• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen January 16th


More Blog Posts35

  • 86 weeks
    Nightmare Moon AU

    I keep musing about ways Cadence being canon before S2 could have fun influences on fics and the story but I just had an idea for an AU where upon returning Nightmare Moon steals the Elements of Harmony before anyone even gets close to them. Twilight and company still become friends, but then they barely escape the castle being collapsed on them and have to be saved by Zecora; as they recover,

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    3 comments · 191 views
  • 476 weeks
    Original Fiction Idea

    Anyone who has been following my blog recently may have noticed I posted a rather detailed fic concept, for anyone who missed it there should be a link in the side bar to the various post.

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Kin, Pepper & Villains

    The primary antagonist! I've temporarily named her Kin for another OC I adored.

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Azure & Isheen

    Azure, (filler name) the Samurai psychic. Azure in a tall, blond-ish haired man/woman (I originally planned woman but am thinking maybe guy now) is based of General Blue from the Mystic Adventure movie, both in appearance and uniform. (Blue was nominally a good guy in that film so food for thought.) They may be a reincarnation, maybe not, chances are folks wouldn't mention it or notice unless

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Yancy & Ran

    Set up For Cast:

    The story follows a new generation of 'heroes'. Though most of them are more aptly called protagonists and in come cases are outright antagonists. Some of this cast fall under the guidance of Bulma, Korin and Roshi while others have their own support networks & agendas.

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An Analysis (Unrelated to C!verse) · 12:30pm Jan 20th, 2013

I don't really want to be making this post, but I feel I found a way to summarize some of my reasons for disliking the "Keep Calm and Flutter On" episode.

Many bronies have said that they would much rather live in the magical land of Equestria, instead of our crappy and corrupt real world. A real world where the wealthy and famous, can be celebrated for actions that would land normal people in jail. Where unrepentant criminals can escape justice because of a family name, an organisations power or tradition. We live in a world were people who commit some of the foulest and more horrific crimes can completely evade justice. Solely because someone with authority said not to punish them and then later have these same criminal monsters be rewarded, despite the untold suffering they have willingly and knowingly caused and leaving the victims with ruined lives, their suffering completely ignored.

Equestria has now become like that to me.

Discord has never tried to justify his actions, he has freely admitted to being evil and to taking pleasure in the destruction, the chaos and suffering he causes, he has never once tried to justify himself, as a force of nature or a creature that has no choice of it's own. He cannot claim ignorance the way a child might claim to not understand the pain of the animals they set on fire for their amusement. Because if he did not understand the creatures he torments he could not use psychology against them so easily, because he would be incapable of understanding, communicating or relating to them, their motives, their feelings or their actions, which he is more than capable of, he simply finds their suffering amusing.

Discord has physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally violated dozens of innocents, many of whom were never a threat to him, he did this for no other reason than it pleasured him. Not once has he demonstrated compassion or empathy for the suffering he's caused or any intent to apologize, he feels no guilt for the suffering that was caused in his wake or for the damage he's caused, or for the lives he's likely ended when remaking the world into a mad space and throwing explosive into civilian centers. He was certainly not bothered by the pain he has caused, he gleefully reveled in it.

Discord cannot even claim to be truly redeemed, Fluttershy is little more than a morality chain, he only controls his destructive impulses because something he finds amusing or something he views as his, will not be his, if he does not and due to being forced into a position of weakness he cannot force her to obey him as he normally would.

Discord showed no desire to be reformed or to make amends, he did not seek to change or better himself. He has shown no desire to make up for the suffering he's caused and unless we see him take such actions, we can only assume that he has never done and does not care to. The mane cast and Celestia have shown a similar dis-interest in making Discord, actually atone for is numerous crimes and have not addressed his lack of empathy or compassion for those he has harmed. His "redemption" was motivated solely by self interest in keeping his new toy close to him the only way he could, due to no longer being in a position of power.

In this Equestria, a person, a fully sentient and intelligent free willed entity chose to cause suffering and chaos through his strength because it pleased him, he showed no guilt or conflict and freely admitted to his crimes and even took pride in them. He is someone who has escaped justice or judgement of any wrong doing, because he was convinced to say sorry, and so all the suffering he has caused is then to be forgotten, he is to be forgiven for his monstrous actions, he is to be excused. Despite feeling no guilt for all the pain he has caused, for the lives he's ruined or the innocents he's violated for his pleasure. They lay forgotten and dismissed as he moves on with his life unburdened by guilt and with no punishment or atonement. He has gotten away with all his crimes, because a person in power wanted him to, because he was useful to them, because he had the connections, because certain person's in a position of authority & influence desired it.

This is not a place I would want to live, this is not a place I would want to visit for even a second, our world may be a miserable, corrupt and terrible place but at least we know it is. I would not want to live in a world where someone could do these things, where a man can so thoroughly torture and violate so many for his twisted desires and pleasures and then to simply get away with it. There's no justice in that, there's no harmony or peace in that, it is an insult to all those that have been victimized and violated by this creature it makes a mockery of redemption and demeans us all.

Report vazak · 379 views ·
Comments ( 1 )

Well said, well said. I can agree with most of that and the few bits here and there I can'r might be more a matter of semantics than any real fundamental dissent.

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