• Member Since 31st Mar, 2021
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True friends will always push you towards the great possibilities of your future, false friends will always chain you to the mistakes in your past.


Step Right In and Start Again (Summary/Spoilers) · 7:11pm Last Monday

Step Right In and Start Again

Okay, this was one of the most interesting concepts for a fic I've read in a while. The concept basically goes along the lines that Starlight forgets what happens once in a short timeframe - I think it was 18 hours, and the other characters are trying to fix her so she can be normal but it is a side-effect of the time travel spell that can never be fixed. I have always liked ideas for how Starlight could be punished, and this is one of the most deep and terrifying concepts I've seen for it. Starlight's perspective and memory stays the same, to when she is ready to accept judgement, but the world keeps "changing" Around her. Twilight and the Mane 6 keep trying to fix her, until Sunburst has a scene with her and he has two fillies. Time keeps passing onward in a blink of an eye for Starlight, following a war with Chrysalis, the world sort of eventually crumbles and falls apart - over what I assume is centuries if not thousands of years, with Starlight none the wiser towards what is happening to her. Evidently she couldn't be cured. I like fics with a happy ending but once in a while one with a dark ending and a plot twist is something that is most memorable to me. This reminds me of the song track "Everywhere at the End of Time" which to me is the most terrifying soundtracks of all as it deals with dementia and losing memories

Comments ( 1 )

I found this story quite fascinating too. It was very sad, dark, and fitting for Starlight since what she did could've been world-ending. I don't remember too much of this story since I read it so long ago, but I remember the Mane 6 trying to invent a memory crown or something and that failed. I also remember that music before, you sent it to me once before and I agree that it is quite haunting.

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