Ontario pony convention.

I want to hold my silly pointless grudge dangit, let me grumble in peace!

Hope you have a great time! I’ll definitely be in touch to hear about the convention and to check on copies of the books. Take care!

I went to CANterlot! Got Creber's disks and a signed zapapple! Won a 3D printed Twilight Sparkle. :twilightsmile: Better to have had a great convention and stopped than to never have had a convention at all.

I'm glad it's fondly remembered!
You have no clue how much blood sweat and tears went into putting it on, I leveraged a bunch of contacts to make it as good as possible. It was the best kind of stress getting everything done in time... I wish I could do it again.


Thanksgiving isn’t until the following Thursday, so …
If it was on the way I could do it, but it’s in the wrong direction.

Yeah, it's really not the best weekend for it. Hopefully next year they schedule it earlier.

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