• Member Since 12th Jul, 2019
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Darth Wrex


More Blog Posts460

  • Today
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. A broken man on the verge of madness.

    4 comments · 19 views
  • Sunday
    My First FanFiction

    Hi everyone, I just posted my very own Fan Fiction on FanFiction.Net. if anyone is interested in reading it, let me know.

    8 comments · 56 views
  • 6 days
    Ninja-Go Part 2

    Greetings and salutation, my name is Wrex and this is my review. It's time to go back to the ninjas, because I'm reviewing 'Legend of the Light Ninja' and 'Rebooted'. It's basically follows seasons 2 and 3 with an MLP modification. Full Disclosure: It does follow through on Zane's sacrifice, it's okay to have a moment of respect. I admired how these stayed true to the respective seasons while

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    0 comments · 39 views
  • 1 week
    Song of the Week

    Hey everyone, it's time for Song of the Week. Sandy's time to shine.

    2 comments · 20 views
  • 2 weeks
    Song of the Week

    Hey, everyone. It's time for Song of the Week. (Salute) To the bravest Autobot.

    2 comments · 34 views

My First FanFiction · 4:04pm Sunday

Hi everyone, I just posted my very own Fan Fiction on FanFiction.Net. if anyone is interested in reading it, let me know.

Comments ( 8 )

What's the title?

The Lion Girl of the Merged Realm.

It's a Legends of Chima Ninjago Dragon Rising crossover.

Jebens1 #5 · Sunday · · ·

Maybe you could link your Fanfiction account in your About section of your page, like how I linked my Deviantart account in mine.

(Nervous) ok

Its in the url lol (informative)

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