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"... okay, I have another plan!"

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  • 3 weeks
    Fallout Review

    It's been a while since I've done some reviews, so I figure I'm gonna review something that I've been getting into a lot as of late; Fallout! I have finally become integrated into the fandom, and I am happy for it, I've been in love with this series more and more as I get involved with it. I've gotten Fallout 4 in honor of the show (which I intend to review at some point after I finish it) and I

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  • 7 weeks
    Check In

    Afternoon/evening folks!

    Sorry I haven't been checking in as often as I should; rest assured I'm not dead, I'm still here, just been silent as of late. Still working on fics, but also constantly debating with myself on what to focus on next, wanted to make some new stuff that isn't just Shattered or Star Wars. Wanna bring more folks in, do somethin' new.

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  • 22 weeks
    Top Ten Films/Series Of 2023/Reflections

    First off, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

    Hard to believe another year has passed, hasn't it? *sighs* how time has flown by. A lot's happened this year; more stories, more creativity and entertainment has come, and I've learned more about myself, and I am very glad for that.

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  • 23 weeks
    Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

    Hey everyone!

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  • 25 weeks
    The Guardians Of The Galaxy Holiday Special Review

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Top Ten Films/Series Of 2023/Reflections · 7:08pm Dec 31st, 2023

First off, Happy New Year's Eve everyone!

Hard to believe another year has passed, hasn't it? *sighs* how time has flown by. A lot's happened this year; more stories, more creativity and entertainment has come, and I've learned more about myself, and I am very glad for that.

One thing I am proud of for this year, is that I have finally have started doing art on the side, as I've started making cutie marks of my own! ... I cannot show any of them because the last time I had publicly displayed any of them (or even displayed a request that someone did for me) it got fucking stolen and I cannot reclaim it back, so now something that was made for me is in the hands of an incel who I swear needs some actual help :fluttershbad: ... I'm not looking good by this either, I know. But I am glad to have gotten better. Maybe one day I'll show my works, at least til I find a means where I can have it be safeguarded without it getting stolen, art thievery is still rampant and I hate that there isn't an easy way to stop it. >.<

I'm also thankful that I've gotten a bit more bold with some of my works, at least what I've gotten done. Doing a Rated M story with actual sex was a huge amount of worry for me, and despite the low views it got, I'm still glad I did it, it was a huge step out of the normal stuff I did. And it also makes me more glad I cut a particular individual out of my life cause apparently writing consensual intercourse before marriage is 'sinning'. If you know, ya know. And hey, I'm also glad to write a fic with a non-binary romance as well, that was a huge step up for me personally, again going outside the norm of what I usually write, and I am proud of myself for making it, I think it was worth it. Just saying though, if any of you bring that hateful crap here, I am not going to put up with it, there's only so much hateful, spiteful, and unnecessary fearmongering and hate that I'm gonna deal with.

I've also been exposed to more TV series and new stuff which while I haven't talked about a lot on here, I can at least share some thoughts based on the stuff I've seen this year so far.

Breaking Bad: I get why people love this show, but I can only watch it in bursts cause of the extremely depressing side regarding Walter White. Everything else I'm fine with; the dangers of the drug trade, the criminal violence, the deaths, I'm good with all that. It's just that one little aspect of Walter White that... hits a little too close to home.

Avatar The Last Airbender: I understand why people love this show now. Strong story, great characters, lots of great action, it's just an all around awesome show. I'm glad I watched it over the course of the second half of the year, it was well worth it. :twilightsmile:

But now let's talk about what actually came out this year, and a lot of great stuff came out. So let's begin with the Top Ten countdown of movies and TV shows that released for 2023, my personal top picks.

Number 10: Chicken Run, Dawn Of The Nugget

Is this movie necessary? No, it isn't. But it's just fun. Honestly that's all I needed after a long year, and that's what I got. Aardman Animation never fails to deliver when it comes to fun, at worst they put out a mediocre flick that has some fun stuff. But this was enjoyable on it's own merits, it was nice to see the old gang again. I do like some of the trauma touches from the first film still lingering on the characters, no way they move on that quickly after all the horrible stuff that they went through.

Honestly it was just a nice, fun, simple movie to enjoy and I have nothing more to really say.

