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Lucky Seven

The only man to get a 2015 fanfiction into the 2024 feature box | Wanna join my Discord server and chat? DM me for the link!

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  • Saturday
    Saying goodbye.

    Hey everyone.

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  • 1 week
    My story was scouted to EQD!

    The post in question!

    Thank you all for your overwhelming support on this story! It was definitely one of my favorites to write and I'm glad it seemed to hit everyone's funny bone in one way or another :)

    You all have a wonderful week, I'll be back with some more new stories soon!

    Love always,

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  • 1 week
    I'm being interviewed!

    Be sure to pop in if you wanna see and perhaps ask me some questions!

    Also, I released a new story, tagged as well :)

    Interview Stream

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  • 2 weeks
    The 2024 Non-Pony Writing Contest!

    Or, Fantastic Creatures And How To Write Fanfic Of Them!

    Hey, everyone!

    So it's been since 2020 that I was last able to actually help co-host a contest. I've been a judge in a few since then, but for the most part I took a hiatus from the site. But now I'm back, and I thought to myself: What better way to come back than to host a fun competition? So that's exactly what I'm doing!

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  • 2 weeks
    I released a new story!

    I hope you'll all check it out and help it grow! It's my most ambitious project yet and I loved writing the first chapter!


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Saying goodbye. · 12:44pm Saturday

Hey everyone.

So very soon, I'm going to have to say goodbye to my dog. I've owned for her seven long years. She was there before I got married, lived through my marriage and all the grief it caused me, and when I got divorced she was my rock. She never failed to make me feel better by giving me some kisses and wrapping her front legs around my arms. It's her own way of hugging me. She has the cutest little dimple when she gets happy. I've never seen anything like it before on a dog.

The way her ears flop down at the very tip top. The way she hops up and down when I walk home through the front door. The way she stares at me with a silly look and bares just a couple teeth when I'm holding her food bowl.

Knowing I'm going to have seen all of that for the last time soon pains me beyond belief. I've never known sadness like this.

I'll have to come home and see an empty dog bed. A food and water bowl that will never be used again. When I wash my sheets and clean my home, her fur will never shed onto anything again. I'll never hear her bark when someone knocks on the door. It used to annoy me so much, it's a powerful bark. Now that I won't hear it again, the apartment is going to feel so empty.

I love Ruth, and I always will.

Thank you guys for supporting me through the years and being my friends. Please cherish the time you have with your pets.

With love,

Report Lucky Seven · 178 views ·
Comments ( 18 )

Lucky Seven,

You have my deepest sympathies. Losing anything/anyone you love is never easy. I know I’ve been through experiences.:applecry:

I've owned dogs, too, Lucky. It hurts losing them.

They're wonderful pets. Hell, they're literally called Man's Best Friend. They love us unconditionally. They're playful, silly and make us feel human.

One of mine has a tumor. She'll be passing soon. Weeks or months. It hurts all the same. I understand your pain, dude. It sucks.

Oh, I know the bark you're talking about.

It might seem annoying at the time, and from my experience, it definitely can be.

But it just wouldn't be the same at all without it.

I only wish you the very best.

Put me down for all that GhostRider1996 said as well.

8_Bit #4 · Saturday · · ·

My parents dog, who I grew up with before I moved out, was put to sleep a couple of years ago when we learned that her cancer was developing quicker than we had expected. We got to have one last Christmas with her, and I was around theirs with the majority of my immediate family. Space being an issue, I was on a camp bed in the kitchen/dining room, where she also slept.

And in the middle of the night, I felt something start scratching at my chest. It was her. I inched over slightly, she hopped up onto my camp bed, spun around, and fell right asleep right there next to me. I barely slept all night because I didn't dare disturb her.

I went home the next morning, trying to keep it together because when I said goodbye to Coco, it was the last time I would do so.

People who think that dogs are anything less than family are delusional. They have so much love and personality to give you, and there is no way of describing how awful the anticipation is of knowing that you'll be saying goodbye soon.

It sounds like she had a great owner though. Make the best of these last days. And take all the time you need to recover after :heart:

Wishing you the best with everything, Sev. Sorry you have to go through this.

I am very sorry for your loss!

Alex_ #7 · Saturday · · ·

Sorry Seven :heart:

I'm sorry, Sev. :heart:

I lost my two dogs over a decade ago, and I'll always cherish the time I had with them.

My sincere condolences 7, losing such a loving friend n family member is never easy but she'll still be there in ya heart n memories sweet puppy girl

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I really appreciate all of your kind words, thank you so much. I know this is going to be really hard, but it's for the best for her and I have a wonderful group of a friends and a website full of amazing people to turn to when I'm sad. Thank you all, sincerely, for being here for me. I'm a pretty emotional person, but I've always felt a bit nervous and ashamed of showing it. For my dog, no emotions are enough. I genuinely view her as my best friend and my roommate. Nobody save for my family has ever been there for me as often as she is when I need support.

Y'all are all really great <3

Lucky, I'm an emotional person, too. When I want to be, that is. Oftentimes, I'm stoic. I'm only emotional sometimes around my wife when it comes to my daughter.

I get it. Romance films like The Notebook and Titanic have me bawling. The Green Mile and The Fault In Our Stars, too.

It's nothing to be ashamed of. Having emotions is human. If there is a god, they designed us to with emotions, to be human, to feel things.

Again, dude, sorry for your soon to be loss. I'm here for you if you wanna talk about your dog and all the good memories you have of her.

But know this. Ruth loved you from the day she met you. And she always will, dude. Never forget that.

I wouldn't be able to be as great without people on this site who genuinely take the time to care about others (like you), Sev.


Ruth is one of the most loveable and sweet dogs that I've ever seen. You two are lucky to have had each other, and I'm sorry that y'all couldn't have even more time together. The sheer innocence of animals always makes their loss that much more crushing, and anyone who doesn't understand that they're precious never ceases to baffle and anger me. Do you have anything that you two want to do together to build some last memories? Or some videos and pictures saved that might make a nice photo album?

Also, I don't know if this helps, but there is a short story and a poem both about the 'Rainbow Bridge' which are often shared when one loses animal family members.

That short story made me cry at work. I'm gonna miss her so much... 😭😭😭

Ice Star #15 · Sunday · · ·

5789302 Is this any better? I always like the 'positive ponies' tag when I'm feeling sad. :heart:

One of the reasons that I'm having such a hard time emotionally right now is that last November, a few days before Thanksgiving, both of my dogs died within 24 hours. It hurt so very much. I'd had them both for around 13 years. What comforts me is knowing that they're in a better place, and that they're not hurting any more.

Some people don't believe that pets go to Heaven. I call those people heartless b@st@rds. I once saw an episode of the classic Twilight Zone. It starred Buddy Ebsen as a man who had recently died, along with his dog. He didn't want to go to Heaven if his dog couldn't go with him. That's exactly how I feel.

I don't know how to end this comment, save to say "Dammit, I'm crying again." Enjoy whatever time you have left with your pooch. Give her a hug for me.

I've always thought that if you can watch "Titanic" without crying, you're not human.

i am so sorry for your loss, that is devastating. :(

i will cherish the time i have left with my own cat

GTthe4th #18 · Monday · · ·

I am so sorry Lucky...losing a pet isn't just losing an animal, it's the loss of family. But even though she may be gone, your dog will still be with you in spirit and in memory, and those memories will stick with you forever. Cherish them for just as long.

I wish you the best, and I hope you feel better soon. We're all here for you.

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