• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

More Blog Posts701

  • Thursday
    My Movie Review on The Patriot (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    On July 4, 2019, I reviewed this movie specifically to celebrate Independence Day. Then, at the same time of year in 2023, I gave a critique of the film’s extended version after discovering the existence of it.

    Today, to celebrate Independence Day 2024, I’d like to give you all a completely reconstructed version of my review on “The Patriot”. 

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  • Monday
    My Reaction to Brian Hull's Picks for "5 Animated Movies I Love But Everyone Hates"

    Normally, I wouldn't be giving what I personally think of videos like this or give how I would respond to them, but...after seeing this video by famous YouTuber Brian Hull (who also voiced Dracula for Hotel Transylvania's "Monster Pets" and "Transformania"), I found myself wanting to give my own public thoughts on his choices for this video he made.

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  • Sunday
    My Movie Review on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This is a modified version of the review I made on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)”, which was posted in 2020.

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  • 6 days
    My Movie Review on The Lion King (2019) (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This is a modified version of the review I made on “The Lion King (2019)”, which was originally done in 2020. 

    Similar to my review of “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”, my thoughts on the film after previously giving it a re-analyzing have also been combined with many of my original statements, mainly so that things could be up to date. And no, I did not give the film a rewatch in preparation.

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  • 1 week
    My Movie Review on Kung Fu Panda 4

    Greetings and salutations, my friends.

    This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

    Today, for my 310th film analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take on "Kung Fu Panda 4".

    Here's the rundown of this tale:

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My Reaction to Brian Hull's Picks for "5 Animated Movies I Love But Everyone Hates" · 5:57pm Last Monday

Normally, I wouldn't be giving what I personally think of videos like this or give how I would respond to them, but...after seeing this video by famous YouTuber Brian Hull (who also voiced Dracula for Hotel Transylvania's "Monster Pets" and "Transformania"), I found myself wanting to give my own public thoughts on his choices for this video he made.

First things first, here's the video itself:

And now, my reactions:

Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas: I agree. It's definitely an amazing film, and one of Dreamworks's best movies!

Happy Feet Two: An awesome sequel indeed. Why it ever got such a mixed reception compared to the first film is something I don't know, although I too consider its predecessor equally enjoyable.

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole: I've never seen it, although I'm interested.

We're Back: A Dinosaur's Story: I too watched the film a lot when I was a kid, and that was back when my family and I had a VCR! I haven't seen the film in years, although I've grown aware of the polarized reception it received over the years. Regardless, I'm always interested in coming back to it, especially for when I'd like to give it a review.

The Ice Age Series: I dunno.

The “Ice Age” series was definitely interesting, and the first to fourth movies were each quite enjoyable in their own ways.

But for me, ”Collision Course” was the film where the franchise really jumped the shark. It disregarded the continuity and events of its predecessors WAY too much, several of the characters were either dumbed down or underutilized, and the humor was often more of a cringe-fest than anything else. Afterwards, while I haven’t seen “Adventures of Buck Wild”, everything gradually just seemed to get worse with that Disney+ installment, which was showcased by the clear disregard in continuity, excessive recasting, and the cheap animation quality.

What do you guys think?

Comments ( 8 )

I really feel like the Ice Age movies should've stopped after the 3rd movie, when a franchise" Jumps the shark", it can tell you that the people behind it are struggling to keep the story interesting, but trying to see what sticks, but the 5th film is what really ruined things, I feel like they were all dumbed down far too much to the point they're barely recognizable, while the animation of the 5th movie is good, everything else was nonstop slapstick to move the plot along, seriously who asked for 5 Ice age movies? I can understand 3, but 5? Not even Shrek has that many( if you don't count spinoff's and the 5th movie that's rumored to be in the works), I really think other movies like Rio should've gotten a 3rd movie or so, considering the 2nd movie made over 500M, it would've been just as profitable.

As for Sinbad, I can agree that that movie is pretty underrated, while I can see other's don't like it, I enjoy it for it's animation and how ambitious it was, shame Dreamworks never does 2d Theatrical movies these days, because I would love to see what they can do now.

As for Happy Feet two, while I liked the 1st one as a kid, after rewatching it as an adult, it hasn't aged the best to me, but I can understand other people really liking it, I still find the quote George Miller said about making a 3rd movie shocking, but given he's made the Mad Max movies, I can understand wanting to move on, but I can understand people still liking it.

Again, I can understand people not liking or those who do like it, and I have no problems with it, this is just my opinion and I hope that's okay.

What were your thoughts on “Ice Age: Continental Drift”?

Honestly, it's a bit of a Meh movie for me, I don't hate it like most people do, but I don't love it like others do, I feel like the fact that Peaches was a teenager in this movie only made things confusing given how Manny and the other characters look the same, I felt like the Scratt slapstick went too over the top and it went far too absurd even from what the first movies did. I honestly feel like some Blue Sky movies like the Ice age ones, were only finished after a first draft script, and not given more time to properly work, they needed more time with some of these movies, because with how some films like Rio 2, or the Ice Age sequels turned out, they needed more time to be worked on.

I can see that.

Personally, even though it’s been years since I saw Continental Drift, I thought it was a pretty solid entry to the franchise regardless of whatever flaws it has. Heck, I think it was also the right place for the Ice Age series to conclude.

Legend of the guardians is amazing. You really need to see it.

Yeah, I feel like that would've been a good place to stop too, but given what the 5th movie did, it's almost like it was completely retconned to keep the series going, while Diego's GF was still in the 5th movie, the main land they were on felt like the one from before again, I really felt like the franchise needed to keep a solid continuity between each film to make things feel less random, I can understand people liking it, and I don't have any problems that.

Reasons like that are exactly why I personally don’t like to count “Collision Course” as canon.

If they at least carried over proper continuity from the last movie like where they went, or stuff like the other characters from the last movie, it would've at least felt like a follow up, but I personally think the 4th movie was where it should've ended. They should've made a Rio 3 instead in Ice Age 5, because imagine how beautiful a Rio 3 would've looked with that animation, Ice age did not need 5 movies, you can argue the 4th one is a good conclusion, I think it is. But they needed to move on from Ice Age, and focus on other stories, it's sad Blue Sky is shut down, because I think they were getting a better hang of things with Spies in Disguise, hopefully those animators who worked there found a good job somewhere else, but back to the topic, yeah Continental Drift did feel like a proper conclusion, while Collusion Course felt out of place and non canon.

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