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Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Discussion! Spoilers! · 6:42pm January 12th

Now that enough time has passed, how does everyone feel about the game? Share your thoughts! Positive and negative! Gameplay. Story. Characters. Whatever!

Report Maximus_Reborn · 543 views ·
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Comment posted by comedyfreak94 deleted January 12th
Comment posted by comedyfreak94 deleted January 12th

Okay so on the POSITIVE side?

Character wise: I love seeing Miles' whole journey with Li. From filled with rage and wanting to avenge his dad in the WORST possible way to the point he neglects the others to learning that sometimes to 'beat' your demons you gotta let that go. He doesn't have to forgive him..... but letting that hate swirl and stew inside him is NOT good. I also loved how Peter and MJ's relationship continued to develop and it wasn't just some instant "HE GETS THE GIRL AND ALL IS HAPPY!" like how other stories might've done it. And they each have their OWN drives and passions that don't necessarily coalesce with each other at first. But learning to get that together and how they act with each other REALLY made the love between them seem more real.

Also controversial opinion? I think Harry was damn fun in the first 2/3rds of the game. That even with the limited interactions we did have at that point it STILL felt like a real friendship and brotherhood between him and Peter. And oddly enough I felt like Norman did love Harry, even if it was still just another thing he's using to get close to Peter of course, which is saying something compared to how their relationship normally is. Oh and. Kraven. FUCKING. KRAVEN. This game did justice for The Master of The Hunt then I think ANY Adaption has ever done. Maybe a bit TOO OP feeling at times but after years of being a joke THIS Kraven was someone I legit feared and felt like the WEAKER animal until Symbiote Spider-Man appeared.

Gameplay wise: I loved the Symbiote powers for Peter and how he acted with it at first. These were unlike anything else he's ever had and most importantly it made him feel... BETTER. And it translated to gameplay to for me at least. He wasn't so much 'faster' then Miles but he felt stronger and his powers felt so damn GOOD to play with. That isn't to say Miles' own abilities felt lackluster either though. Much better at crowd control I felt like and in general felt like such a cool thing to do. Especially when you could chain the lightning towards multiple bad guys. Though I gotta say it......... THAT gameplay...... VENOM'S gameplay. THAT WAS FUCKING AMAZING. Just this perfect encapsulation of what makes him A FUCKING BEAST and we got to wreak havoc with him! Hell I kinda hate it was just for one mission and we didn't get to play a couple more missions to kinda get a glimpse at what his final boss abilities were like..... THAT BEING SAID?



Negative side: I felt like the slaughter of The Half the Sinister Six felt needless and kinda pointless. They didn't add any real big thing aside from going "LOOK HOW BIG AND BAD KRAVEN IS!" but then being kept off screen. It'd make it MORE fitting to have us fight them as boss fights again and show how cool and powerful they are and THEN show Kraven killing them later in cage matches to show how much of a danger he really is.

I also hate how The Emily-May Foundation was set up and looked to be a neat thing that coulda tied more into the story and how balance/legacies can be used for good and yet in the end it's really only there to introduce a way to destroy the Knull Meteor and stop The Symbiotes as well as nearly getting destroyed by The Hunters to make Harry feel upset and angry at something.... and now for my biggest negative and I REALLY can't believe I'm saying this.....

Venom was Knull..... and by that I mean this version felt like..... he went EVIL too fast or was looking for an excuse to go that way. When he did behave like Venom it was good and I did like the whole WoS segment but.... overall he felt less like a good take on a Evil Venom and more like they wanted to do Knull without OUTRIGHT doing Knull. His character felt all over the place and so shoehorned in rather then actually being well... a good well rounded and possibly tragic alien character. It says something about him that their first instinct was to have Venom BASICALLY be seemingly killed off rather then try to see if he could be reasoned with.

Overall this game HAs some strong stuff to it and I do love the side missions and character stuff but...... the story, especially the last 1/3rd, coulda used some fine tuning a bit.


