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  • 86 weeks
    Nightmare Moon AU

    I keep musing about ways Cadence being canon before S2 could have fun influences on fics and the story but I just had an idea for an AU where upon returning Nightmare Moon steals the Elements of Harmony before anyone even gets close to them. Twilight and company still become friends, but then they barely escape the castle being collapsed on them and have to be saved by Zecora; as they recover,

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  • 476 weeks
    Original Fiction Idea

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Kin, Pepper & Villains

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Azure & Isheen

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  • 478 weeks
    DBZ Aftershock Characters: Yancy & Ran

    Set up For Cast:

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CadenceVerse! The Mane Six & Bearers of the Elements of Harmony · 7:38am Jan 25th, 2013

So after hours and days and weeks of effort and searching I've finally found and finished them, the characters and their individual Element of Harmony, so if you have the time, please take a look, I would really appreciate feedback on this front in regards to pretty much everything. So without further winging on my part about lining up pictures and finding background ponies, I present:

The Cadence Verse Six!

Film Reel
The Element of Hoensty:

Film Reel, is a fast talking fast moving and cunning journalist, always on the lookout for the next big story. She never goes anywhere without her trusty hat and camera, as well as many secret hidden cameras. She’s sneaky and agile, with a surprising amount of patience when it comes to her work. Film Reel’s not above profiteering and has big ambitions as a photographer & journalist.

She likes to travel and can be a little breezy sometimes even coming of as disinterested or inattentive. She’s energetic, friendly and very open about herself and what she wants or does, she can be a bit sarcastic, but generally in a friendly manner, and can be a supportive friend & listener; she likes big personalities such as Rainbow Dash or Trixie.

When it comes to danger Film Reel's more likely to take a picture while saying "neat!" than run from it, even if it’s a raging dragon; she may actually have a little in-common with Pinkie Pie, in a very, very toned down way. She enjoys surprising ponies, partially to get an honest picture/reaction but also just because it’s funny. she will take a snapshot of pretty much anything to maintain prosperity, though she does occasionally note/learn that the real experience is better than a memory.

Despite being very skilled, she often gets relegated jobs she doesn’t like or that aren’t particularly interesting or important, the reason for this is her honestly, she won’t lie or let someone else lie with her pictures. This can lead her into conflict with big magazines and newspapers, that can’t ignore her skills, but also can’t deal with her honesty when they want to hype up a story.

This is a double sided honesty as Film Reel has a desire for truth from others as much as from herself. More than anything she believes a picture is worth a thousand words. Despite her honesty she can keep a secret and be manipulative, even using photographic evidence if she feels a need too.

Film Reel can easily get carried away, either in general or in her work and lose sight of what she was meant to be doing, and who she might be troubling or ignoring. Sometimes, her desire for truth or a big story can lead her into conflict with other characters and even lead her away from her friends if she leaves for work. Film Reel is a firm believer in the idea that if you can't do something honestly, then it's not worth doing. Of course she will be quick to remind anypony that there is a big difference between honest and fair.

Film Reel was descried as androgynous, and I'd be keeping to that.

She joins the mane cast while attending the eclipse/other thing festival, have been sent to cover the prestigious event, there she meets princess Cadence’s student. Film Reel is likely becomes a free-lance photographer by the end of the first episode. Or she was fired before the first episode and was hoping that covering the eclipse festival would get her, her job back, but decides she doesn’t want to work for a company that doesn’t value the truth. Or she’s just a general free-lancer who was either hired or chose to independently cover the festival in the hopes of getting some interesting pictures.

Film Reel may also have a Rival/shadow archetype, this rival would be somepony that is more interested in headlines and sensationalism than truth and journalism they'd be an unscrupulous pony out to get the "dirt" on the C!6, even if they have to pick it up and rub it on them personally.

Film Reel will likely get some amusing background scenes and might even have disguises and may have a collection of hats or just her fedora. Film Reel may own a trumpet, that she probably can't play all that well, mostly because her hat makes me think of jazz music, which in it self may be thing at least for her.

I am sort of divided on how I want to use Film Reel's ninja/randomness, overall I want her to have "abnormal" reactions to abnormal situation, simply put when someones runs from something she might try to get an interview or take a picture, she'd be totally unaware or un-caring about how odd her behavior is, in the same vain I don't want a Pinkie clone, so I think she will have a bit more roguish charm to her but also actively play up her odd qualities on purpose. Meaning she knows something is dangerous but is willing to try it anyway and can control her "odder" attributes, more easily, if she feels like it.

