• Member Since 30th Jan, 2013
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Viking ZX

Author of Science-Fiction and Fantasy novels! Oh, and some fanfiction from time to time.

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Classic Being a Better Writer: Show Versus Tell · 7:33pm January 15th

Welcome, readers and writers!

Unfortunately, I’m still away from my home dealing with the aftermath of a family emergency/natural disaster. You can find more details here if you haven’t heard what is going on, but be warned, as it’s pretty severe. Suffice it to say, as noted last Friday, my life is in a very unexpected place right now and I’m still trying to manage things as best I can. Again, you can check the links for details.

For now, however, there’s been a holiday gap longer than normal, so it’s time to at least partially get things running again. I don’t quite have the time to do a new Being a Better Writer post yet, but I can at least pull up some older posts (with ten years worth of weekly articles, there’s a lot to choose from). So this week, and for the first BaBW post of the New Year, let’s talk about Show Versus Tell.

So without further ado, let’s dive right into it. Hit the jump, and let’s talk writing!

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