Loved the game! I thought it was just as good as the previous two games. The story was pretty solid going from elements of "Kraven's Last Hunt" mixed with the common Black Suit/Venom story in the first and second acts to going all "Web of Shadows" in the final act of the game.

Peter and Harry's friendship was one of my favourite highlights, and having Harry become Venom makes it all more personal and bittersweet, along with Miles growing as his own Spider-Man outside of Peter's shadow and overcoming his inner darkness towards Martin Li to saving Peter from his own darkness. I love how Peter and MJ's relationship continues to grow and they both have their own problems to overcome, and I did not see that unexpected but welcome Scream fight coming.

Kraven was certainly relentless and ruthless. His whole motivation being to find a worthy prey who's strength matches or surpasses his own so he can die a warrior's death rather than die to a terminal illness, going to whatever lengths he has to get what he wants no matter the lives he ruins in the end. Venom was certainly my most favourite (with Tony Todd being a perfect casting choice). And honestly, I prefer the more villainous side of Venom that I first knew him as in his debut rather than the whole "Lethal Protector" or misunderstood aspect of him I see nowadays and this a welcome change of pace. And if Insomniac does have an official announcement of a Venom solo game and a way to bring him back, I hope it will be Eddie Brock.

The gameplay is quite similar to previous games with new additions such as the parry which takes some getting used to, the web-wings adding some new traversal and being able to play as both Spder-Men with each having their own unique abilities (Peter with his Spider-Arms and Symbiote skills and Miles with his Venom and Evolved Venom skills). It was nice that the Spider-Men, along with Agent Venom and Wraith, can interact with each other after a crime-in-progress. And I REALLY loved that you get to play as Venom in the game, even if it only just once, it felt like he was such a beast and it reminded me of the SWAT fight from the Venom 2018 movie. The side missions were pretty good too with a couple hinting on future villains for either possible DLC or the sequels (Chameleon and Carnage), my favourite side mission has to be the Howard mission.

If there are a few things I was disappointed about, it would be the following.

1. Being unable to replay the JJJ Just the Facts/Danikast podcast audio files in the menu in case they were interrupted by a crime-in-progress or side mission. I don't understand why they omitted this feature when the previous two games had it.

2. Unable to change the white Anti-Venom tendrils back to the black Symbiote tendrils post-game. It looks weird having white tendrils come out of the black suit. Thankfully, this feature will be included in the upcoming New Game+ update along with the Day/Night toggle and mission replay.

3. Killing off most of the Sinister Six. On one hand, it shows how unrelenting and dangerous Kraven is, and on the bright side Peter now has a few less villains to worry about even if they didn't deserve it. On the other hand, its sad that these deaths apart from Scorpion's happened off-screen and they won't return for any future instalments. Plus we didn't even get a "GET BACK HERE, SHOCKER!" reference.

4. Lack of web gadgets. While I like the gadgets available in the game, it's disappointing that certain gadgets like Impact Webs or Taser Webs don't make a return. Perhaps if there was a way to include more as DLC and switch which gadget loadouts the player wants to use like how you can switch which Spider Arms, Symbiote or Venom skills you want to use as your loadout.

5. Lack of challenge missions for Peter. The Mysterio challenge missions are locked to only Miles and it's disappointing that Peter doesn't get any. Hopefully, there will be some DLC where Peter can actually participate in challenges.

6. The Evolved Suit. It's no shock that a lot of people don't like Mile's new suit or the fact it was designed as a sponsor for adidas . Now while I don't think it is terrible, it is certainly not good and could've been better. It makes the 10th Anniversary suit look better in comparison. If there were ways to improve it, I'd say get rid of the sneakers, don't let the hair stick out of the mask and give the option to pull the hoodie up or down.

My favourite suits for Peter would have to be the Advanced Suit 2.0 (Style 2), the Amazing Suit 2, the Classic Suit (Style 2) and the Superior Suit. I like all of the Symbiote suits and I like that the Classic Black Suit has a style that references the 1994 animated series. My favourite suits for Miles has to the the TRACK Suit (Style 3), the Sportswear Suit, Into/Across the Spider Verse suits and the Upgraded suit, with the Wakanda Forever suit as an honorable mention.