Film Reel will often be hired as a photographer for photo shoots and the like, though she does not enjoy that work as much as her journalistic work, feeling that the poses are to fake/lacking and have nothing to do with journalism.

Film Reel doesn't have much in common with Raindrops or Applejack, they even express their elemental quality differently, AJ is very much literal honesty, in the sense that she’s bad at lying and keeps to her word. Raindrops’s honesty within herself, she knows who she is and why she does things or feels things.

Film Reel is probably a bit of a mix of those two she’s fairly candid about herself and others, to the point of even coming across as rude or unaware. But Film Reel’s element is primarily expressed by her general desire for truth in everything & everyone she encounters, she does dislike lying exaggerating the truth but is capable of doing it if she feels it necessary.

Amethyst Star, Sparkler
The Element of Kindness & Conjurer in Training:

As a young filly Sparkler like many young fillies and colts was sponsored by Princess Cadence herself to enter the princess’s new magic academy in Canterlot and with great effort passed the entrance exam. Since meeting young Sparkler the princess has kept an eye on the young mare’s scholarly career, occasionally offering a word of support or advice. Sparkler is an extremely kind pony, especially to foals and animals; she tends to find adults a little harder to deal with, feeling that it's an adults place to protect the foals and therefore having high expectations from them, but will always be try to be kind to anypony who’s troubled.

She’s quite loyal to those she cares for and will never betray a pony or her word, she’s a hard worker and polite, but can grow defensive very quickly when upset. Sparkler is very fond of gems and jewellery and collects both as a hobby. She has a rather dry sarcastic wit and a small patience for those that annoy her. She likes to sleep in and tends towards grouchiness when bothered.

being a commoner among a student body filled with nobles and rich ponies Sparkler’s no stranger to arrogance and tends to find cocky or egotistical ponies vexing at the best of time, she dislikes arguments and bullying. She can often come across as rather blasé, when not focusing on something specifically.

She leans towards procrastinating when nervous and will try to distract herself from her own problems more than she tries to solve them. Sparkler tends to look down at pony's who didn't have to work get the things they wanted and works to to make the best use of her lucky break in her sponsorship. She's a very well read pony but also rather stage shy. She can be gruff at times, especially if she hasn't slept well.

Sparkler expresses her kindness through the more classic kindness seen when she deals with foals and animals as well as offering support & advice, if a pony is injured or struggling she will try to help them up, if they are struggling she will try to teach/help them if she can't she will find somepony that will. It's more forceful/blunt than Fluttershy or Ditsy's, but is no less sincere. She often takes care of foals in her spare time and will be extremely kind to them.

Her special talent is in conjuring magic; specifically she can conjure/create gems, crystals and diamonds and wields great control over them, she can use them as shields or for other purposes. Besides that she can conjure/summon personal or nearby items very easily and uses this ability frequently. But it is quite rigid and so she has to practice most conjuring spells repeatedly to get them down and carries/summons a spell book with all her spells and research. Sparkler may take up a tutor job or a research position, when she decides to live in Everfree City.


Sparkler is not an extremely powerful unicorn and her telekinesis is rather “weak/uncontrolled” in comparison to most unicorns leading her to using her hooves and mouth for many tasks, she has an slightly above average mana pool, but besides that she is fairly average in terms of power or skill, outside her specialty that is, but was still a very high ranked student within the school itself form sheer hard work.
Cadence gives out a small number of sponsorship's to young filly's and colts each year; this may have been how she met Lightning.

Sparkler’s parents are divorced (maybe) there may be a situation about that, similar to the L!verse or it may be completely different. I originally intended Sparkler to be loyalty, but then this happened, i'm still not sure how, but it works better as in canon she worked on the animal care team and seems to be very friendly/kind to filly's, Some of the earlier plans may bleed through. My original plan was actually for Sparkler to be the student but well here we are I couldn't resist using Dust. I will admit that a lot of that was simply superficial due to how well the two fitted next to each other and because she was my first choice, overall I'm much happier with Dust.

Mjolna/Sandy, Blacksmith
The Element of Loyalty

Mjolna is an earth pony blacksmith who, due to her skill and special talent, she can channel earthly magic through her body and infuse some of her own magic into the items she crafts, giving them extra strength or other special properties. (They don't glow or shoot magic beams though, this increases their use for tasks like gardening or mining) She comes from a distant unnamed province (possibly Norse inspired) and has a mysterious background.

