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  • 446 weeks
    Truth is...

    I wish I had never written Believing Stories. To this day, that nightmare refuses to leave me alone. Just today, someone accessed the FIRST CHAPTER on my google docs and made suggestions for corrections to it...



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  • 536 weeks
    I have to face it.

    I haven't updated here in months. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to come back to the stories I have. I would say it's just burnout but I think at this point I'm more like burnedout on pony fanfiction...and on being a writer.

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  • 547 weeks
    So... Bronycon

    I'm going.

    Hopefully there is activity from me here between then and now...

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  • 549 weeks
    Remember when...

    You were like five and you woke up at 6AM or earlier waiting for your parents to get up so you could open the pile of presents under the tree?

    Slept in until 11:30 this morning.

    My childhood is officially gone.


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  • 552 weeks
    I'm no longer a pony... for now

    As some of you may remember, last year The Descendent asked for members of the site to add Santa hats to their avatars. I may later add a hat to a pony picture of me but for now I'll have a human face up there.

    Carry on :)

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Yes, I'm apprehensive. (spoiler picture) · 2:37pm Jan 18th, 2013

There is a handful of them on the season 3 wikia.

Please don't make him give up chocolate rain and tea parties. Certainly a Draconequus who hold tea parties with a bunny can't be all that bad. And eternal chaos comes with free pie for everypony!

Can't we all just get along?

The sad thing is: I know I'm still going to watch any pony episode made after even if he is...reformed.

BTW, who wants to bet how long it will be until that lamp starts showing up everywhere as a fan made thing that could rival plushies? (I take that back...nothing rivals plushies!)

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Comments ( 36 )

See for your self.

723429 Oh god.

Discord and Angel in the background xD

723429 lol. Thanks. So....Fluttershy will befriend Discord...hmmm :trixieshiftright:

723443 she'll at least try...

723445 That could turn interesting though. Still...apprehension and speculation makes things fun.

723451 Check my 2nd to latest blog post.

Well.... its going to be amusing to see what kind of fanfics comes out from this episode, seeing that a previous major villain is involved.

723489 I almost wonder if it's a reference to gen 3 with that one pony becoming a princess and then being bored because she can't be with her friends...

723519 oh dear...probably a boatload of Discoshy stuff.

Seeing how this site has a thing for romance, I can see that for certain. Either that or some silly random comedy, but the question is: 'Will it blend' with romance if they dare to mix the genres?

This looks like it's going to be a funny episode. I'm just afraid of the ending.

~Have a good one.

Well...possessively the episode was going to have a two-parter, but nonetheless we shall see if the fandom cries over this (some people believe that Discord shouldn't be redeemed)

724739 I'm one that hopes he isn't. I'd rather have Celestia learn a lesson and not try to change the embodiment of chaos. What I wish would happen is that they reach a sort of compromise where he can live and wreak chaos but only where he is allowed or when he is allowed.


Well, with a claim like that, I can't wait even more. I mean, that's, like, the entertainment media equivalent of going all-in.

Secondly, I need to start making a Discord lamp. STAT.

Thirdly, I don't know how far they intend to go in saccharizing the Chaos spirit, but I certainly hope they have the good sense to not give him some mundane job once he's good (if he's good). Now, my personal headcanon is that Discord was a vengeful royal who evoked the Chaos spirit and became too powerful for his own good, and if that ends up being Word of God, it'll allow for at least some more freedom in what said reformed big bad can do. Although I honestly would prefer Discord to remain more Q-like, or at least Pinkie-level in ability; DeLancie is too awesome to not voice anything less than a reality-bending trickster.


DeLancie is too awesome to not voice anything less than a reality-bending trickster.

agreed completely. It just wouldn't be right for him to apologize or compliment someone without sounding sarcastic.

I hope he is redeemed, it is actually a ruse until the ended of the season were Discord gathers more villains and it sets up Twicorn/ New Princess helping the Alicorns and Elements in fighting the Leaguge of Evil Monsers On Narwhalls (L.E.M.O.N.s) in Season 4.
Checkmate and game.

726100 Really, think about it, Sombra and Chrysalis are still alive, Discord is a master at lies and riddles, and having season four/the movie all about fighting Discord and the other villains would be epic!

726147 It would be... hmmm. If only.

726152 Hopefully Discord is really faking his redemtion.
Or he is redeemed, but starts helping RD and Pinkie with their pranking.
Also, I thikn that Discord doesn't get the difference between a prank and ruinning some one's life. As in he just doesn't get it natrually and the Shy has to help him realize it.

726162 Part of me wants to see him get banished to the moon so he can make it his capital of chaos...with pie.

726177 That would be hilarious, but how would they keep him on the moon?

726192 Heh...he might like it there if he's given free reign and ponies are allowed to go back and forth if they like.

726196 He would love that.
He'll be all like "I'm gonna make my own Equstria, on the Moon with Blackjack and Hookers!"



Eeeenope. Cherry Chocolate Rain.

726245 "I'm Discord, that's D-I-S-O-C-O to the R-D."

Comment posted by Mersenne Prime deleted Jan 19th, 2013


Although I wouldn't say he's necessarily malevolent in his trickery; he's a Chaotic Neutral. All of life's a game for him, and he'd much rather have a challenge than win without a hitch. I mean, he just moved the Elements, instead of destroying them. Because he wanted to test them and watch as they fail their quest.

Basically, he's like Q from Star Trek, except he would much rather conquer Equestria and wreak chaos than quietly troll everyone. If he gets "redeemed", I can imagine he'll become more like Q was intended to be at heart: an omnipotent being that steps in every now and then to challenge the protagonists, growing them in the process.
But still a trickster at heart, of course, so no shortage of cheap shots and close calls. :pinkiecrazy:


I gotta say, though, this sounds enticing, too. It all depends on what light they want to paint him in: a neutral party that is invariably force of entropy wherever he goes, or a villain bent on making Equestria into his personal sandbox.

If it's the latter, I really hope he turns one of the newscasters into a realistic fish head. EVERY. VILLAIN. IS. LEMONS!

726540 I like that idea a lot. Where he is redeemed somewhat...but not completely changed. We'll today is the day to find out!

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