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Flora Blossom

Original character writer. (OC)

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G5 killed G1, G3, G4 Here is why. (Spoilers) · 3:13pm Dec 16th, 2023

Ok so G5 killed g4.

1. the lore of how cutie marks work.
2. Spike new look
3. Queen Opaline is the most dum alicorn in the history of pony history

Ok so G5 also killed G1.

1. Rainbow of light
2. The locket was from the Gnome and Megan was human which means Humans in Equestria is true.
3. If the locket is true which it is. This also means that Humans in Equestria are a myth.

Ok so G5 killed G3

1. Minty is a G3 character T_T, where is star catcher and thistle whistle???
2. Minty is an earth pony and still lived throughout g4. (Which doesn't make any sense)
3. The classic song of Minty.
4. because of the locket that had a rainbow of light this means that the age of Minty out lived pegasus.

My conclusion G5 has killed all pony lore.

Wait there is more!!!!

G5 is going to be Rick and Morty and portal and dimensions exist... (G5 secrets of starlight) So... wait should I also tell you people that G5 also killed itself...

Ok so G5 killed itself.

1. contradicting on all pony lore.
2. The first movie is great but the rest sucked and we all lost hope on what it post to be... ( Too much hype and it falls down hard)
3. Let's just hope that it's just an alicorn writing a fanfiction book because G4 was a book.

Report Flora Blossom · 314 views · #Lore
Comments ( 66 )

That is so not cool of them bud. I totally agree with you.


But wait there is more!!!

You certainly aint wrong there. Everything you said is true.

You are overthinking this way too much. :facehoof: G5 hasn’t retconned anything and I find the notion that it did quite ridiculous.

Here’s my alternative video for any of you interested:


True dragons are meant to be on all fours but do they need cutie marks I mean come on... every dragon in the mlp lore spike was always anthro

And by all means





However!!! Do to lore... Spike said this... in G3...

1:19 - 1:24 says that he is 1,000 to 2,000 years old.... so a century is 100... so a few centuries would be the average of at least 300 to 400.... Which means spike would have been sleeping for about at least more than years.... but even then the dragon model for spike that has a deep voice has me 100% concern for G5.

Not only that is my concerns is that.... How did Sunny find a myth weapon before Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Friendship is magic is Princess Twilight Sparkle's weapon to defeat enemies.

However since The heart locket opened... Princess Ophiline known as the fire alicorn... wasn't beaten by the power of friends... NOOOOO.... She was beaten by a myth weapon known as Rainbow of Light the one that the human Megan had when she defeated tirek all those years ago from G1...

Opaline wasn’t even beaten by the Rainbow of Light, what are you going on about? That was just used as a means to distract her. The real thing that beat her was the new Together Tree, as well as the unity and friendship of the ponies all across Equestria. And the G1 Spike, as well as the G3 Spike are completely different characters from each other. All that locket amounted to was a cool 40th anniversary Easter Egg. It doesn’t retcon anything from the past.


your kind of wrong... you see. the rainbow of light grasp Princess Ophaline... And it was the dragon magic that finished her... However.... The writers still used the locket as to full known as rainbow of light... Since it was at the market saying this place have many relics of the past.

Which I'm still telling you that when they written the rainbow of light in g5 making g1 fans hate g5... knowing that's the thing of the past that they put in... which the rainbow of light was post to make the any dark magic to expload however.... Princess ophaline never used dark magic... it was her own magic + unity + dragons magic.... however Princess Ophaline didn't use dark magic like tirek or an immortality smooze. However... she did use dark magic by stealing other ponies magic which is post to be used as forbidden magic... perhaps.... but it wasn't the new together tree or unity... nooo.... it was dragon magic by a baby + stone. with the rainbow of light.

in all fairness.... Dragon magic + Rainbow of Light defeated Princess Ophaline... it was never unity or the tree...

When was it ever called the Rainbow of Light specifically in Make Your Mark? Nowhere, that’s when. And many aspects from G1 have already been repurposed into modern generations like G4 already like Tirek and Scorpan. Do their presences break G1 lore? I didn’t think so because they’re completely different characters from their G1 counterparts. Or the fact that Spike’s Fire Ruby to Rarity happened to look a lot like the Rainbow of Light. Does that break G1 lore since it exists in G4 now apparently? Or the Smooze existing as Discord’s pal? No? Didn’t think so. My point stands that this “Rainbow of Light” doesn’t even function the same way as its G1 counterpart, so this is not breaking G1 lore. Even if it did, the fact that many aspects from G1 have been repurposed for newer generations already renders this argument null and void. I find this argument quite ludicrous to say the least.