When working Mjolna is quietly confident & intense with great focus. But out of work she is extremely boisterous, this would largely apply to adventures as well. she has a "deep, firm, smooth voice, like chocolate" she speaks with a slight accent, metaphors being fairly common and in a somewhat old fashioned manner and rarely if ever uses contractions. She has been nick-named Sandy by ponies who cannot pronounce her normal name properly, something she begrudgingly puts up with and will even inform other ponies of if they are struggling with her name.

Mjolna takes great pride in her work and cultural beliefs and will defend them. Mjolna can get a bit irritated/insulted, especially if ponies can’t pronounce her name right or are rude, but she tends to stick to glaring or grumbling when bothered and taking any stress out on the forge if she needs to. She’s generally friendly but can come across as brash, rude or aggressive; she has a somewhat different take on situations due to her upbringing.

Contests are very common where Mjolna comes from and it is often how she will try to resolve disputes, she is can be quite competitive and is very focused when competing and will often question a pony’s honor, courage, will or pride when insulting or arguing with them. She is quite intelligent and has good coping and reasoning skills and she takes debts very seriously and she is rarely seen without her hammer.

Mjolna cares about her friends and wants to see the best brought out of them just as she does herself and is quite happy to help "hammer out" some of their kinks in the name of self improvement. Despite coming across as tough Mjolna can be quite sensitive and sentimental even falling into melancholy if homesick. She tends to use long words and few if any contractions. She likes mead and Cider and is extremely strong and psychically tough.

Mjolna is a very loyal pony, any debt she has she will repay, she expresses her element by generally being protective and helpful to anypony whom she is close too, or oues and will often drop everything to aid them. Loyalty is very important to her and she expects to see it in other ponies and can be enraged when a pony is behaving in a disloyal manner. Mjolna sticks by her word and can decide a pony is a friend (and therefore worth risking her life for) very easily.

despite her loyalty she rarely changes her opinion and will argue with somepony she disagrees with even if she cares about them or oues them. Mjolna's loyalty often comes across as self sacrificing. She tends to invest deep sentimental value in objects * items and rarely let's things go or replaces them, she will invest deep feeling into land-marks or places were something special happened as well.

The earth pony enchantment I was discussing earlier works like this: Earth ponies are connected to the earth, they use their own magic and can draw strength form the planet itself as well as channel their own magic into the earth and manipulate that energy to help plants grow, strengthen soil and other such things. If they are skilled, they can become an enchanter who can use this magic system to infuse their own bodies or objects they are crafting with special properties, usually ranging from, increasing their toughness, or gardening ability. An earth pony can also draw on attributes of the earth to make themselves stronger, tougher or harder to move as well and draw energy form the ground to keep moving long after their body should have given out.

Strawberry Sunrise
The Element of Laughter

Strawberry Sunrise is a wine making hostess & entertainer, she is friendly and enthusiastic, but carries herself with a sense of restraint, poise and class. Her family were grape farmers and wine sellers and Sunshine is looking to expand the family business. she owns a small catering business that sells wine and snack food and ponies can hire her to organise functions or gatherings, she was in charge of organizing the Eclipse festival. Sunrise can grow stressed or very serious about her business or events “This is the most important thing!”

Sunrise views wine as a joy to make and something to bring happiness to others, she likes to throw party’s and wine tasting events and views alcohol as an excellent “friendship/social lubricant” and even if a pony gets angry or sad, she feels it’s a good way to get something off one’s chest, that they might not discuss otherwise. To her, wine and fun break down social and emotional barriers. Sunshine takes her wine seriously and gets easily offended if her or any wine is insulted, or not treated with proper respect, she has no respect for drunks and feels it's best to drink in moderation.

Sunrise is quite cultured, well-spoken and educated, but has little patience for those who are rude or unpleasant, but has the pateince of a mountain when it comes to caring for those close to her, she takes her friendships seriously and will always try to make her friends happy through any means necessary, and can get extremely stressed when trying to please everypony. she takes her job and responsibilities as a hostess similarly seriously and always wishes to ensure everypony is happy and enjoying themselves.

Strawberry Sunrise expressed her element by trying to quite naturally make others happy, she enjoy's planning events and much like Pinkie thinks party's and mixers area great way to make friend and make ponies happy. Sunrise can be protective and very supportive, usually by trying to cheer the pony on/up. She likes to share a drink and always has an open ears for anypony's troubles. She is also the eldest of the mane cast and has a certain maturity to her that the others sometimes lack. I'm still debating whether she own her own catering business or owns or works in a hotel catering events events.

She can sing, amazingly, and will/would be the musical number pony for the first episode, but it would instead be (spoiler) "in an episode of Red Dwarf the cast have crashed and two charters have to go out in a blizzard and repair the ship, they sing to keep their spirits up." I'm thinking Sunrise would do something similar whole she and Lightning Dust work to guide the others through a storm caused the the princess's battle.

