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Technical Writer from the U.S.A.'s Deep South. Writes horsewords and reviews. New reviews posted every other Thursday! Writing Motto: "Go Big or Go Home!"

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The Great Image Hunt (Found!) · 2:27pm Last Sunday

Hello all you FIMFiction peoples! I know, it's weird that I'm posting something on a day other than Thursday. Fact is I didn't want to take up one of my regular blogs with something like this. And what is this, exactly? It's a call for aid.

As many of you may recall, a few months back my desktop crashed. I used the event as an opportunity to upgrade said desktop, and I am very happy with the results. But there was a catch: image corruption. Over the years I've collected a significant amount of horsepics, a collection I continue to grow to this day. For reasons I couldn't possibly explain, many of those images are now corrupted. They still open, but their colors are all warped. As a result of this, I've been taking a little time out of my days to try and replace one or two images, relocating them on the world wide nettertubes. Derpibooru (and occasionally one of the other -boorus) has been immensely helpful with this. But every now and then I get an image that I just... can't... find.

That's where this blog (and hopefully, you) come in. Having exhausted my abilities for tag manipulation and willingness to devote hours combing through galleries, I've decided to show you all some of the material I'm struggling with in hopes that someone out there can help me recover my lost pics. Not all of them, just a few that were bothering me recently because I can't find them anywhere. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated! So that I don't have to fret over this kind of thing again, I'm now trying to name them based on the artist and (if available) the derpibooru ID, so I'd appreciate it even more if I could get direct links to the images.

Alright, let's get started! Today I've got images involving Rainbow Dash and Maud Pie. First off, I'll go with what should have been an easy one:

Yes, you're seeing that right, and this is what all the worst images look like. Reverse image searches won't do a thing to fix this (believe me, I've tried). I thought that this would be an easy find, because I know this picture. I've seen it enough times that it's readily identifiable. The problem is that it's also a very generic image for RD. I've tried all sorts of different tag combinations involving flying, clouds, her being upside-down, eyes closed, and on and on and on, and I can't find it. That may be because the generic nature of the image leads to hundreds of results to comb through no matter what combination of tags I use, and I'm slipping past it without realizing it. It's also possible that the image is improperly tagged and so adding, say, the "cloud" tag or the "flying" tag ends up actually omitting the image. It may be that it's not on Derpibooru at all and all my searching was in vain in the first place.

Next up, we've got our Maud image, which should also have been an easy one:

The good news is that there's a lot fewer Maud-related images than there are Rainbow Dash ones. The bad news is that it's also very generic for a Maud pic and there isn't much for me to work with. I wasted a good amount of time this morning just trying to find this one image.

Okay, last but not least, the hard one:

Gotta admit, I'm not even confident about what this picture is. I'm pretty sure that streak in the bottom half is Rainbow moving at speed and that the overall image is a landscape, but that's as much as I can say with any level of certainty. Is there a rainboom? I don't think so? I vaguely recall it being mountains and forests, but it could very well be ocean waves for all I know. My memory suggests that this is meant to be related to Austraeoh, but I don't trust that either. I don't know where to begin, so I'm hoping someone out there will see it and go "Ah-ha, I know that one!"

Whelp, that's what I've got. I do hope one of you folks can help me out with this, because as of right now I'm stumped. If this works then maybe next weekend I'll do a few more, because I know there are some. Thanks in advance, everyone! The usual schedule resumes Thursday.

EDIT: And that's all three found! All my thanks go to CycoralFish, evelili, iisaw, and Raugos. This was a great success, maybe I'll do it again next weekend!

Comments ( 16 )

Okay, last but not least, the hard one:

This one?
I lucked out when I searched Derpibooru for Rainbow Dash, sunset, sonic rainboom. :twilightsheepish:

Site Blogger

That's definitely it! Many thanks. I didn't bother with the Sonic Rainboom tag because I didn't think there was one. And in fact, there isn't, but I suppose it counts if it's after she does the rainboom, and this does look like she's in that hyper-flight mode.

Oh, wait. Fluttershy is in it. That's why I couldn't find it, I had removed her as a potential tag because I thought it was an RD-only pic!

The problem is, if you didn't get those images from derpi, it can be very hard to found in case it's from ponibooru or deviantart. I'm currently trying to find the Maud one, I don't bother looking into every single image of the character since I've done that before, more than once. But since it wasn't even tagged with color pallete, I'm start to think it's from deviantart, the possibility of being already deleted and not reuploaded is worrying.

Site Blogger

Yeah, the idea that the images are gone entirely has come to mind. They say that everything is forever on the internet, but if so I'm clearly not tech-savvy enough to take advantage of it.

this looks like the maud one: https://derpibooru.org/images/1071406

iisaw #6 · Last Sunday · · ·

This is the first one:
Rainbow Dash, Falling

Couldn't find the second.

and this one looks like the rainbow dash one! https://derpibooru.org/images/2085165

Site Blogger

It is, thank you! Wow, there ain't many tags there.

Curious that I couldn't find it myself, I don't see any tags I omitted. Maybe it just missed it amongst all the other things around it.

I found it here!
The funny thing is, I found it with the "backwards cutie mark" tag. It filters out a lot.

Site Blogger

5788149 5788152 5788150
My thanks to the all of you! I swear I spent more time looking for that one than the other two combined.

Backwards cutie mark? Luna's flanks, why did I think of that?

And with that, all three are found. My collection is one step closer to being repaired!

Uh, is it normal that all the first image look weirdly corrupted?

Site Blogger

Which "first image", the one at the top of the blog or the actual corrupted images I was asking for help with?


I meant "all but the first image". Turns out, yes. One of these days, I'm going to learn how to finish reading. And it's gonna change my life.

The nice things about forums like this is that someone will know, and more often than not, be willing to link the image you're looking for.

The corruption on these is crazy though. I've never seen anything like that.

Site Blogger

You know what the weirdest part about all this is?

Nothing else is corrupted. No Word files, no Excel files, no programs, no games. Only the pictures. It's some serious WTF-ery.

Author Interviewer

well that was awesome :O

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