The Rainbow of Light did not defeat Opaline. Watch the scene again. It was the combined effort of the ponies and Sparky that really saved the day. The rainbow thing was just meant to distract Opaline so Sparky could access the Dragonstone and purify the Tree’s roots. This Rainbow of Light here doesn’t function the same way as it did in G1 as it doesn’t make Opaline explode. It just held her up in the air, and that’s it. The new Together Tree was what truly did her in at the end of the episode. I don’t know what you’re not getting about this.

You’re making it out to be like if the writers use ANYTHING from G1 in their new generations, then it automatically signals a breaking of previous lore. No, because with the exception of G4, previous generations are not canon to G5. If that’s your argument, then I guess it’s time to call FIM a creatively bankrupt failure for daring to use those old concepts.


Or the fact that Spike’s Fire Ruby to Rarity happened to look a lot like the Rainbow of Light.

How the heck did you compare a fire ruby to the locket???



The same thing happened in g5 chapter 6.

It was a remake of the locket... which still is and still is today known as the rainbow of light.


How the heck did you compare a fire ruby to the locket???

Because it was meant to be a homage to it in design. Don’t blame me. Blame the writers of “Secrets of My Excess” for putting that in there.

The same thing happened in g5 chapter 6.

And that proves absolutely nothing. Where was the giant explosion of light? The instant purification? Literally ANYTHING from “Rescue At Midnight Castle” except for the basic “rainbow comes out of the locket and envelops the villain” feature? Oh wonderful. I guess the Elements of Harmony are ripoffs of the Rainbow of Light too now because they apparently do the same rainbow magic thing.


Don't worry Admiral! We won't be blaming anyone except the cannon writers who wrote G5. (Not the first movie the first movie is better than the continuation of this forsaken nonsense.... Which is Make your mark and tell your tale.

You literally haven’t answered any of my counterarguments. See, this is my problem with those of you who hate G5. Your reasons for doing so are for the most arbitrary shit that comes out of your rear ends. And when you guys are called out on it, you hide behind the old “bUt G4’s lEgaCy, waaaaa” argument as a means to justify it. You didn’t address anything I said, and I think we’re done here. This discussion has done nothing but prove me right that the G5 hatedom are a bunch of pretentious hacks that only use the Brony fandom’s good name to preach an agenda (not saying you fall into that category specifically as I don’t think you are like that all, just stating generally).

I know you’re a genuinely good person and better than this kind of weak strawman talk that a lot of these people use in their everyday lives. I think you’re just angry and need some time to cool off, so I’ll leave you alone. This debate is over anyways.


I have to agree with Flora on this one becuase the rainbow of light kind of jiggle around as I too seen all of g1... isn't it the same that you like it becuase you can't deny of flaws to every generation.

Anthro is part of my little pony since g1 with catrina which she had a good story of her greed to be young... anthro is natural... since spike is also anthro... g5 defeats my little pony lore a lot... Spike having that deep voice is like he had to had a hoards of gold to be that deep voice. Which twilight from g4 tried to prevent it. Sleep transformation oh please you know nothing.

I’m not going to blame you for taking Flora’s side here because I know that if my favorite author or YouTuber was engaged in a comment battle like this, I would do the same thing in a heartbeat. It’s natural instinct as a fan, and I totally get it. However, if you were to take a more accurate and unbiased assessment of Chapter 6 like I did, you would determine that there is nothing ruined here. I don’t even know how you can ruin the continuity of previous generations if they aren’t even canon to G5. With the exception of only G4 being canon, the others only exist as little Easter Eggs.

Just because you have the so-called “Rainbow of Light” here doesn’t ruin anything from prior continuities. If that was the case, then that would open up a whole can of worms like I pointed out in my other reply. That’s the main flaw with the argument here.

I agree that dragons have always been anthro throughout previous generations, however my main argument in the video is that they look so much better in their natural four-legged forms. Dragons have always been commonly portrayed like this in media and it just serves them so much better from a design and aesthetic standpoint. I don’t get why people are so mad about that. What happened to wanting G5 to do its own thing and not rely on previous generations, eh? Or was that just a talking point to justify hating on it? Actions speak louder than words. And no, Twilight did not cast a sleeping spell on the dragons to force them into hibernation. That was caused by Opaline draining their energy as Spike even points out later on in the next episode.


