• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2017
  • offline last seen Yesterday


All I can do is draw.... welp, at least I'm partially decent at it.

More Blog Posts22

  • 2 weeks
    Why are all my pics getting lost?

    Is anyone else having this problem? I posted my commission page on a couple groups yesterday and now they’re 404. What’s goin on? Did somethin change on fim? I have been gone for a while soo.

    4 comments · 99 views
  • 14 weeks
    Spanish Translation for Ignore It

    Hey guys, Spaniard_Kiwi did an amazing job translating this story for spanish readers.
    The translation has actually been out for nearly half a year :derpyderp1:
    I just really dragged my feet on this one.

    I'm so sorry Kiwi, for making you wait so long after I promised to post this months ago.

    Read More

    1 comments · 62 views
  • 99 weeks

    Finally drew a cover for this 5 year old story lol

    2 comments · 203 views
  • 116 weeks
    Open Commissions

    PayPal only :twilightsmile:

    3 comments · 304 views
  • 298 weeks
    250$ for a check up.

    I'm sad.
    I have an appointment and my dad accidentally drove off to work with my purse.
    I have to have the appointment and they tell me it'll be 92$ without my insurance card but it totals to about 250$. Ugh.
    All that to just check my weight, blood pressure, and blood sugar.
    Oh, and for the doctor to scold me for being trash.
    If I get hurt I prefer to die than deal with the bill.

    2 comments · 390 views

Why are all my pics getting lost? · 3:16pm June 20th

Is anyone else having this problem? I posted my commission page on a couple groups yesterday and now they’re 404. What’s goin on? Did somethin change on fim? I have been gone for a while soo.

Comments ( 4 )

Yup. Looks like the image host is discord. I just checked the posts. Can't do that anymore. :P

It was so convenient too, just right click and copy. Discord had lossless scaling up to a certain image size and an okay file size upload. This change went into effect a while ago, so I've had to switch hosting sites and manually change all the links for my stuff.

I'm using Postimages myself Mutters. Simple and easy to use webpage design, hassle free unlike others like Imgur which tends to go down often, and it has pretty generous free account upload limits (32mb file sizes and images only get downscaled to 1280px which is more than enough for linking it to FIMFiction). Fair, small and transparent terms of service too.

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