• Member Since 10th Sep, 2017
  • offline last seen April 2nd


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  • 8 weeks
    I'll be banned from the site again

    Due to, of course, more transphobia and disagreeing with site-majority opinions, I have been informed that I will be kicked off the site permanently starting tomorrow. I have prepared a farewell message in the comments below.

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    Happy Easter!

    And to those who don't celebrate Easter, too bad, I'm going to impose it on you. Happy Easter. Jesus Christ died for you too, and because He rose from the dead, so can we all.

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  • 9 weeks
    Fluttershy and the Lava Demon: A Tale of Friendship

    My first AI art post. It isn't my art, since a computer for Bing generated it, but I had to share. And I always follow a strict "lacerate-demons-on-the-spot-with-a-shotgun-and-chainsaw" policy, but I can make an exception for this one.

    Fluttershy bravely staring down a demon of lava and metal

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  • 9 weeks
    Artificial Intelligence

    "Bradybunch, everyone's already given their opinions on it!" Yeah, I know. But before I left the site for two years for a mission, AI was barely cohesive enough to give slurred and static-like voice replication, nonsensical chatbots, and meaningless swirls of shape and color for art. Then, all of a sudden, AI got really good, so I had to try it out. I'm using Bing's AI image generation, which is

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  • 9 weeks
    LOTR will never be equaled.

    I was thinking about it while playing Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War. (My brother gifted them to me for my birthday.) And honestly, the more I reflected on it, the more it made sense. There's a few things that compare in literary achievement, like Dune, but it never made it into modern public consciousness until, like, three years ago. And besides, LOTR wasn't just popular or good-- it

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This needs to be addressed. · 2:40am Dec 21st, 2023

I'm aware that I may have made some transphobic remarks lately, privately and publicly. I've lost a friend over it, a friend I've had for a long time.

And I just gotta say, I'm sorry that I wasn't as transphobic as I could have been. You really have to watch your tongue around trans supporters; they have a tendency to lash out if you aren't on board. I phrased my concern as delicately as I could, but nothing will fly to people who get offended on another's behalf. Perhaps I should be blunter more often. I'll get the dislikes either way.

I'm not ashamed of my actions, it will happen again, and I'll try harder to oppose this stuff in the future.

Report BradyBunch · 3,173 views · #trans
Comments ( 148 )

You can't win with some.

GTthe4th #2 · Dec 21st, 2023 · · 12 ·



This sort of attitude wasn’t what I was hoping to see from you. Frankly, I expected better. In fact, you should be better.

Then again, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. I didn’t even see your other blogs until now, and I guess I should have. What happened to you, Brady? You used to be so much better, nicer, and kinder. Now you’re spreading nothing but hatred. Is this what they taught you at those seminars, to hate others? Is this truly what God would want?

Goodbye Brady. I still like your Rather Long Adventure story, but if this is the person you have become in the years that you have been gone, then I don’t know you anymore. I suppose I’ll have to separate the art from the artist again, like I’ve had to do many times over the years.

What a Goddamn disappointment.

Yeah, I want to get the message through to help them see reality better, but it hurts to see them instantly rebel without thinking about truth. They think I'm hateful, more so than humans normally hate. I don't want to hate anyone. They're my brothers. I want to see them with glory and honor in the eternities.

Better in what way? When I didn't speak my mind on the topics at all? The mission transformed me, but I always had these views; I was always against transgenderism and LGBT. I just understood why I believe in what I believe better. One of the beliefs I hold firm to happens to be chastity and divine identity.

GTthe4th #5 · Dec 21st, 2023 · · 13 ·

You don’t deserve to have the face of kindness itself be the mask that you hide your hatred and bigotry behind.

What bigotry? If others say I'm bigoted, that's one thing, but what actually constitutes bigotry? Disagreeing with a faction of people? Does that not make everyone bigoted? And trust me, if any of the ponies came across obvious men who say they're women, they would be uneasy.

Also, Fluttershy isn't the picture of kindness, it's Christ. And Christ invites all to come unto Him and deny all ungodliness. He forgives all who repent. I know this personally; I've had to repent of a lot.