Because g5 ruined spike on all other levels... because g5 is a sequel to g4... this is why many g4 fans hate the idea... spike arc on what his character is post to be. He didn't even had the dragon cepter from Ember.
Which g5 became terrible all becuase 1 small thing can make a difference.

Not only that but spike can't be the dragon lord without the dragon staff/cepter

Well, I gotta disagree with that sentiment 100%. I thought he was way better handled in this Chapter than throughout most of FIM with a few exceptions. Watch my video to see why and I think you’ll be convinced. If not, I can always copy and paste that bit of the script here.


Chapter six is awful because dragons have cutie marks... its the biggest mistake in the history of mlp the most hated chapter of all time... maybe all g4 fans were in the hype but dragon with cutie marks are you kidding me.... it goes beyond awful the designs of dragons were meant to be all shape and size the difference is the key of all dragons which g4 did right sure it was anthro but most dragons are different in there designs however the same designs in g5 and copy and paste seems like they had a lowe budjet and couldn't do it.... besides isn't smolder post to be there???? I mean cone on....

Besides g4 most fans think that it's the worst chapter... for chapter 6... the most disappointment of all time.

Misty did have a good arc but the reason why it still awful is becuase most of the characters have even worst arcs... characters must have a balance in arcs otherwise the story will still be awful... you can't have 1 good character arc and the rest not so well... because it defeats on world building and character development.

And I don’t care if most people think that it’s the worst chapter. Objectively, it isn’t, and I’m sure you’re aware that appealing to the popular opinion is a logical fallacy. So what if dragons have cutie marks now? Are they not allowed to? Yes, it is a weird change between generations, but it doesn’t effect anything or anyone in the slightest. I’d argue that they should be allowed to evolve like this over time and have their own form of magic like the ponies. Plus, G5 does do more to make them an actual unique civilization with an actual culture instead of the brutal archetypes they were back in G4’s day.

You seriously need to turn your mindless fanboy brain off if the best argument you can come up with is: “Oh most people think the way I do, so I must be right.” I’d die of laughter, but I think I already spent all of my energy on the previous comments.


You keep for getting this is a sequel to g4..

I didn’t forget anything. And that is a problem how exactly? I’d argue it’s a worthy successor to G4 both from a story and character perspective. And I hate to burst your bubble here, bud, but objectively, Make Your Mark does exceed FIM in a lot of areas. On top of telling one singular story over the course of 3 seasons with incredibly tight continuity, it also knew what it wanted to be from the very beginning. It was Gillian Berrow’s vision to the very end, whereas FIM was left effectively visionless once Lauren Faust left.

G5 sucks woooooo!!!!! let's go here to see if someone angry about it. OMG a Troll!!!!!

I think people who like's g5 never watch all the generations. Every generation had their own lore. and since G5.... wanted to put the Rainbow of Light to G5 there is going to be a lot of haters for g5... from G1 fans... minty from G3 fans... and clearly mane six from G4 fans.... it is what it is but i still think g5 still sucks... because no one knows the past lore about other generations. My favorite one is still G1 with human Megan my second would be G4... and then G3... and then pony tales... (Oh yeah pony tales I'm still glad they didn't touch that...) And the video game of g2. Oh yes i like to announce that I go with G3.5 because G3.5 didn't killed g3 lore... only G5 make your mark and between the tell your tales...

there is a reason why i hate tell your tale.... it's only shorts damn it... Episode spam to YouTube... It's like Teen Titans go... Oh my word... G5 is pretty bad...

If that was meant to get me angry, it clearly didn’t work. All you’re doing is giving me something to laugh hysterically over because you’re so desperate to infuriate us G5 fans when we really don’t give a shit. We’re willing to debate you guys in the moment, but the next day, we move on with our lives to actually do things productive with our passions. And say what you want about me, at least I’m not insecure about my views and can express them, regardless if it gets me backlash from people or not.

Go ahead and downvote my comments to oblivion if you wish. It changes absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things if I’m to be honest. :ajbemused:


If you didn't give a shit why the heck did you piss every one who is a g1, g3. g4 fan...

All you’re doing is giving me something to laugh hysterically over because you’re so desperate to infuriate us G5 fans when we really don’t give a shit.

then why the long text.... on saying G5 is great!!!! It means you do care....

