• Member Since 29th May, 2023
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


“Write the story that unfolds before you. Love quality more than you fear deadlines.” - Bayard the Truthspeaker (maybe)

More Blog Posts8

  • Saturday
    Monthly update #3: We are so back!

    Well well well, it’s been two months since I last checked in (insane how they flew by so quickly, yet Frostpunk 2 is still just as far away as it was last time I posted an update). It is my fault for missing a month, but I wanted to break my silence with something worthwhile, so I waited. Now another month has passed, and I’m finally able to get going.


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  • 8 weeks
    Monthly Update: May 2024

    Hey all!

    Progress on everything slowed last month due to unforeseen circumstances. Digging, pipe replacing, book-report drafting, all on top of the regular day stuff. I’m very sorry I’ve not given anything in a while, although something will be advanced soon. At the end of every day, I’ve just not been feeling like writing dialogue, which unfortunately is like 70% of my stories.

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  • 12 weeks
    Monthly Update

    It’s been a bit since I last checked in, just thought I’d provide an update on how things are going. I feel like making these updates regular (once a month, maybe?) things, let me know how you feel about that.

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  • 17 weeks
    And.. Done!

    Turns out setting a deadline can do wonders for your motivation. The next chapter of Tageasanbruch is now out, totalling 3,000 words.

    The proofreading and editing was a bit tough, though.

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  • 18 weeks
    Procrastination and Progress

    Well, this is awkward (most of what I do here is). I promised more regular updates to Tagesanbruch, and so far I have not delivered. Consider this then to be a deadline I’m setting myself. Two days, two days to finish the next chapter (editing might take an additional day too).

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Monthly update #3: We are so back! · 10:22am Saturday

Well well well, it’s been two months since I last checked in (insane how they flew by so quickly, yet Frostpunk 2 is still just as far away as it was last time I posted an update). It is my fault for missing a month, but I wanted to break my silence with something worthwhile, so I waited. Now another month has passed, and I’m finally able to get going.

I haven’t updated my works for a while, and I don’t know why. However, I’ve recently put a beanbag on top of my bed to write on, and I’m ready to announce The Week of Storytelling! (#1). One week from now I’m going on a trip up to a lake for a week-long trip, so I realised I needed to get things done.

The first thing is the revival of Phalanta Falling! (previously The End of Changelingia but I changed some S&C lore and decided the original title wasn’t good enough anyway) Set in my EaW alt-hist of Smoky Skies, the first two chapters, a prologue and a pre-Pharynx chapter (both setting up the story), are out now! The third chapter, Kalte Sonne (with over 100% more Pharynx), should be done before the week’s end. On the list of priorities, it is lower than the next chapter of Tagesanbruch.

Tagesanbruch! The story I thought was going to be really easy to write, but it has turned out that trying to pace the story is much more difficult than I first imagined. Nevertheless, the next chapter, taking place right after we left off up to the end of that day, hopefully will be done soon (like Kalte Sonne, it’s mostly done, just needs holes to be patched and an ending to be conceived).

Next… third story? Well, sorta. Remember in my last update how I mentioned I was working on a mini-story focused on dialogue? Well, I hammered it into a form where I’ve felt confident enough to post it to Reddit. The short story did not end up where I wanted it, and I lost a lot of stuff I really wanted to put in, but it’s done. It’s currently titled “Brothers in Arms”, but I despise that title, and I desperately want a better one (I’m not good at titles). Its purpose is to fill in the blank of what happens when Thorax takes the focus “Speak with Pharynx” and is about Thorax reuniting with and convincing his brother to join him. It’s fine, I guess. In a few days (and I mean a few days, maybe 3 at most) I’ll publish it here, so keep an eye out for that.

Alright. With th-

It’s time for “JahJah’s Music of the Month” or for this month “JahJah’s Jam this June”

This is an odd one. I recently rediscovered a masterpiece of a video game trailer, for a mobile game, no less. The Warpath “Showdown” trailer. The trailer itself is amazing (I’m pretty sure someone working for Zilith really wanted to be a filmmaker), but it’s backed up by an amazing song, a (cover? remix?) of a 1960s Russian song titled “May There Always be Sunlight”.

I did not expect to find this banger of a song anywhere near the mobile game industry, but I was surprised. Here’s the trailer for Warpath if you want to see the context.

This has been JahJah’s monthly update, and I’ll see you next time, in the comments of my new chapters, or when I post the short-story.

God bless, and have a wonderful day (or sleep, if it’s night where you are (which I doubt)

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