Number 9. Transformers Rise of the Beasts

Before this movie release, I had a lot of hesitation to see it cause I saw a lot of... detours it was taking, and it felt like it was taking several steps back from Bumblebee. But when I saw it, I was actually happy with what I saw. Now it does have it's problems, and I have a lot of issues, especially after seeing concept art of what could have been, but I do feel like I enjoyed this one way more than the other movies, probably because One; I can see what the hell is happening. Two, the robots actually have some damn screentime. Three, it still feels respectful to Transformers... most of it at least I'm still iffy on Wheeljack's redesign cause that is just... that was an unnecessary redesign, what the hell happened here.

It's not a surprise this one is so low on the list here, but I still enjoyed this movie for what it had and you know what; I still think the story can work amazing had they included the Decepticons and got rid of Unicron. Still keep the Terrorcons though, I liked them. :scootangel:

Number 8: The Last Of Us

I never played the games, I only heard about it through word of mouth and seen a few let's plays of it here and there. But I really enjoyed this series, and I was honestly surprised how much I enjoyed it. It is a very sad universe in this show, but I think they did a good job of balancing it with the sweetness, cause that's what I wanted to see the most, and I loved it. I love watching Joel and Ellie interact, and I love the father/daughter dynamic these two have, I think it is really sweet and cute. It gave me the warm fuzzies I needed. :heart:

But it wouldn't be fair to them to just credit them only, I loved the rest of the characters as well, I loved Bill and Frank, their story was really sweet and I loved watching them interact and grow with each other. Sam and Henry were sweet as well, and ohhh god that was sad... :fluttershysad: Really tugs at your heartstrings. I give this show a watch if you haven't, it's good. Just watch it in bursts, good lord it gets sad.

Number 7: The Bad Batch Season 2

I feel like this series picks up a lot after what we got from Season 1. I really enjoyed Season 1, but I feel like this season improved... and fell back a few times. It improves a lot with showing the actual aftermath of the Clone Wars, the effects of the early Empire, Crosshair's story and redemption, seeing all the new and old Clones are awesome (seriously I hope we get to see Fireball and Nemec again, I already love them for the two minutes we got), and even the two-parter showing the politics on Coruscant and the big change in the Empire's plans was a great change, I think it worked really well.

What didn't work is the Bad Batch constantly getting screwed over for the stupid fetch quests that honestly are just not that fun to watch. I'm glad Tech got some character development I do, but the fetch quests get so bogged down in doing stupid things that don't reward them at the end, it becomes a joke/predictable cause you know they will fail and not get a win every damn time. And I have come to hate twist endings, especially that last scene, that is ten levels of what the actual hell that's too much to comprehend, when did that happen? No, seriously, when did that actually happen?

But aside from my complaints, I really enjoyed Season 2, and I look forward to the third and final season. ... if they ever fucking give us a trailer already. Lucasfilm, babe. Give us a trailer already and release it early, m'kay? I already got pissed when you delayed it for Andor, which yeah, it is good, but that still pissed me off when you changed dates. :ajbemused:

Number 6: Mandalorian Season 3

Honestly I had a lot of fun watching this one. Yeah, it has it's issues, and yeah there are some stuff that should be talked about more... but to be honest, I was just having fun. After a lot of depressing shit happening, and this coming around the corner of the Writer's Strike, I just needed something to cheer me up and this show did that. I love the new worlds, returning characters familiar and obscure, it's just a lot of fun for me. I don't get what all the hate is on this, aside from maybe some questionable writing choices, but personally I just don't see it taking a nosedive, I think it ended on an okay note, if that's where the story ends. What I can't stand is when people like to shit on this show just to put Andor on a pedestal, seriously what the hell Star Wars fans. I love Andor too, but can ya not act like holier-than-thou snobs about it?

Yes this is coming from a massive hypocrite :derpytongue2:

Number 5: The Owl House Finale

Okay, Dana Terrence. I am very cross at you. I am trying to enjoy the last time I get to see these characters... and when it is this damn sweet and cute, how DARE you make me bawl my eyes out. *folds arms and pouts*

In all seriousness, despite the serious bullshit the executives did to screw over the team who worked on this amazing show, I think they did the best job they could to wrap it up, and it ended on an awesome note. Glad there was a happy ending, it was resolved nicely, I think it ended nice enough to say that there will still be challenges along the way, but the characters are going to be okay. Seriously if you haven't watched this show, do, it is really good. Of course the best thing this show does along with everything else is the relationship with Luz and Amity. Oh my god these two are so damn cute and perfect together and I love it. Favorite ship, not gonna lie. :heart:

Number 4: My Adventures With Superman

I'm not the biggest Superman fan, no that honor goes to my friend Jadepone :raritywink: But I really enjoyed this series, I love the anime-animation for this show, I love the character interactions, this was just a really fun series. Honestly I want more of this Superman, I would love to watch more of this show, and if there is a season 2 coming, I'm pumped! Though the best thing in this show for me, is the interactions with Clark and Lois Lane. They were great, I feel the chemistry between them, and they bounce off each other really well. Also Tomboy Lois Lane. Oh my goodness, she is so damn cute :rainbowkiss: I want more of this Lois, she is so hecking cute, ohh.

