• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021



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  • 446 weeks
    Truth is...

    I wish I had never written Believing Stories. To this day, that nightmare refuses to leave me alone. Just today, someone accessed the FIRST CHAPTER on my google docs and made suggestions for corrections to it...



    4 comments · 445 views
  • 536 weeks
    I have to face it.

    I haven't updated here in months. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to come back to the stories I have. I would say it's just burnout but I think at this point I'm more like burnedout on pony fanfiction...and on being a writer.

    Read More

    10 comments · 845 views
  • 547 weeks
    So... Bronycon

    I'm going.

    Hopefully there is activity from me here between then and now...

    9 comments · 459 views
  • 549 weeks
    Remember when...

    You were like five and you woke up at 6AM or earlier waiting for your parents to get up so you could open the pile of presents under the tree?

    Slept in until 11:30 this morning.

    My childhood is officially gone.


    8 comments · 486 views
  • 552 weeks
    I'm no longer a pony... for now

    As some of you may remember, last year The Descendent asked for members of the site to add Santa hats to their avatars. I may later add a hat to a pony picture of me but for now I'll have a human face up there.

    Carry on :)

    4 comments · 482 views

General Story Post · 3:32pm Jan 23rd, 2013

Hello everyone!

For those of you following "This is Not My Dream," you might have noticed I took away almost all the chapters. Don't panic, I'm just going to rewrite them when I'm finished with False Memory (more on that later.) The reason I'm going to rewrite them is twofold:

1. Choosing to write it in first person was a silly choice. Third person limited would probably be better.

2. "Keep Calm and Flutter On" because...reasons

As for False Memory, It's been helping to settle some demons that have been bugging me since I wrote Believing Stories (although I probably should have done individual editing in the already existing chapter rather than tried to rewrite it.[That might be a summer project but no promises.]) It seems to be drawing to a close sooner than I realized. I technically could finish it up in two chapters at most. However, there are other options:

1. I keep writing it and keep the story going (and probably risk answering more questions than I want to.)

2. I make a sequel to it where the questions would be answered.

Fanfiction basically has become a learning process for me, learning from mistakes and getting valuable input. I appreciate the help you guys have been giving me and your comments of encouragement, or even just reactions to the chapters. Thanks.

So now the question for you is: where should "False Memory" go from here?

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I would like to see some of False Memory's questions answered. To that end, option 1 is the one I recommend, but if it'll answer more questions than you want answered, I'd go with 2 if I were you.

I like the idea of some questions being left unanswered. So, uh, I dunno. Whatever you would rather do, I suppose :twilightsheepish:

Well, you could rewrite your 'This is Not My Dream" because of the recent episode of "Keep Calm and Flutter On" for the information that is revealed, but what will that accomplish if you choose to do it (also it would defeat the purpose of writing 'False Memory', since its essentially a rewrite of the said story)? Bonus point to you if you wish to change the story to make it 'realistic and accurate' like the show, however I have to question why you would wish to alter the story if the original is good in its own design, but it is your story after all so it is yours to do as you please

Even though I have yet to read 'False Memory', I'll say that you should focus on making a sequel, but based on the events after the story (basically what I said on your original story).

755483 I have to be honest, I wasn't really sure that the TiNMD was progressing the way that it should. I was rushing it and I feel like writing it in first person was a mistake. The story should be me writing as a pony who is guessing what Jordan (the girl) is actually going through. It shouldn't be me writing as Jordan when I'm claiming to write it as a "historical" account. Also, the revelation of "Sleepless in Ponyville" threw another wrench into my story concept.

I'm debating back and forth on that. I decided I will keep writing "False Memory" to make it longer but I might have connected stories later on when I'm finished. I'll see how it goes. Thanks for your input!

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