• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

More Blog Posts1472


Emergency News and Classic Being a Better Writer: Horizontal and Vertical Storytelling. · 8:19pm Dec 4th, 2023

Posted from my phone. Preview below. Full post here.

Hey readers. I’m still in the grips of dealing with the devastation visited upon both my family and my hometown (and for a terrifying read of what the community has undergone, see this news story)

Now that the news hounds have died down a little bit, having gotten their story through official channels (rather than pestering me and my family on social media), I can probably talk a little more about this on the site, but I only want to do so for the right reasons, and not to feed the news media. Unfortunately, due to prior negative behavior on the part of the press, and their inability to check legal text at the bottom of a website, I’ll have to state clearly right here and now that they are not allowed to use or take anything from what I’m about to write. I wish I didn’t have to say that, but it’s clear from events that occurred during this that some didn’t give a single thought to their actions.

Read the full post here.

Comments ( 2 )
Site Blogger

Been stalking on Discord, paying attention. Kinda wish I didn't live in a completely different part of the country so I could offer more than paltry thoughts.

Also: The horizontal/vertical blog came out seven years ago? God, we're old.

Also also: Your links, both of them, lead to Amazon rather than BaBW right now.

What? Aggghhh! Fixing...

Fixed. Dumb chrome autofill override.

Finally fixed.

Thank you for your thoughts and words regardless of distance. It's been ... stressful.

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