Number 3: Spider-Man, Across The Spider-verse

Everything in this movie has improved in some capacity. The animation has improved, character interactions, the story, it's just an awesome movie. I love all these different styles of animation bouncing with each other, and honestly I know some folks might be tired of multi-verse stuff, but I personally love this kind of thing? I love seeing different variants of a character and watching them interact, that might be why I love these movies. It's just so cool seeing Spider-Man take on many forms, and honestly I think that's a cool thing to write. You can be whatever kind of Spider-Man you wanna be, and make them the person you want to be. I am eager for the second part, for sure... if the damn heads in charge pay the damn people what their worth and give these hard-working animators who break their backs for the company respect. :ajbemused:

Number 2: Guardians of the Galaxy 3

This one was so damn good. Honestly one of the best MCU films I've seen in a while, so far after No Way Home, the MCU movies have been 'eh, they're okay' to 'meh'. This? This was awesome. Hot damn it got dark. There was a lot of stuff I wasn't ready for, and holy shit, it got grim in a lot. But it didn't stop it from having fun too, there was enough light-hearted stuff and funny moments to counterbalance. Seriously, check this one out, it is really good. If you love Guardians, give this a watch. My only nitpick is that I feel only a few songs were memorable, but that's just a nitpick.

Also Cosmo. She is best doggo. I want to snuggle the hell out of this adorable doggo. :rainbowkiss::yay::heart:

Honorable Mentions


I enjoyed this movie for what it is, other people can delve into the political, social, or whatever aspects of this movie, I don't care. I wanted to see a fun movie, and I got that. Don't have desire to see it again, but I enjoyed it.

TMNT Mutant Mayhem

Again, wanted to see a fun movie. I enjoyed what I saw, and even though I'm not a huge fan of the turtles, I enjoyed this movie okay. But I am glad it made a lot of other TMNT fans happy.

Gen V

From the world of The Boys, we went to the school that gives young hormonal supes a chance to become heroes. And I honestly liked this series, I really do. I do like the characters for the most part, it does fit in with the world of The Boys, and honestly I really loved our leading lady. I know some people think she's bland or that she's too good, but honestly given how awful everyone in this show's universe is, it's honestly just wonderful having a character who legitimately wants to be a hero to do good things and not for the fame and glory of it, she reminds of Starlight, and I mean that in the best possible way. If you're a fan of The Boys, give this a watch, the world-building, the characters, and the story's really great.

... except for that ending, though that's probably because my biased eyes grow tired of cliffhangers for shows and not resolving things within it's season.

And now for number 1. My number 1 choice of 2023...

Five Nights At Freddy's

What can I say? I had been waiting for this movie for the longest time, and I got what I wanted. Is it perfect? No. Does it have issues? Yeah, but really, all pieces of fiction do. But for what we got I'm glad it's here. If there are more of these FNAF movies, I'm freaking ready. I saw this movie on Halloween night, and it did not disappoint, it made for a wonderful night that I will not ever forget. And upon rewatching, I do like the little clues that are present that you can pick up upon a second viewing, made it even better for me. Hopefully physical media's still going to happen, cause I cannot wait to buy this movie.

And those were my top picks for this year. Obviously not all of you are gonna agree, and that's perfectly okay. There were some shows I didn't talk about mostly cause I either didn't have much to say, or it was going to devolve into me going on a rant and frankly I want to leave that part of me behind. Only save rants for particular pieces of media that legitimately piss me off, but I don't want to go off on any of you, that's not who I want to be.

And while I know this year's had it's challenges, in more ways than one, I do think you all did great. We're still here, we still stand. No matter the obstacles that we face, we're still going to keep fighting and push forward. And with that, I am ready to welcome the new year. Let's make 2024 a better year.

Happy New Years Eve everyone! :twilightsmile:

Report FourShadow · 172 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Happy New Year, Four! :twilightsmile:

A pretty solid countdown to my view, Four. :pinkiesmile:

Happy New Year, and let's do what we can to make it a good one! :yay:

I recommend watching John Wick movies with the fourth movie released that year. It gets better and better as it goes along. Happy New Year.:pinkiehappy:

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