Quick Fix/Epona
The Element of Generosity:

Epona/Quick Fix, works as a local manager for a large shipping and transport company (starlight flights) she enjoys piloting airships and working on them and other mechanical & magical creations in her spare time, but spends most of her day's in the office. She is working on a small mini sailor/airship for her own private use, (which will likely be sacrificed in the pilot episode).

When running managing the office she can sometimes be too generous with those she employs or works with, tolerating late deliveries and giving out things like half day's or bonuses, often compensating for it by doing the work herself. So despite having good management skills she is rather poor at managing her own resources, this get's even worse if she get's an idea to build something and starts with more enthusiasm than resources.

She’s a very kind and generous pony, always willing to help somepony out even if she doesn’t know them, often promising more than she can give and still trying due to her dedicated nature.

She has a cheery personality and a very relaxed demeanour that shines especially well when doing something she loves. Quick Fix can be a little adventurous, devious and somewhat short sighted, she greatly enjoys being in the sky’s or working on machines, particularly airships. Despite this she is something of an introvert in social situations, she's a little nervous, somewhat shy and tends to be quiet outside her comfort zones or without her friends, when in her comfort zones she can have a case of motor mouth and is openly chirpier.

One thing I would like to do with Quick Fix is to show that she prefers having a job where her special talent can be used but generally isn't, namely she prefers to keep work and special talent separate. So while she will occasionally enjoy messing around with an airships engine or even flying one for work, she generally prefers to keep such joys solely reserved for fun, as opposed to something she does everyday for money, combining it with bureaucracy and probably numerous things that simply aren't interesting. Her magical aura is either a light sort of rusty brown or silver. There is still some debate if it;s a shipping company or a package delivery company, she could also just be the regional manager as opposed to the owner.

Quick Fix is a friend of Mjolna, as she helped Mjolna set up her business when she first arrived in Everfree. Quick Fix, is very good at fixing and building things and has a tendency to try mad inventions when she get's a good idea, she especially enjoy's airships, she has a precise control over her telekinesis and a wide range but knows few spells and isn't very strong.

Lightning Dust
The Element of Magic:

Lightning Dust is a skilled and extremely fast pegasus, with exceptional weather magic skills; she is the personal apprentice/knight in training to Princess Mi Amore Cadenza/Cadence. She was originally sent to Everfree City to oversee the "Eclipse Festival" preparations and to investigate the sudden increase in the aggressiveness of the Everfree beasts and was accompanied by Sparkler.

When it comes to friendship Lightning Dust's problem is that she is distrusting and tries to take everything on alone, either expecting others will fail or that they aren't genuine. She is extremely close and loyal to Cadence though and rather familiar with her outside formal events.

While sent to Everfree in an official capacity, the princess also sent Lightning there in the hopes of energizing her somewhat listless & aimless student by giving her a chance to get out of the palace, a place she often find stifling and hopes that she would maybe even make some friends.

Lightning Dust is a knight trained by Cadence herself in the art of pegasus element/weather/nature magic and serves the princess's representative when it comes to protecting the country from danger and has a flexible level of authority based on what the princess has given her and what the local authority's will acknowledge, leaving her as something of a sheriff.

Lightning Dust also qualifies as a member of Cadence's entourage, an ever changing group that has appeared throughout history of consisting of advisers, guards, scholars and friends who have wielded an empowered level of authority and acted as representatives of her majesties will. After helping defeat Celestia and Luna Lightning Dust and CO are named champions and protectors of the realm.

Lightning Dust's parents are the matriarch/patriarch of the the Storm Caller Pegasus clan, who generations earlier had a strong military power base that allowed them to grow quite wealthy. But they have since invested their money and their military bearing are almost entirely ceremonial, they are attempting to move into politics and were quite pleased when their daughter was offered the apprenticeship.

Her parents have extremely high expectation of their daughter, even before her apprenticeship she was being groomed to one day become clan matriarch and had many weighty expectations, responsibility's and trials. She has had the best education and training, in numerous areas including ceremonial flight skills, but also in history, forging political alliances and culture. This left Lightning Dust little time to socialize except in an formal setting with ponies her parent considered the "right sort". Her parents ensured she always had the best clothes, toys, tutors and the "best friends".

Lightning Dust was spoiled with toy's but her parents were very firm and strict, keeping her on a tight leash and expecting their daughter to always cavort herself in the manner of a Pegasus of her bearing should, which would be with quiet military like discipline and control. Despite her family's relative wealth they do not have much influence outside their business holdings and local politics within their local fiefdom, so their daughter's apprenticeship is expected to be quite a boon to the clans' standing.

