• Member Since 5th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen 6 days ago


I like writing about the worst day of a character's life; it lets us see the mettle inside. (Pronouns: RB/20 )

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"Hey, Sock, why no new stories lately?" · 10:49pm 6 days ago

"Hey, Sock, why no new stories lately?"

Well, a couple reasons.

One, I've been busy with other stuff -- I average 50/55-hour weeks at work, sometimes more, occasionally MUCH more, and I've got a family. Pony is pretty far behind those, priority-wise. I'm only logging into fimfic once or twice a month.

Second, I'm not feeling inspired. Because my median story appears to be "1300 word shitpost about the CMCs finding something illegal or immoral" I generally only work in a state of extreme inspiration. I am considering "Trixie babysits the CMCs, thermite is involved" as one of my next stories.

Third, I've taken about six weeks off writing. I played with some Stable Diffusion as my creative outlet, got bored, and uninstalled it. (AI art, decided my brain, doesn't feel creative, just mechanical.)

I'm getting back into writing, but feeling a little stymied by my original fiction project and presently looking at some of my other notes / outlines for something different to work on. My notes/stories are about 80% "WW2 except in space" and 20% "WW2 historical novel." At least I'm consistent.

"Hey, Sock, will you write more Pony stories?"

Probably. But who knows when.


Report SockPuppet · 188 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

no need to apologize.

real life and family come first.

hope folks dont take a green "online" as a go ahead to harass you.

Happy to hear from you, but definitely don't feel like you ought to be here posting. Life is important and all. n_n

When I have similar conundrums, my line of thought is usually goes 'well, there are a stream of pony content even without me pitching in, so I totally have time for myself. My stuff is not that important.'
And there are.
And it isn't.
Take care.

Inspiration comes when it comes, and forcing it never ends well. Life always takes priority. Here's looking forward to anything you may have time for down the line, and possibly that original novel.

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