• Member Since 3rd Mar, 2024
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Tape Deck

I'm a big time Reader/Commenter, Music Fan, and Weirdo. I'm also the number one fan of Carrot Top (the pony).|Music Recommendations|

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My Message To Fimfic Authors/Tape Deck's Mixtape: Track 52 (Yes #8) · 4:18pm Last Tuesday

Hey, if you're someone just here for the music, scroll down. That's perfectly fine.

But if you're a writer who comes across this (even if I haven't read your stories) I would like to thank you.

Thank you.

You take your free time, which could be spent doing absolutely anything else, and use it to write ponyfics with absolutely nothing expected in return, except for comments (which are plentiful, at least those that come from me) and just the fact that people appreciate your work.

(Unless you're into that Patreon stuff.)

This site, and its stories, have given me many enjoyable hours of reading, and surely will give many more in the future.

I love you guys.

As I have said on my userpage, this song basically exactly describes my relationship with reading fics on this site.

"Wonderous Stories" by Yes from the 1977 album Going For The One.

Dang forgot the lineup part

Yes: Yes, the keyboardist from the last album left, and yes, the keyboardist that preceded him came back. It's weird, I know.

Jon Anderson – lead vocals, harp
Steve Howe – steel guitar, acoustic and electric guitars, vachalia, pedal steel guitar, vocals
Chris Squire – bass guitar, fretless bass, 8-string bass, vocals
Rick Wakeman – piano, electric keyboards, church organ at St. Martin's in Vevey, Polymoog synthesizer, choral arrangement on "Awaken"
Alan White – drums, percussion, tuned percussion

Comments ( 18 )

”Nothing expected in return”


But seriously, thank you for saying that!

For me as someone who’s writing a story, it’s more like ‘I’m so grateful people actually read something I made’. So to anyone who did and to you and anyone who has ever given support to other writers,

Thanks a ton!

I know this hasn’t applied to me in a long time but I always genuinely did appreciate compliments like this too when I used to write and I got some of them as a popular writer deserved or not. I’m sure a few current writers definitely appreciate this.

Also, nice song. :moustache:

You are very welcome!

I added the essence of what you said to the post.

Hey, even if such and such was the case, I'm your writing was decent enough to deserve some praise.

Yeah it's becoming one I really really like.


And if either of you care at all, I forgot to add the band member lineup for this album until just now.

Maybe idk. Most people seemed to like them. But yeah what some prolific and talented writers do here is crazy, most expecting nothing in return. As I’ve said before, I admit fimfiction is definitely a pretty decent free unlimited entertainment service if you like MLP and you like to read and interact with other weird pony people from majority USA but all over the world to some extent. A dozen years ago this place was super addictive for me as a result haha.

I added the essence of what you said to the post.

I literally can’t believe I somehow missed that…

Guess I’m dumb :applejackunsure:

Thanks for your support!:twilightsmile:

Hey, you're not dumb at all.

Because of you, I added what you said to the post, because I did not have that originally.

Welcome as always.

Thanks for creating great content that allows me to support something.

Intriguing argument, however,

Since I did NOT notice that you didn’t say that in the original post, I believed it to be true that it ‘twas always there.

Henceforth, my argument, that I am likely to indeed be dumb, is still rather quite relevant I would say. :moustache:

Jokes aside its cool of you to put that in the post. thx :)

You're welcome, and I keep realizing how great it was a decision it was to, if not yet befriend, at least make you an acquaintance of mine.

That comment definitely had me :rainbowlaugh: again.

Glad ya liked it :)

And thanks for saying that, it means a lot.

I promise, this isn't me just saying things, I genuinely find you very funny.

I know, that’s why I thanked you :)

You’re not very bright are you?

(Just kidding I don’t know you well enough to know wether or not your iq score is above the freezing temperature, unlike mine :D)


Simply lol.

(Unless you're into that Patreon stuff.)

Lol. Buy me a coffee!! I once found a story where the author said "Screw the coffee, buy me a beer!" If I had the money, I wouldn't mind paying someone to write a good Fluffle Puff story, or a Firefly crossover that doesn't get abandoned.

As for the song, it almost sounds like a 70s stereotype. I like it. After those long songs, it's refreshing to play one that's under four minutes long.

Thanks. I understand completely.

Very interesting stuff on the docket for tomorrow, because its time for the 80's!

(For any people from the future, I mean Mixtape #54, not #53. #53 is from '78.)

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