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Jade Ring

The purpose of a story is that it's a story. It can be more, but it can never be less.

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    Story #100 Teaser

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    Friendship is Magic: the Musical

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    So I figured hell, why not do the same with Friendship is Magic?

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Friendship is Magic: the Musical · 4:47pm February 10th

So I've been trying to find ways out of my recent funk, and this was one of the most recent attempts. I thoroughly enjoyed the freshman season of Hazbin Hotel, particularly the outstanding musical numbers and how the whole season could, with just a few small modifications, be made into a Broadway style stage musical.

So I figured hell, why not do the same with Friendship is Magic?

Here's my attempt. It was a lot of fun making adaptational choices and imagining new songs to supplement some songs from the source material. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

(Or gush about the music in Hazbin because goddamn More Than Anything is a masterpiece)


Act 1

Through projection effects and a screen, Princess Celestia’s voice narrates the story of the Founding of Equestria, how three tribes of ponies overcame their differences and came together to found a new land. She tells of how they were then threatened by a monster called Nightmare Moon who was ultimately locked away by mysterious treasures known as the Elements of Harmony. The screen lifts revealing Celestia is telling this story to two young ponies: her students Twilight Sparkle and Moon Dancer. While Celestia steps away to get something, the two students debate the meaning behind Celestia's story. Celestia returns with a large egg and tells the pair that only one can continue on as her personal student. Whichever one of them cannot hatch the egg will have to continue on in normal school. Moon Dancer tries her best to hatch the egg but fails. Twilight is also about to fail when a huge explosion is heard and rainbow energy floods the room. Twilight is suddenly infused with power and hatches the egg to reveal a baby dragon. Celestia gives the dragon to Twilight and wishes Moon Dancer well. The two students sadly part, promising they'll find a way to remain friends. ("Once Upon a Time")

Years pass, and a now adult Twilight is preparing for the test that could make her the official Archmage of Equestria. Spike, the baby dragon now aged into a child, enters with a birthday gift for Moon Dancer, but a distracted Twilight accidentally destroys it. She brushes off Spike's concerns and tells him that Moon Dancer will understand. An earthquake shakes the palace, knocking a book down that Twilight has never seen before. In it she reads a prophecy foretelling the imminent return of Nightmare Moon. She rushes to inform Celestia but literally runs into Moon Dancer on the way. The two are awkwardly polite to one another, revealing that in the course of their studies each has neglected to maintain their former friendship. Spike tries to remind Twilight that it's Moon Dancer's birthday, but she runs off. Spike tries to apologize to Moon Dancer, but she furiously leaves.

Spike arrives at the doors to Celestia's chambers just as Twilight is leaving. She tells him that Celestia dismissed her concerns and assigned her a special task; to oversee the preparations of the Summer Sun Celebration in the little town of Ponyville. She privately stresses if Celestia is purposely distracting her from her studies or if this all part of her final exam. ("Prepared for This") She and Spike depart for Ponyville. She accidentally leaves behind the book of prophecy where it is found by Moon Dancer.

Twilight and Spike arrive in Ponyville by hot air balloon and are welcomed by Pinkie Pie, an enthusiastic earth pony. She takes a reluctant Twilight around and introduces her to Applejack (the eldest daughter of the town's apple farming family), Rainbow Dash (a talented if lazy pegasus), Fluttershy (the town's shy but kind animal caretaker), and Rarity (the town's premiere seamstress.) Each has a part to play in the upcoming celebration, and Twilight is responsible for ensuring everything goes smoothly. Pinkie tells Twilight they're all going to be good friends, but Twilight tells her she doesn't have time for friends. ("Welcome to Ponyville")

Back in Canterlot, Moon Dancer is reading the book of prophecies when Celestia finds her. She hides the book while Celestia inquires how she's been and how her studies are going. The encounter is tense and awkward, and Celestia soon leaves. Moon Dancer ruminates on her feelings of inadequacy and jealousy towards Twilight. ("In the Shadow of Greatness") A voice speaks from the book and promises her power beyond Twilight, beyond even Celestia, in return for doing a small favor. Moon Dancer agrees, and the voice tells her to go to the Everfree Forest, just beyond Ponyville.

The next day, Twilight goes about checking on preparations. Despite her wishes to the contrary, Pinkie Pie tags along claiming that she has to as she is Ponyville's top party planner. While checking on the Apple Family's food preparations, Twilight gets literally roped into judging a series of physical challenges between Applejack and Rainbow Dash. ("The Competition") She escapes and has a quiet moment with Fluttershy where the gentle pegasus explains why she's so good with animals. ("Gentle, Not Weak") Pinkie Pie accidentally creates a disturbance that chases the animals away, causing Fluttershy to panic. Twilight uses the distraction to run from Pinkie to Rarity's shop. Rarity is running behind because she keeps stopping to help ponies with various fashion emergencies. ("Rules of Rarity") Twilight begins to scold her for not having her priorities straight, but Pinkie Pie pops in to defuse the situation. An exasperated Twilight leaves in a huff.