Overall, I'd give the game an 8.5/10.

Gameplay wise, it was a massive upgrade and I can't ever go back to playing the first one or Miles. Story wise, it was heavily lacking and made several character decisions I wasn't a fan of. It feels like a middling mid part of the story rather than exciting continuation.

The story was Great but how they did the takin off the symbiot as kinda bad, could’ve used some context from spiderman 2 (movie)

I would say the gameplay is overall improved and I liked it. The symbiote abilities are cool, it does make you feel overpowered.

Kraven was an awesome antagonist (even IF I feel like went overboard with killing the previous villains, poor Shocker...). Probably one of my new favorit iterations of him.

The Flame had me feeling so happy. I was wondering if he was some old villain I somehow missed but I did think he looked eerily similar to you-know-who... but turns out... its him! And I can't wait to see him go "maximum". Lizard was a cool fight too, and I really liked how aggressive Peter got with him.

Mysterio was another big fave, he was by far my most wanted villain for the game that wasn't confirmed at the time and he looks great, creepy even, and I even called it that he was gonna have some challenge missions akin to Taskmaster in the previous game.

Some of the new suits were a nice addition... but I HATE how they removed some in turn (like Vintage comic and Kaine Scarlet Spider) and also seriously, NO Spider-Verse 2099? Also, I dislike how they've removed the suit powers which made the suits in the previous games even more engaging. And some of these new suits are honestly terrible... Don't get me started on Miles adidas STORY suit... and gee thanks Harry, I completed your job and your gift is a garbage suit?...

Also I feel like the black suit arc was a bit... short? Like it could've been a taaaaad bit longer.

However, I dislike how they treated Venom... First of, never liked how it was Harry, ESPECIALLY when they confirmed that Eddie Brock did indeed exist in this universe. It was just very confusing to me, is it Harry doing this or is the symbiote controlling him? The game doesn't do a good job at making that clear... It just feels like an excuse to do "friend become the final boss" for a THIRD TIME IN A ROW NOW! Is there really no other formula or idea you guys have? Octavius at least worked. Phin hell no. But now Harry as well?

And I don't like how they treated Venom as just a generic monster that just wants to take over the world... Like, thats not Venom. Sure you can chalk it up as a "new take" but piss off, this is the most generic and boring take you can give him then. ESPECIALLY when Insomniac practically stole elements from the Venom comics without proper credit, AND gave the false promises of "oh he's the same Venom you all know and love"... no, he's not. I like his design alot and his voice is sexy as hell... but unfortunately... his character, what made him Venom left me vastly disappointed. Which sucks, Venom is my favorite Spider-Man villain (I know he's not much of a villain anymore but you know what I mean...) and I hope that supposed Venom game can fix it. If that game manage to deliver (which I hope, ever since Ultimate Spider-Man I've been craving a Venom solo game) I can forgive almost everything about Venom in SM2, but until then, RIP bozo...

Also, Norman's sudden hatred towards the Spiders feels... forced. Like yes, Harry's in a coma and wounded... but he's not dead. I know you're Norman Osborn and I know you have to become the Goblin, I can't wait, but seriously? They SAVED your son!

However, It was fun to play as him... once... but why would you NOT have some unlockable bonus challenges where you can play as Venom and cause as much havoc as possible?

And also, no New Game+ REALLY hurts the replayability. Like I have NO REASON to play this until it gets one... I've heard it will come along with some additional things (like changing the symbiote color thank god... I don't wanna beat villains with "white splooge" all the time... especially when I'm wearing the BLACK suit). And also... why can't I replay Jameson's podcasts? Come on, I love that guy, but sometimes I'm not able to listen cause I need to beat up some badguys and save civillians. The previous games had them so what gives?

