• Member Since 17th May, 2017
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An amalgamation of nice and spice. Writing for fun. Wonderbolts enjoyer. AiE/HiE shitposter.

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Anon 2 | The "What The Fuck" Response · 9:05pm May 20th

I thought I was done with blogging about the green dude with an attitude. Seriously, I thought we could move on, go back to enjoying horsewords, and move forward as a group, a collective, a fandom.

But no, instead, I'm having to see this shit in 2024:

Even time I glance at the Featured box, it seems half of them revolve around some faceless green goon's nauseous romantic shenanagins or cringeworthy sexual escapades. If other people want to fantasise about ploughing an unreluctant Fluttershy or having 'relations' with foals that's fine, I just wish these affronts to good taste & artistry they weren't staring me in the face every time I logged in.

This was actually written by someone. Yes, you're reading that right. An author on this website just conflated Anon with fantasy pedophilia.


The fuck is wrong with these people? Genuinely. Screw too loose? Or are we dealing with misguided elitism handed on a silver platter? I get it, the filter tag needs to be implemented at this point, so we who don't want to see it can finally filter out those foalcon fics. That would be awesome, not having to see them crop up in your new stories tab. But seriously? Why are you putting Anon on the same pedestal as that?

Cool if that floats your boat and no hating, but

Just know, if anyone ever says this in a post, they're bullshitting you 100%. They don't care. They just care about ego-ing you, or better yet, they're going to say something colossally stupid and you're going to facepalm by the end of it.

The genre I find this works best with is HIE, which despite what some people will tell you is WORLDS apart from Anon-related fluff (you want a list of reasons why? I can provide you with plenty, if you'd only ask. Here's one to get you started... Anon fics mostly are centred around a certain sexual or romantic need, whereas HIE can be much more varied in scope about someone adapting to their new life in Equestria. Don't argue, I've been here long enough seen and loads of examples of both to know what I'm talking about :raritywink: )

Oh wow, let me just start searching for Anon fics that are scoped without the romance tag and are set to complete. Let's see...


Yeah, 1056 stories. Okay. What about... the ones that include the #romance tag?

65...9? Wait, that doesn't seem to be right. The author said that they're mostly centered around sex and romance... hmm... That can't be. Wait a minute.

Are they... wrong?

They are. This doesn't change even if you remove the status tag. 1,276 tagged without romance to 877. They're just annoyed they're seeing more of it lately, which is hilarious to me. When Anon starts to finally get recognized and those fics are gaining more traction, these people want to shit on Anon and authors who write the goofy dude saying these fics are creatively devoid. Whatever makes you sleep at night.

I've probably got this all wrong and am venting here about stuff I don't like on here needlessly

Yeah, you got it wrong. Very wrong. And the fact that more people agreed with you shows how misinformation leads the blind to an obsence corner. I'm okay with people disliking Anon. It's fine. You can hate the green guy, which the fic that brought this up proposes. Hating him blindly, without getting your facts straight though...?

There's this thing called reality. Start living in it, please.

Anyway, instead of making #30 some cool little non-Anon fic that I wanted to write, you're getting another Anon fic, people. Get ready, it's getting written over the next couple weeks.

See you soon.

Comments ( 21 )

Why hate on Anon

Hell yeah, go for it, there's never enough Anon

Forgot to put in this blog a couple things:

1. Anon isn't a genre. He's a character.
2. This author should be more worried about foalcon than Anon, considering the foalcon group has more members and more stories written than even Anon has currently. That may change in the future as more authors warm up to writing Anon, but yeah, let's focus on Anon instead of foalcon, because that's totally the right way to exist. Right?

People have their reasons and they can dislike him all they want. I just disagree entirely with their reasoning (usually).

That's the spirit. :eeyup:

You know what, you convinced me enough with your last blog to stick at least one of your Anon stories in my read later. Now I almost want to genuinely like Anon out of spite.

You'd make a good dictator.
Nice pfp change, btw.

If only there were theoretically some person who had coding experience and the ability to change Fimfiction's code. Then, theoretically, you could create something like... a blacklist? You could, just like derpibooru or any number of hosting websites, completely hide from your view anything that could be tagged. Anon? Blacklist it. Pokemon crossovers? Blacklist it. Foalcon? Blacklist it! Then if someone wants to discuss or sees someone recommend a story that would normally be on their blacklist, they would have a warning screen before they hit the page.

However, as we know, Fimfiction has no method of making any real money and nobody is getting paid from working on this site. It's all volunteer. So, ultimately, there's no real motivation or desire to inject change that could result in an improved (or possibly more complicated) user experience.

User only writes foalcon/pedophilic content? Blacklist the foalcon.
Don't like anon? Literally blacklist it and enjoy an Anon-Free fimfiction experience.

