• Member Since 12th Mar, 2013
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Chaotic Ink

You're never properly dressed without a smile...

More Blog Posts349

  • 11 weeks
    School Sucks

    Well, this is (checks watch) a good month and a half overdue, but that's always par for the course.

    So, as to writing, while I was optomistic about this year and how much I would get out, I'm afraid I'm going to have to lower expectations.

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  • 24 weeks
    Tube-tober 5: Encounters of the Spook Kind, X-mas Special Pt. 2

    Merry Christmas!

    0 comments · 71 views
  • 24 weeks
    Tube-Tober 5: Encounters of the Spook Kind, X-mas Special Pt. 1

    Almost forgot about this. This year is a two-parter, so one vid today, another tomorrow.

    Also, there's probably going to be a chapter on the 1st now as well, because this thing just. Keeps. GOING.

    0 comments · 58 views
  • 25 weeks
    A True Month of Midnight

    Yes, I have managed to do it, folks. December 2023 will indeed be a Month of Midnight! Magical Mystery Cure (or my VERY loose version of it) is taking three chapters to complete again, so the release schedule will not strictly be the last two Saturdays of the month, but I think you'll like it anyway:

    Dec. 23rd - Chapter 11
    Dec. 27th - Chapter 12
    Dec. 31st - Chapter 13

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  • 25 weeks
    Requiem for the Kirins Postscript

    Hey guys! You know what would be funny? Me actually posting things I said I would and on time! *Starts laughing like a lunatic*

    I think my brain decided to take vacation early after National Writing Month. My ability to concentrate lately has been equal to that of a wet fart. Fun Times.

    SO! On to the postscript.

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December Update and Schedule · 3:22pm Dec 1st, 2023

Good day all, hope you are all doing alright.
I bring to you today tidings of great joy, for this month will be what I had hoped June to be: a month of Midnight.

For those of you unaware, I participated in National Writing Month this year, which was what November was known for before NNN. My goals were 1K words a day for a total of 30K words for the month. My final tally was more than 37K words, 33K of which were towards pony fics. What this means for you all is that Requiem for the Kirins is now finished and there are three (yes, THREE) chapters of The Witching Hour in the can and ready to go. As usual, I'm not going to drop all of them at once, so here's the release schedule:

Dec. 2nd - TWH: LFttP Ch. 8

Dec. 9th - TWH: LFttP Ch.9, RftK Ch.5

Dec. 16th - TWH: LFttP Ch.10, RftK Epilogue

Sounds like a lot, don't it?

Despite the stress that pushing myself to meet the daily goal caused (already addressed with therapist), it also relit the fire of wanting to write and I have a goal: get done with the Magical Mystery Cure chapters before the end of the year (I'm already at 4K words and not even close to done, so it's definitely going to be more than one chapter). I want it done before the 23rd, so I have 22 days to make it. I think I can based on how November went.
IF I can make that goal on time, you guys will also get chapters 11 and 12 on the 23rd and the 30th. If it somehow stretches into three chapters then you'll get one on the 26th or 27th as well.

I am not burning myself out; I am getting back into the groove and damnit, I want to be working on the Equestria Girls spinoff by this time next year.


*quietly slips back into writing room*

Comments ( 3 )

Good Luck :eeyup:

I do really hope that you are getting back into your groove Ink, it will be something to see.

I will however, express once again for you to be careful so that you don't burn yourself out.

At a distance, I can tell that you're happy, if not happiest, when you're being creative and productive. I can sympathize with that, it's feels amazing.

Yay! More chapters for Midnight's adventure. This certainly sounds like a good way to wrap up the year.

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