Actually, I don’t. I didn’t piss on any fan of previous generations. I didn’t say “Oh G4 is better than G1!” or “G3 sucks!” or anything like that. If anyone was doing that, it would be you guys in trying to provoke me. I was basically explaining the facts of the matter and what I personally believed. I wanted a civil discussion and trading views on the matter. My opinions aren’t gospel, just as yours aren’t. We’re ultimately entitled to our own subjective opinions, and I wasn’t expecting to convince you guys to love G5 at all.

What I was calling out was objectively false information, like what your blog post entails, and I’ve done that. The fact that your fans got so mad at me over this really goes to show their maturity.

Welp Paloma was right we have a g5 troll who knows nothing about the past mlp lore maybe not even comics


OH gosh, we haven't got to talk about mlp comics... OMG

if anyone who read the comics for g5 it's the best than tell your tale and make your mark... 100% comics is g5 true lore.


I literally have a video coming out talking about the IDW comics, specifically the G5 Discord arc. How you guys assume I don’t consume MLP comics is beyond me. I guess in your minds, anyone who is a fan of this generation can’t be a fan of any others. How that makes sense, I don’t know. But the mindless G5 hate in general has never made sense to me anyway, so there’s that at least. I don’t know how you guys can get so worked up over a literal opinion. It’s downright laughable at this point, and all you’re doing is proving me right by continuing this discussion long past its natural ending point. :rainbowlaugh:


naaah we should do this more often!!!! With you :3

naaahhh i just want to come in here because my friends found a troll.... that is good!!!

Admiral did you came here becuase you wanted to have fun?

that is funny how you place my name in twice!!!

The fact that you’re this obsessed over proving me wrong, and that you wasted no time in making assumptions about me based on nothing creeps me out quite a bit. I actually thought you were nice, you know that? You commented on my last story, and I was actually interested in being friends with you. I don’t know where all this animosity comes from just because I disagreed with you. Is this really how you are?

You are a sad, strange little man.

I came in here because I wanted to set the record straight on something I saw as false on an objective level. The fact that I love G5 is a non-factor in all of this. I just can’t stand misinformation being spread around like this, and I wanted to discuss this in a healthy and civilized manner. But it looks like that’s too much for any of you to handle.

I don’t have fun doing this, I hope you all know that. It takes a lot out of me and I don’t like getting angry. If you all weren’t so obsessed with trying to prove something against us G5 fans, this discussion would’ve been over a long time ago.


I did watch your video but it's alright it might be missing some stuff like lore wise.... yeah you kind of bumped into massive lore people.....

Look i'm a nerd ok... i'm one of those losers who likes lore way too much...

Speaking of lore the video clearly not great since many details were not in the video... send your video for comcis right here since becuase I like comics mlp too and nightmare rarity is a true thing.

And that’s good. We should care about lore, and it’s fantastic that for a franchise about talking cartoon ponies, we have quite the extensive collection of lore. That’s something that should be celebrated. But ultimately, my main issue is that you guys were attempting to prove something that isn’t there. Sometimes Easter Eggs are just that: Easter Eggs. You can take issue with the whole “dragons have cutie marks” thing all you want, but it ultimately doesn’t do anything except raise some intriguing questions.

I don’t think you’re a loser at all for liking lore way too much. In fact, I myself fall into that same category. I love learning more about Equestria in both generations as it’s fun to uncover that history and talk about it. I think the issue is that we tend to get a little too fixated if we spot something that doesn’t compute in our minds. I can relate to that, actually. I do understand that, and I forgive you.

I certainly will. I’m eying a release date sometime in 2024 and it will release as Part 2 of my “A Passionate Defense of My Little Pony: Generation 5” series.


I do like the comics I will defend the comics for g5 but not make your mark or tell your tale.

But the comics are way different from tell your tale and make your mark.... way different i mean they also had discord in the comics. which is my most favorite one like nightmare rarity!!!

I don't think comics ever messed up once... I mean star swirl is the one who made the Queen Chrisalis from litter in the water but I think it was meant to be an accident.

Oh yes bug queen was all star swirl fault.

yeah, but only people who know true lore would know this. And take much pride in lore to know that event's true meaning.

I thought everyone know that star swirl made bug queen from pollution.

Not everyone knows it.


sad strange little man

you must love toy story

Yeah, I do. :twilightsheepish:

Glad you got the reference.

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