• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago


Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)

More Blog Posts781

  • Thursday
    Magic6 :: Rarity Teaser

    Chapter 1 is done at 4,000 words so here's a teaser to celebrate!

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    0 comments · 76 views
  • Thursday

    Finally out of a funk and feeling better, about to go back to work, but I have once again been inspired. This time, by those "magic girl" animes where they have sex to power up. More details and teasers coming in the future. No idea when this is coming out.

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    0 comments · 64 views
  • 8 weeks
    POLL (closed) :: Favorite "Simulation (Episode 1)" Character?

    Viper - 4
    Violet - 1
    Ivy - 1

    My reaction:
    Viper was barely in it but she’s getting much love. Nice to see Ivy getting some love, too. They’ll be getting their moments later ;)

    0 comments · 93 views
  • 9 weeks
    Perhaps my most effed up story yet (no release date yet)

    Looking at a HALLOWEEN release date, but if I finish it sooner (or choose to upload it in parts) I'll upload it then. But, yeah, this one's gonna pretty messed up and be SUPER GrimDark.

    1 comments · 68 views
  • 9 weeks
    Published MARE IN THE MOON, PART 2 unfinished

    I have not finished all six chapters yet but I wanna publish what I have for now since it's been a hot while since I posted Part 1 or ANY pony clop. So enjoy the first half while I work on the second.

    0 comments · 88 views

Magic6 · 7:34am Last Thursday

Finally out of a funk and feeling better, about to go back to work, but I have once again been inspired. This time, by those "magic girl" animes where they have sex to power up. More details and teasers coming in the future. No idea when this is coming out.

Report Pinkamena666 · 64 views · #Magic6
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