Pepper_2 #7 · Dec 21st, 2023 · · 10 ·

This is just sad I really liked your stories but hearing you talk like this is shameful. You claim to speak for God but your doing nothing but judging which is a sin itself. I normally stay out of this stuff but you make true Christians look bad if you think trans and lgbt are gonna go to hell then you will be right there with them for your judgemental attitude. I Followed you because I truly liked your stories but you just lost a follower.I do not support hate speech in any way. I hope God forgives you for your judgemental attitude. Anyway take care.

I never said trans or gay people go to hell. I'm not the arbiter of who goes to heaven or hell, like Dante. There's a lot to happen after this life that I don't know the outcome for, and Christ will heal us, every part. I just know certain doctrinal truths. Any unrepented sin makes you imperfect, which disqualifies you from the kingdom of God. But it is merciful that Christ can cleanse us all and make us whole if we let Him. With that said, is it really so offensive to say that gay sex and transgenderism is a sin?

You still are being judgemental which is also a sin you really don't understand the bible most People don't truly understand the scriptures. God does not hate anyone and you spreading hate speech goes against everything God stands for. You act like your holier then thou. But you are not your committing a sin just from being hateful and judgemental.

If you actually think that God wants me to be complacent and always cheering on sin and going "Yass kween, slay, get that bag" when someone deifes their true identity, you're the one that hasn't read the scriptures. Tell me how tolerant God is of proud hearts and hands that are quick to do evil.

And what, pray tell, is this hate speech? You used it a few times, but what have I said that is so hateful?

Trust me I have read the scriptures and you keep judging and judging others is a sin. You are sinning right now by being hateful and judgemental. God is a very caring and kind God he does not hate anyone you don't understand the bible at all. Your brainwashed by the church. I know that what your doing is a sin but your to blind to see that being judgemental and hateful is also a sin. It's obvious I won't get anywhere with you so I will just say this I hope God forgives you for your judgemental and hateful attitude. Where all sinners even me and so are you. You just refuse to see the truth.

Everyone is entitled to their opinions, not a hard concept to grasp.

I never said that there not but me being a true Christian I hate seeing those that claim to be Christian spreading hate which is not what God is about. Also down voting my comments does not make them any less true.

"Also down voting my comments does not make them any less true." Yeah, that applies to me too. This is laughable.

I am not gonna argue with you anymore because you obviously don't understand. That being hateful and judgemental is a sin. Your a hypocrite that uses the scriptures as a tool for hate which is blasphemy another sin. I hope God forgives you I really do. I am not gonna continue this conversation any more your brainwashed by the church and don't understand the true meaning of the scriptures.

Man, I can't please anyone. Lukewarm Christians especially.

Hey man, you don't indulge schizos with their imagination, I don't see transgenderism any different than that.

What was your concern?

That a friend of mine was attempting the MtF route. I told him the process would inflict harm to his body and mind, and I didn't want to see it happen. I told him he was a son of God and that was an integral part of his identity. He didn't even respond to my concerns yet, it was other people getting offended on his behalf.

Presumably this friend put a lot of thought into this decision though. At some point you just have to accept that decision at wish a person well.

Hi, everyone, I am the transgendered individual Brady is on about.

I am not impressed that this situation and misinformation have been spread to different areas. I am sincerely disappointed and incredibly hurt you could do something like this, Brady, especially to one of your friends. I never thought you would go down and do this to someone. I actually don't care if you don't agree with my life choices, I could write paragraphs of individuals and groups who I don't agree with, but I choose not to because they are human and all choices we make in life will lead to some kind of consequence.

If you wanted to talk about this with me, you should just have PMed me, not spread rumours over FiMfiction. As much as I forgive you, you really have seriously damaged a friendship I had with you for a very, very long time.

I’m pretty sure there are verses in the scriptures that say “Hate the sin, not the sinner”. In this case, you can make friends with those who don’t agree with you or share the same lifestyle while not necessarily supporting their choices and ways of life.


The Bible never says being transgender is a sin. And if it is a sin, then aren't transgender people pretty much stuffed? I can't understand why you can forgive a thief or murderer, but you can't forgive someone who is LGBT.

I just cannot get this mindset that being LGBT is a sin. God created all His children, so if you push away someone who is LGBTQ+, then you are pushing away a child of God.

I cannot even call out someone for being homophobic or transphobic anymore, because otherwise they will have a hissy-fit and call me a bigot or "woke". That is where we as the human race have come to.

