• Member Since 24th Apr, 2022
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


https://www.wattpad.com/user/Timeman202 A developing story writer whose favorite pony is Rainbow Dash.

More Blog Posts529

  • Thursday
    More Mega Maker Levels

    I have created three more mega maker levels, though one has been made for a while now. They are three more entries in the Rouge Bass Level series.

    Rouge Bass 2 - Lava Furnace: 566539
    Rogue Bass 3 - Mysterious Castle - Castle Break In: 566551
    Rogue Bass 4 - Mysterious Castle - Control Unit: 566570

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  • Thursday
    Independance Day

    Today is July 4th which means for america, this is Independence day.

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  • Wednesday

    While my plan is to release the Slade's Downfall story before I head off to bed again (I live in Texas so I have quite a long time before then), I didn't spend as much time as I wanted to yesterday making the rough draft for the story. This is not helped by the fact that no one; not a single soul; took me up on my offer to include their versions of MLP Gen 4 into this event as I haven't gotten a

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  • Tuesday
    Warning Tag Rant

    There are times when I feel like a story tackles mature themes that the warning tags just don't cover. I already know of a future story that's going to involve pregnancy and while that is a mature theme, it's not a warning tag.

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  • Monday
    New Mega Maker Level

    I've created a new Mega Maker level which will become part of my next level series. This level series will have the name in the title each time this time around, and I'll be doing this for each subsequent level series as well.

    Since I have the title of the series in the level name, well I won't tell you what it is without also giving you the level code:
    Rogue Bass 1 - Grand Escape: 566480

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Warning Tag Rant · 2:15pm Last Tuesday

There are times when I feel like a story tackles mature themes that the warning tags just don't cover. I already know of a future story that's going to involve pregnancy and while that is a mature theme, it's not a warning tag.

As an example of one of my stories that tackles mature themes that aren't given proper warning tags, just look at The Big Switcharoo. I feel like the concept of flirting as well as bullying are themes that warrent a higher rating then E for everyone; especially if I combine the later with a bit of darker commentary.

Speaking of, how is "dark" considered a generic tag when I feel like if you have to use dark commentary, you've already bumped up the age rating past the "E for Everyone" as it is? This really boggles my mind that the dark tag is included as a genre tag, especially more so since it's the only genre tag that turns red; you know, the same exact color as the warning tags?

Just to really drive home how weird it is that the "Dark" tag isn't a warning tag option, if you do have that be one of your genre tags, and also use some of the warnings, am I the only one who finds it strange that the dark tag is lumped together with the warning tags? I'm not joking, I've seen a couple of stories that use the warning tags & the dark tag and the dark tag proceeds the other warning tags no matter what with the blue tags such as romance, or comedy being placed after all the actual warning tags. It's like the Dark Tag is supposed to be a warning tag, but it isn't listed as one because some admin decided to lump it in with the regular genre tags.

Sorry that you had to read this rant of mine; it's just some things I've noticed that make no sense. At some point, I'd like to get in the ear of an admin and bring up these points to them (provided they don't read blog posts all the way through that is). In all seriousness, the warning tag subject isn't the only thing I think deserves a change, as there are some franchises which don't have tags yet such as Hamtaro & Plants vs. Zombies. I don't care if the former has been off the air for several years now, that shouldn't be an excuse to not have the tag for when someone wants to make a crossover fic. And while I'm mostly referring to myself on that point, who knows if in the future, some pony besides me wants to create another Hamtaro + MLP crossover fanfic but can't put Hamtaro as a featured series because the tag just doesn't exist.

Report RobtheMorpherPony · 33 views ·
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