Moon Dancer wanders the woods, guided by the voice. Just as she begins to doubt her sanity, she finds the remains of an ancient castle. The banners within tell the story of two sisters who grew apart. One became jealous and became Nightmare Moon, nearly destroying Equestria before being banished. The real Nightmare Moon appears to Moon Dancer as a vision and shows her six necklaces: the Elements of Harmony. She tells Moon Dancer to destroy the relics, but Moon Dancer panics and flees the castle... taking the elements with her. ("When Darkness Falls")

The Summer Sun Celebration kicks off with a huge party, but Twilight refuses to join in the festivities. Pinkie continues to pry, and Twilight finally snaps and tells her to leave her alone. Pinkie leaves and the other girls scold Twilight for her behavior. Twilight tells them all she has no need for friends. Never has, never will. Moon Dancer arrives just in time to hear and yells at Twilight for leaving her behind. She shatters the necklaces one by one. (“In the Shadow of Greatness (Reprise)”) An eclipse casts the world in eternal night, and Nightmare Moon appears. She names Moon Dancer her Archmage and begins spreading chaos in Ponyville. ("When Darkness Falls (Reprise)")

Act 2

Twilight and the others are hiding in Ponyville's town hall. Applejack and Rarity's little sisters ask for a story to pass the time, and the two tell of how they got their cutie marks on the same day after a massive surge of rainbow-colored energy. Twilight perks up and confirms that the same thing happened to her, as does Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy complete the circle by explaining that it was Dash's high-speed flying that created the sonic rainboom they all experienced. The six realize they shared a link before they ever met. ("Story of a Lifetime") Spike arrives with food and the broken necklaces which he begins to eat before Twilight stops him. An image of Celestia appears and tells Twilight to go to the ruined castle to “make whole that which was broken.” Twilight goes to set off, but the others demand to come with her. Twilight begrudgingly agrees.

Moon Dancer becomes irritated when all the ponies she talks to run away from her in fear. She also notes that it seems to be getting colder and asks Nightmare Moon what her plans are. Nightmare Moon only cares about amassing an army to take Canterlot and defeat Celestia. Moon Dancer begins to regret what she's done, but her doubts are pushed to the back when she sees Twilight and the others heading into the woods. She informs Nightmare Moon who commands her to follow and keep the group from the ruined castle. ("What I Wanted")

The six and Spike take a moment to rest. Twilight awkwardly apologizes to Pinkie Pie, who wants to forgive her but is still hurt. Moon Dancer catches up and casts a spell that enshrouds them in fog that separates them and brings their worst fears to life. The girls are crippled until Pinkie chases the fog away with a laugh and a song. She accepts Twilight's apology, and they start over, this time as friends. ("Smile") They continue on. Spike lingers and sees Moon Dancer. He tries to reason with her, but she lashes out and accidentally turns him to stone.

At the ruined castle, Twilight tries to figure out how to reforge the necklaces. She casts a repair spell but it rebounds off the necklaces and hits the shattered stained-glass windows, revealing the identities of the two sisters: Princess Luna... and Princess Celestia. Moon Dancer attacks the group and duels Twilight. Her rage gives her the upper hand until she reveals what has happened to Spike. Furious, Twilight taps into darker magic and again gains the advantage. Moon Dancer casts the stone spell again, but Twilight deflects it and it strikes the other girls instead. With her new friends now stone, Twilight loses the will to fight. Nightmare Moon appears and orders Moon Dancer to finish her off, but she hesitates. Princess Celestia appears and apologizes to Nightmare Moon. The evil leaves her body, and she becomes Princess Luna once more (“One Thousand Winters.”) Thinking that she will once again be thrust into mediocrity, Moon Dancer invites the evil into herself and becomes a new Nightmare Moon. Twilight rises and says she's sorry for leaving Moon Dancer behind. She says that she realizes now how important friendship is. The girls unfreeze as the necklaces reform. As Nightmare Moon reels, Twilight explains how each of them embodies a certain Element of Harmony; Magic, Laughter, Honesty, Loyalty, Kindness, and Generosity. Their magic ignites, and the evil is burned away. ("The Spark") The sun rises, and Moon Dancer collapses in misery. Twilight goes to her, and the two embrace. Spike returns and joins in the hug.

Back in Ponyville, Celestia tells Twilight that this has all been her final exam and that she has passed with flying colors. She offers her the position of Archmage, but Twilight turns her down. She says that she still has much studying to do and requests a permanent transfer to Ponyville. Celestia agrees, and names Moon Dancer her new student. Moon Dancer and Twilight playfully hint they'll be in competition again but promise to remain friends this time. As Celestia, Luna, and Moon Dancer return to Canterlot, Twilight celebrates with her friends and begins her new life in Ponyville. ("How the Magic of Friendship Grows")

Report Jade Ring · 226 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

That is actually a really cool concept.

"Shoot, Rarity! If'n ah wasn't th' Element of Honesty, ah'd say you could make more money writin' a bad musical that flops than a good one that's a hit."



"*sigh* Discord, ah'm contractually obligated t' ask you about that there thing with Sombra--"

"I didn't do it! I said I was sorry! I was only following orders!..."

"No darling, not Tirek--Sombra. The one with Sombra."

"You...you mean my script?..."


Crystal Empire, long ago
Oh what a sad sad story!
Looking for a leader
To restore our former glory!
Where oh where was he?
Where could that horse be?
We looked around
And then we found
The one for you and me!

And now it's...


This is INCREDIBLE! You put a LOT of thought into this! Could you possibly write this out as an ACTUAL fic?

A fic? Probably not.

Would I be down for helping make one of those unofficial concept album things? Absolutely.

Oh yeah! Now THAT would be even better! Imagine if Lauren learned about this and got the old cast back together to make it possible! That would be AMAZING!

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