When does it become transphobia? When does it become homophobia? When does it become sexism? When does it become racism? What does it take to eventually become these elements?

And for your information, AMU, it is not a lifestyle. It is my life. End of.

If you're leaning into the Biblical argument, you're misinformed. Confusing and altering gender is not something of God's invention. The scriptures teach against homosexuality and any other perversion of the law of chastity, because Christ's law has always been men with women. Luckily, homosexuality and gender dysphoria are mortal trials that will go away after this life, and when that happens, I hope you'll turn back to the light and knowledge you once loved.

I treat gay people, and Christ treats gay people, the same way Christ told me to treat all other people in need. He forgives them, as long as they repent. It's only when one refuses to change, citing how high the standards of God are, that He labels them for what they are: fools and hypocrites. Fools because they think deceiving an easily deceived world will also deceive God; hypocrites because they decided to change divine law to fit themselves instead of themselves to fit divine law. We're all sinners and beggars before God; I need Him as much as you do. I promise you, giving up your divine identity is not what God wants from you.

You’re missing the point!

The Bible says that, rather than respond to the cruel-hearted by enacting cruelty in return, a Follower of Jesus should instead respond with compassion and mercy. Especially in times where the enemy is in a state of vulnerability and is unable to actually do anything.

Also, while it doesn’t outright say that transgenderism is a sin, it’s classified as such because it goes against God’s intentions of creating his children (no matter the skin color) male and female. He created a boy to be a boy and a girl to be a girl, and so the transgender-movements and actions are an open defiance against God. If anything, a person who’s born a boy yet wants to be a girl, or vice versa, is like saying that Man is God.

Full offense, Brady, go fuck yourself.

The disrespect you’ve shown to her is disgusting. Calling her problems a delusion, associating her with a mental illness, and saying she doesn’t exist as a person is not “phrasing your concern delicately”, you’re just being a holier than thou asshole.

Thank you for assuring me that I will never return to the LDS church. Don’t bother forgiving me, I don’t accept it.

Isaiah 56:3-5 and Matthew 19:10-12 are both relevant here I think because of their discussion of eunuchs. Obviously the Bible doesn't speak on transgender people as they were likely called something different in those times. But eunuchs have historically been considered a third gender or at least less than a man. However, we are told by the bible that these people are worthy of heaven. Acts 8:26-40 even features an Ethiopian eunuch who is baptised by Philip the Apostle. So how can one group of people who change the body given to them by god, who make it impossible for themselves to bear children or lie with a woman. What difference is there truly between them and a trans person?

Oh so skin colour is okay, but being gay or trans isn't? 60-70 years ago you would be saying otherwise.

There is no verse in the Bible that says you cannot be transgender. That is the bottom line, therefor there is no valuable reason to go against it.

I have heard this pathetic argument hundreds of times. Look, AMU, I have tried to reason with you and tried to come to some mutual agreement on your rants against homosexuals and transgendered people. I am damn lucky to live in a country which no longer KILLS me or PERSECUTES me, yet just recently a trans girl in the UK was murdered.

YOU are homophobic and YOU are transphobic. You hate trans people, you hate gay people. If I cannot change your perspective on the matter, then you cannot change my perspective either.

Our years of debate have come down to this. My patience is over. There is a reason why I left the Christian groups on this website. You are now blocked. For good. Go away and never tell me how to live my life again.

I was never telling you how to live your life in the first place. Frankly, I’m not surprised by either your accusations or your response. You have shown clear as day that you’re blinded by your own selfish desires of the flesh, that you’re intolerant of anyone who disagrees with you, and that you’re in denial of God’s word than for it.

It’s no wonder our friendship broke apart so long ago, along with your clear victim mentality, which I found is unfortunately common amongst the LGBT community.

I looked up the word on the internet.

Actually, a eunuch is a castrated man, and castrated means to be neutered or fixed. In short, a castrated man is a person whose testicles were removed.

Which is altering the body given to them by god. It's removing what makes them a man and living as something other.

Castrating, among others, was particularly used on servants to make them complacent and obedient to their masters. Which is quite honestly a sin. It’s basically depriving a man of his own livelihood and humanity!

If anything, this only makes me more convinced than transgenderism is a sin.

We have been victims since your book of human written words said we were bottom class citizens. Your people have murdered, exterminated, raped, experimented, tortured and imprisoned my people for CENTURIES.
Now that most countries including ISRAEL let us live freely, you're now the victim?