In theory, the same "Backend Blacklist check/Filter" has the ability to work in the exact same place as the current "Mature filter," with an ability to turn it on and off, and to customize what is actually filtered out. Currently it only filters explicit stories, would it really be that much more difficult to have it also check tags? Tags, which have a limit, could be included in the metadata object behind the scenes and is a simple additive change to an existing api endpoint. (or at least i assume it's an api endpoint. Something that says "Give me X number of the Y kind of stories")

[I suppose you could also impose the "filtering" on the back end, but that seems like a lot of load for the server. Derpibooru, e621, and other websites just allow the user to select 10/25/50/100 results per page, and if something gets blacklisted, it's just hidden from view and the page shows fewer than that many results. I haven't seen any complaints about that before.]

The tags that a user has on their blacklist can be stored in the same table as other user data, with a "default blacklist" available to anyone who has not previously set up their preferences. Then, on login, the blacklist settings can be returned with the success call and set within the authentication cookie thats already set in browser cache.

But there's literally nobody able to do that, and it wouldn't increase site revenue even if it did. 4chan has the ability to blacklist threads but oh well.

Such a shame.

Try Scrungusbungus, he writes very good Anon stories.

Would second this. I really should do a recommendation blog of Anon fics on the site, scrungus would definitely be on that list of top Anon authors to read Anon fics from.

Did not expect to see you here, Ro.:rainbowderp:

Eh, I might be open to Anon now, but romance still isn't really my thing. But thanks for the recommendation.

I remember reading the comment that inspired this, I had a feeling you might disagree with it šŸ˜‚

Since thereā€™s already some other comments providing multiple paragraphs of insight on this, Iā€™ll just say I agree with all the points you made and leave it at that. Still canā€™t believe that comment was written in the first place (the ā€œdonā€™t argueā€ was pretty funny too).

Canā€™t wait for the next fic, you can bet Iā€™ll be on it as soon as I see it. And I like the pfp change bro! You never miss with those šŸ˜‚

You know what would be even wilder than a blacklist feature?

If people didn't let words and a picture on the screen send them into a hysteric fit about how the website they love is ruined.

Seriously, this is some middle school shit.

This post made me feel like running some numbers, and, since I thought they were interesting numbers, thought I'd share them.

#anon #sex 1171 | #anon -#sex 995 = 2166 = ~0.54
#anon #porn 597 | #anon -#porn 1569 = 2166 = ~0.28
#anon #romance 879 | #anon -#romance 1287 = 2166 = ~0.41

#sex 33034 | -#sex 120027 = 153061 = ~0.22
#porn 9200| -#porn 143861 = 153061 = ~0.06
#romance 44604 | -#romance 108457 = 153061 = 0.~41

Just mostly thought it'd be interesting to add a few tags and compare anon to non-anon fimfic overall...

--Sweetie Belle

My only issue with Anon is that it's a chaotic pair of pants. Like a sleeve in place of a leg, it still works but it's kind of off. Why not just give the human a name and some more character?
It just feels less creative to me (a guy so uncreative he just googled "common names" and picked one from a list) and the Anon character seems to only have the character trait of chaotic. Not that I've read many to be fair, so I could be quite off.

Anon is basically the product of what 4chan was during the beginning stages of the fandom: chaotic, edgy, full of references, and a perspective of the 'you' of 4chan, since the username that is given by default on that site is Anonymous (Anon for short). As time progressed, Anon has turned into a more toned down version of himself, with less of an emphasis on it being just 'of the you of 4chan' and more of just 'you'. However, interpretation can be a bit more lenient here, as when I write Anon, I don't see him as a 'you', I see him as his own character that, if the reader wants, can see him as a 'you', but it's not required. I try to give him his own quirks, and I think I'll be showing that off even more with my next piece.

Sidenote, but I think the coolest thing about writing Anon is that each author on the site has a slightly different version of him. No one Anon is the same, there's always something different about him.

I don't care that people hate the green 4chan man I just find most of their reasons to hate him to be brain dead

Yeah, my 4chan days had ended a year or two before FIM so I knew a bit of that already (still a good internet history lesson.) I thought anon was inspired by 4Chan not pulled directly from it, but that does make sense.
As for every anon being different, that makes sense, like how no two Holmes actors play the part the same. It does make Anon's chaotic nature much more easy to understand.

Yeah you just commented right when I sent you my message. Hope that gives more context as to why this even existed in the first place.

Actually, my professional detective work found this blog a few minutes before you sent the message if you check the timeline. I shall now respond promptly to your in-depth post with my customary charm and etiquette. Brace yourself. :eeyup:

I will be disappointed if it isn't snarky enough. :rainbowlaugh:

Hmm, someone's in for a treat methinks. :trollestia:

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