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ABBS VI: Quiet Days · 2:15am February 5th


well, this is becoming quite a trend. still very busy living non-fandom life. as for the little time i did manage to spend this week on fandom stuff, nearly all of it was working on the backend of the Comment Exchange, which has opening up a second round of submissions. the first round is almost ready to be assigned soon, and would normally have been already, but i am still getting those early kinks out.

in other news, the Café Hay Exquisite Corpse is progressing well! we will likely have the story done before the next of these blogs come out, though whether or not it will be published depends on how we collectively decide to do it. i, for one, am very excited about how it turns out!


nothing again, again! but this week i know that there will be quieter days coming up where i really am itching to put fingies to keyboard. i may just polish up the one gift fic that is done and publish it, just to get something out, even though in much more optimistic days i had planned to get all of them done before publishing at once.


and again, nothing even read. but with those quieter days i definitely do want to put some time in! i have sadly accumulated quite a backlog with the Carmine Collection that i at the very least want to get through.


but, ugh. if the days i spend away from the fandom are my happier ones, what kind of sign is that? maybe i really should focus on writing again. i miss it!

Report Bicyclette · 247 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Here's hoping things ease up for you soon! Glad you're having fun still. n_n

Maybe try writing original fiction if the fandom has proven a damper?

Best wishes on getting some peaceful time to write this upcoming week! And there's nothing wrong with time spent living life, whether for obligations or enjoyment (I fully empathize with the need for it). Fandom is just one part of that.

If your exquisite corpse story goes up on FimFiction, I'll be looking forward to reading it! I've participated in some exquisite corpse writing projects with my irl friends before and they are a ton of fun.

I also wanted to drop by to say that Comment Club seems like such a wonderful project to support authors' hard work and something I'd like to participate in! I absolutely love discussing writing and have been wanting to comment on fics more often and feel an organized system like this would keep me to that. Thank you for your work in putting it together. :twilightsmile:

Busy bike is busy!

Let's hope that you get back into the pony groove - or if not, that you'll still have a good time and get to be creative!

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