Stop giving excuses on the "trans debate".

Excuse me, but I’m not the one making excuses around here. You are!

The Bible doesn’t say a single thing about there being a third gender called “trans” to begin with, and frankly, I hardly recall the LGBT community being victims of anything more than Christians have been over the years.

What are you going to say next? That Israel deserves to be blown up and obliterated by Hamas? Simply because of what they “did to your people”?

God sounds like a real piece of shit to me if he expects people to repent for being gay or transgender. Definitely not an ideology I want to belong to. Especially if heaven is surrounded by narcissistic assholes like you and Brady. Glad she’s cutting you out of her life. Sounds like she’s put up with enough bullshit from you.

That is bang out of order. You refuse to address the history of my people and now you dismiss the horrors your people have brought upon my people for thousands of years compared to your people, regarding it as less, and still do to this day in places like Russia and Africa.

I am not a third gender. I am a human being like you. If God created me, then I am a child of God. Therefore, you would dismissing me as a creation of God becauae I don't feel I am the gender I suit in more comfortably.

Now you bring in the drama involving Israel?! Please, I never said your people should suffer. I am saying your people shouldn't punish other people because of their ideology that we do not fit into your box to go to heaven.

You know the reason why we're angry with religion? Because Christianity has been and still is used as a tool to dehumanise us for CENTURIES. We can't ever win or come to some agreement, unless you learn that we deserve the same basic human rights as you.


Especially if heaven is surrounded by narcissistic assholes like you and Brady.

🙄Look who’s talking.

Frankly, I hardly see how I’m the cause of her outburst or friendship-breaking. It seems more like the reasons are all because of her alone, and the fact that she won’t admit to it only makes her all-the-more immature.


You refuse to address the history of my people and now you dismiss the horrors your people have brought upon my people for thousands of years compared to your people, regarding it as less, and still do to this day in places like Russia and Africa.

What is it that I’m even refusing to address in the first place? Or dismissing?

You know the reason why we're angry with religion? Because Christianity has been and still is used as a tool to dehumanise us for CENTURIES.

No, it’s because you’re selfish and arrogant attention-seekers who basically want to give the idea that you’re above the world and are right about everything. You treat yourselves as if you’re your own gods, and treat any form of criticism as an attack.

You wish to convince me that being trans is a good thing, which is basically code for saying that you want me to think like you. I, on the other hand, hardly recall doing any of that in the midst of this debate. All I’ve ever been doing is simply trying to help you understand why I believe in my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and why I don’t think LGBTism as a whole is a good thing.

So, so much is wrong with your comment. I have to break it down because it's honestly ridiculous.

LGBTism is not a word.

Calling us arrogant and and selfish is rich coming from you.

You do not bother to learn anything about LGBT people and our history. You do not learn about the persecuation we have/still face. You do not bother to learn the cruel things Christains did/do to LGBT people.

We are not Gods, we are human beings.

Grow a pair, do some research into our stories, lives and history of persecuation, and stop looking from one side of the argument for once.

If treating human beings like human beings, regardless of gender or sexuality makes ME a narcissist, fine by me. I just call that basic human decency.

And there it is. More accusations, as well as displays of your victim mentality, hypocrisy, and pomposity. For a person who’s saying that you’re a human being just like the rest of us, you certainly aren’t acting like it.

You do not bother to learn the cruel things Christains did/do to LGBT people.

All I can say is this:

Anyone who says they’re a Christian, yet commits despicable things like murder and adultery, is not a Christian at all. The Bible makes it perfectly clear that the world is full of false prophets, and people need to always be on the lookout for them.

I do exactly the same as you. The problem, however, is that people keep wanting me to support what they’re doing. To which, I don’t want to.

What do you say to that?

We are not murders.

We are gay. End of. Stop comparing us to criminals.

What you said has been extremely hurtful, false and wrong. There is nothing Biblical in your replies and according to your religion, everyone is a sinner. Therefore, you and I equally sin and every sin is sin regardless.

And you contunue to ignore our history. Despicable.

Everything that you have said has been homophobic and transphobic. There is no alternative.

And you can. I thought like for many years of my life, most of my childhood was spent practicing Christianity, specifically the Mormon sect. Over the years I’ve given it thought and now I choose to support LGBTQ+ and transgenders.

