• Member Since 27th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 15 hours ago



Cat passed away · 1:23am Sunday

One of my cats passed away just the other day we buried her in the front yard, anyways i have more to say but i miss you leia loo hope you having car rides in heaven.

Report AgentKorpsman · 30 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Im sorry to hear that and I know that feeling

Darth Wrex #2 · Sunday · · ·

I.I'm sorry

I'm so sorry. It's always heartbreaking to lose a cat.

Dr_Doom666 #4 · Sunday · · ·

feel your pain a cat of mine died bout 8 years ago still feel a bit sad

Bicyclette #5 · Sunday · · ·

sorry for your loss, losing a cat is always hard :(

Darth Wrex #7 · Sunday · · ·

No problem

Damn, I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you my friend

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