• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Seven Fates

That girl that writes things you may or may not read. TG stuff, probably. Avatar of my batpony Evening Script by baladeAdvent.

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  • Saturday

    > USER "5345564E"
    > USER "5345564E" HAS OPENED A CHAT

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  • 4 weeks
    Ending and Moving Forward

    It's been a long time coming, but we're coming up on the end of Diaries of the Anonymous Filly. There is one comparatively short chapter left (pending edit), and then the epilogue, however long it ends up. I considered dragging out the final story arc a bit longer, but honestly, I've come to a point where I'm comfortable leaving Anon's story.

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  • 16 weeks
    Something Neat I Found

    So, like any normal author who writes fanfiction about a pony named Anon, I often browse the oc:filly anon tag on Derpibooru. Well, today while taking a look in there, I found something that really, really made me smile. Sure, these aren't my bug, Anonymous Flicker, but it's great to finally see some changeling queen Anon arts out there. I still positively squeed when I saw them.

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  • 28 weeks
    Events to come and User Input

    So now that Make Your Mark has reached its apparent conclusion, I have a vague outline for the path that Vlogs of an Ancient Insect may take. That said, I'm looking at concluding things at Roots of All Evil - Part 2 before going into an epilogue. Before I go too far with things, I thought I'd shake some things up with some community input on canon events.

    Chime in after the break.

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  • 30 weeks
    Our Queen of Mischief and Magic

    Little surprise for you all tonight!
    Your—hopefully—favourite changeling queen, Anonymous Flicker has now been given form in the style of Tell Your Tale.

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I am incredibly sorry to announce... · 12:20am Jan 13th, 2013

A year ago, I began writing my first-ever piece of fan-fiction. It was an ambitious little project by the name of Displaced. When I started writing this story, I had an endpoint in mind, but nothing beyond it. At the behest of my initial pre-reader, DarkxRedemption, I submitted it to Equestria Daily. At the time, I honestly never expected to much to come of it. Surprisingly, the amount of edits their pre-readers required of me were rather minimal. By the end of the week, my premiere foray into fan-fiction had become a fairly-regularly updating title in Equestria Daily's story updates.

Coming up on the end-point of Displaced, I'd begun having ideas for a possible sequel. This kind of went against my initial plan with an ending in mind, but I followed through because it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Unfortunately, around the same time that I was closing up on displaced, I'd also started up another title: When a Pony Calls. I'd initially started that title as a side project to keep my writing from becoming stagnant from focusing on one stock of characters.

Unfortunately, It became difficult for me to adequately spread my attention between two active titles. When I continued on with When a Pony Calls, the story evolved from a simple comedy into something more. The longer I focused on When a Pony Calls, the more I began to care about the story. This compounded with the ambitious plot of The Gaean Crusade to make it rather difficult for me to pay any attention to it. It may have been that I was just too over-ambitious with the type of story that I set out, or that I just stopped caring for the idea of continuing with Goldenrod. I'd decided that I would put the TGC on Hiatus and thought maybe I could get back to it when I'd had some time away from the story or began to feel interested in it again. At the very least I might take some interest in it again after WaPC finished.

This sadly isn't the case. Four months since my last release, and if anything, I only feel more disinterested in writing TGC than I was before. As a result of this, I've come to a rather hard decision. It is my solemn duty to inform you that I have officially cancelled The Gaean Crusade. I simply made a pair of boots my feet ultimately couldn't fill. I just can't find it in my heart to force this story and half-arse it.

I know that I can never truly make it up to you, but for those who are interested, I've decided to make the plot outline that I'd been working off of and writing just ahead of the story. It's not much, but it should be a good gauge of where I was going with the story. You may find the plot outline here.

One of my editors, BearCider mentioned that I should leave the story open for adoption. I actually agree wholeheartedly with this idea. Therefore, if anypony wishes to take up the torch of The Gaean Crusade, you have my complete permission to use and alter that plot outline, and the character of Goldenrod as you see fit. Best wishes, and my utmost apologies.


Report Seven Fates · 789 views ·
Comments ( 10 )

It was Darky, Sevvy, who suggest that. :3

I'll take credit though. IT WAS ALL ME GUYS, ALL ME.

Personally, I was looking forward to the editing moreso than the actual story (although the story would have been an added bonus, Warry has a special place in my memories after Displaced). I quite enjoyed the time spent editing Displaced, and I had similar expectations for the sequel. But, with school starting back up and a sudden increase in workload, I had to l leave more or less for two months. And I'm sorry if my inactivity when it came to proofing might had caused enough time for you to lose your insperation in writing it.

I'm sad to see it go, but I much happier with you cancelling it than leaving it incomplete forever. The Gaean Crusade deserves the right to be cancelled instead of being forever incomplete. At least I can satisfy that little part of me that wonders what could have been by reading the outline and adding it with my copy of Displaced and what was wrote of The Gaean Crusade.

*Whew* I thought you were leaving, or something; but I digress, the adoption idea is splendid.

It seems that everyone I'm following is having the same problem at the same time (one too many stories to update/canceling a long-running one/suddenly bringing back a lot of stories all at once.)

705216 In my Defense, The Gaean Crusade wasn't a long running one. It'd barely begun when I began to falter.:derpytongue2:

705228 Also in your defense, you got more out than I have. I've started at least six separate fics, but only have one published chapter between all of them. :ajsleepy:

I understand that I'm a little late posting this, but I totally respect and understand how you feel. I had two running fics and had to cancel one of them because I just lost interest in it. I'm by no means as good of a writer as you, but I understand how you feel. I don't think anybody will really blame you either, at least they shouldn't.

We're your followers, and we made the commitment to follow you because we like all of your work, not just one story. We respect you as an author and we want to see all of your work. Displacement is one of my favorite fics, and one of the few that inspired me to start writing my own fanfiction. Every since then you've only continued to impress me with your skill, and no matter what you write, I will look forward to it. :twilightsmile:

Also, I'd love to be able to continue your story in the future if you would allow it. It would be an honor.

It's okay. I didn't read the sequel since i tought that the first story's end was satisfying.

Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. Scootaloo needs her guardian brother!
By the way, Scootaloo is best pony :scootangel:
Displaced was a unique HiE fic in it's story line and I enjoyed emulating Scootaloo's voice in my head when she spoke. Good luck in your future endeavors, Seven :scootangel:

I've never read The Gaean Crusade, but it's probably good. When a Pony Calls is in my Top 4 fics list, so... well, my opinion here probably isn't as valuable as some others.

Awww. Well I hope someone DOES pick it up. Displaced holds a special place in my heart, after all :fluttercry:

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