Of course you don’t have to support it. In the same way you are critical about transgender and LGTBQ+ people, I’m critical about the Christian views of it.


And you contunue to ignore our history. Despicable.

What history?

As far as I can tell, you and your “people” have it easy. You’re always rubbing your personal lives and matters in the faces of others for no reason, and nowadays…it’s come to the point of where you basically want to have dominion over everyone! Transgender bathrooms! Unnecessary teachings of sexuality in schools! What more do you want?

If anything, your “history” and “victimhood” are more signs of your victim mentality and insecurities.

Everything that you have said has been homophobic and transphobic.

That’s exactly what I expected you to say. I never said anything remotely homophobic or transphobic, not even things like you should go commit suicide, and you still call me those things. You’re a hypocrite.

Tell me this:

Over the years, the biggest thing I’ve been advocating for is freedom. Freedom of choice, speech, life, and liberty. It’s what I also believe the LGBTQIA+ community has a right to.

Why is it that it’s always okay to express criticism of Christianity, but not okay to express criticism of LGBTism?

It’s okay to criticize everything. Believe it or not, there are some aspects of the LGBTQ+ community that I don’t fully agree with. You are free to criticize all you want. As am I.

And as for history, just for starters I’m pretty sure it was a CRIME to perform same-sex acts (even if they were two consenting adults in the privacy of their own home) until the 1960’s, I believe. Double checked, and that was the start. Indiana, 1961. Not to mention that same sex marriage was made legal in all 50 states in 2015 by the Supreme Court. Pretty darn sure Christians could get married and have sex for without any problem for hundreds of years. When was Christianity ever a crime in the US, maybe just before the First Amendment? I’ll round up, maybe the 1800’s.

But yeah, there’s no history at all. They’ve always had the SAME rights and treatment as everyone. Totally NO history of oppression or unjust treatment at all.

They’re “rubbing it in your faces” because they’ve been treated like dog shit by everyone for many years. Now that it’s becoming more acceptable, of course they are going to celebrate and be more outspoken.

It has always been okay to criticize both, no one here has said otherwise.

The problem is that there is a difference between criticizing LGBTQ, and flat out denouncing it as a mental illness. Pushing for people who are gay to take therapy to become straight is not criticism.


What history?

As far as I can tell, you and your “people” have it easy. You’re always rubbing your personal lives and matters in the faces of others for no reason, and nowadays…it’s come to the point of where you basically want to have dominion over everyone! Transgender bathrooms! Unnecessary teachings of sexuality in schools! What more do you want?

If anything, your “history” and “victimhood” are more signs of your victim mentality and insecurities.

That’s exactly what I expected you to say. I never said anything remotely homophobic or transphobic, not even things like you should go commit suicide, and you still call me those things. You’re a hypocrite.

I will have to break this down again but I am losing patience since you refuse to learn anything other than your own headspace. Your response is just despicable and heartbreaking and downright disrespectful.

  1. My people have never had it easy. The UK was one of the last nations in Europe to decriminalise homosexuality. It took them until 1967 to do so. Christianity dominated the world, including throughout the British Empire. The Nazis threw us into concentration camps, murdered us, and experimented on us. We were seen as the scum of the earth. Alan Turing, a gay mathematician in the UK who solved the enigma machine in the Second World War, was imprisoned for his homosexuality, and later committed suicide. Gay men were hanged in London publically. I will tell you right now, AMU, us homosexuals have never, ever had it easy.
  2. No one who is LGBTQ+ has ever wanted to dominate over another human being. There never has been one with that mentality. Ever. Religion, however, has been at the centre of law for thousands of years, and as soon there's a law that you disagree with, everytime a gay person gets married or gets basic rights to live as a human being, you have a hissy fit.
  3. LGBTQ+ studies have been a thing in schools since I was in school. Not sure why this is a new thing.
  4. Allowing a trans person to have their own space and bathroom is breaking YOUR privacy? How?

Apparently, I'm the hypocrite, because you refuse to look elsewhere for history lessons. I can't, I just can't.

I tried to teach members in the Christian groups to love LGBTQ+ people and not push us to the side, which is what you have done and still do to this day. But every time we ask for human decency and be treated like human beings, you call us hypocrites.

I can't, I just can't.

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