So yeah overall, a VERY mixed bag. They did some things great as usual, better even... but the writing especially feels like it has taken 2 steps back... which has me a bit worried for future projects ngl. I don't just want good gameplay, I want good characters and story too.

Again, with NG+ and the Venom game, I hope I was worried for nothing.

Dude you mentioned everything I was gonna list, I did like that Venom’s take over of New York was a play on the Planet of the Symbiotes and Absolute Carnage event. The Kraven’s Last Hunt add elements to an iconic Spider-Man story. And I feel that it sucks that during those hunter nests areas we learn Kraven’s family minus Chameleon is dead, I would have loved to see them come and kill the Spider-Men just to bring Kraven back. I was hoping that we would see Vulture’s granddaughter in the game who in the comics is a team member and girlfriend to Miles.

I hated the lizard fight

I never lost until then

I hate to lose

I totally dominated kraven and his hunters

I am the Ultimate Hunter

I’ll be honest though

Seeing venom with those wings

It reminded me of devilman

To everyone here

Here’s a discord link to spiders and Magic


I the soundtrack was great

I haven't actually played the game, just seen gameplay and story clips. Honestly, I don't even know if I want to buy the game, especially not at $70. I might rent it though, but honestly this game does nothing for me.

Spider-Man 2 looks fun to play, but first off, it is aesthetically terrible. Peter's face looks awful, who's idea was it too turn this twenty-something year old man into a face that looks thirteen years old? Don't even get me started on other characters, like MJ.

Second, I like Miles, but from what I've seen, he just feels kind of there. Also why is he called 'Spider-Man' as well? That's just confusing and terrible writing. If Peter's actively Spider-Man in universe, Miles does not need to use the name. Call him Kid Arachnid, Shadow Spider, hell even Thwippy. Feels pointless.

Third, seems like they added more MJ segments. Why though? I really disliked those in the first game, now I gotta do more? Bogus. Then you have Miles's girlfriend being playable too. I have nothing against her, I'm glad she exists because Miles could use a love interest that isn't Gwen Stacy, because the latter just feels wrong. Honestly I would have also gone with Phin from the spin-off game too. But these girls do not need to be playable.

My biggest gripe is Harry Osborn being Venom. An origin story with Venom should not be anyone other than Eddie Brock. That's like a Captain America origin story replacing Steve Rogers, or an Iron Man one replacing Tony Stark. Because I have yet to hear any good argument that Harry Osborn was a good choice for Venom. Eddie Brock is Venom, just like Peter Parker is Spider-Man. Calling Eddie Brock stale as Venom is just a bad judgement, because then you'd need to apply that to just about any other hero and villain too.

Passing superhero names around, or any alias feels like a terrible idea. Very rarely is it done well. Miles being Spider-Man is 90 Percent hand-me-downs. Miguel O'Hara has his own version of Spidey villains, yes, but he at least has his own villains too. Then there's his Gwen Stacy love story thing, which thankfully won't be a thing in this universe, so Insomniac got that right at least. But down to the name though? Some dialogue may have propped Miles too much, especially the "Why does New York need me when it has you?" from Peter.

Whoever writes Miles Morales needs to take lessons from Batman Beyond, because that is how you do a successor story. Give Miles more of his own stuff. His game felt like a step in the right direction, but I didn't see anything in this sequel that did him justice.

Now, maybe clips and Let's Plays don't do this enough justice, maybe I still need to really play the game before I give a fair criticism, but honestly, I don't know if it's even worth my time. If I want good gameplay, I'll just stick to the first game. I wouldn't call this game a Last of Us 2 version of Spider-Man, but it did seem dangerously close.

I'm disappointed, I expect good things out of Spider-Man, but this does not seem to be one of them. Makes me even happier that I chose to get Sonic Superstars and Super Mario Bros Wonder that week instead. Before anyone says it, yes, maybe those games didn't change much in gameplay, but they at least had better effort put into them to justify trusting them over Marvel nowadays.

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