Pegasi clans tend to focus more on what's best for the clan overall as opposed to the desires of the individual, this also means that while leadership of the clan is often passed from parents to child, it is not a certain thing. Contests and elections are often held to determine who is best and a pegasus from outside the family who is well respected and well liked could be nominated leader. (Possibly how the princess's united the pegasi in the first place?)

Lightning Dust herself despises the heavy controlling atmosphere and the weight of her expected responsibility's, often leading her to acting our or shirking responsibility when she can, Lightning Dust does not want the responsibilities or future laid out for her by her parents, but also in some way's feels she has to. She dislikes responsibility's in general, but will hold to a responsibility or duty she doesn't like if she agrees to.

Lightning Dust earned her Cutie Mark, when plowing through a storm cloud, she tapped into her magic and for a moment was wreathed in lightning, flying at great speeds. As for her education, princess Cadence had either heard of how she earned her Cutie Mark when actively looking for a student or encountered her when she was a filly and made the offer on impulse. Lightning Dust's education is somewhat boarding school like, she spend nine months of the year living with and training with Cadence and three separate months with her family.

Lightning Dust has a small nearly ever-present smirk on her face, unless concentrating particularly hard. She can behave in a rather chummy manner, but this is largely superficial as she’s rather distrustful and standoffish with ponies she doesn’t know well, she just manages to avoid showing it. Having grown up around what she feels to be false ponies and false friends she thinks little about befriending others, and also feeling they couldn’t keep up with her anyway. But she does have a tremendous affection and loyalty for princess. She’s frustrated and bored, as she feels cooped up in Canterlot and has seemingly lost track of any sort of ambition and is somewhat relieved to get the chance to spread her wings when first sent away on a mission by Cadence.

In terms of personality Lightning Dust is competitive, but is more interested in crushing her opponent than indulging in a crowds adulation and while rather arrogant she's not terribly boastful, instead having something akin to a "quiet confidence" preferring to prove she's better by beating an opponent or challenge, solely for herself or later a friend as opposed to impressing anypony (her friends and princess, are not counted in that).

Lightning Dust loves pushing her limits in all things, this can easily leads to trouble when she takes on more than she can handle alone. Lightning Dust has a habit of taking risks and encourages others to do so without thinking of the consequences. Lightning Dust often forgets or simply doesn't care about the personal risk she might be taking or how it might affect others, Cadence has managed to stop her form disregarding others safety with her actions, but she will often forget her own, much to the chagrin of those that care for her.

Lightning Dust is fairly well read and enjoys time alone as much as time with her friend, the princess or the princess's pet. She's not a scholar but is fairly book smart, so long as she makes the effort. She has been given a pretty "kick ass pad" by the Cadence which is basically a large swanky/luxury apartment, it may be a pent-house apartment.

Lightning Dust is an extremely hard worker who always tries to put forth her best in any job or task she tries and doesn't procrastinate. Lightning Dust loves to exercise and train in her magic/knightly skills and is a big eater; she loves food and can eat twice as much as a pony her size would normally be able too. Despite her flaws Lightning Dust will always try to do the right thing and will admit to her mistakes, she’s a loyal friend if somepony manages to earn her trust.

In the back for her head Lightning Dust worries that she does not deserve the good fortune she’s been hoofed on a silver plate. Her parent’s money and education, capturing the princess’s attention, on the surface she acts as completely confident, but in many ways is always trying to prove to herself that she deserves what she has and that she earned it.


Pegasus magic is not as versatile as unicorn magic but it can be just as powerful when taught and used correctly. All pegasi have some magical capabilities, all can move clouds, fly and create rain and lightning from clouds, but while technically all pegasi can do this only those with training can use these abilities properly.

Traditional and common pegasus magic allows a normal pegasus to fly, interact with clouds and generate winds, if a group works together they can create a tornado, though it woudl needs trained weather pegasi to control it. If a pegasus without a talent in magic or weather management tied to move a cloud it would be quite difficult either being hard to move, brittle or having chaotic reactions, such as lightning or dumping all their water.

A weather pegasus, has a greater degree of control over the weather, and often greater wing power and speed, they can use clouds to create hail storms, lighting and move clouds with ease, as though moving paper.

Pegasi who specialize in magic are quite rare, their talent is obvious by stars on their Cutie Mark. A pegasus who’s special talent is magic, is extremely rare, there are maybe only seven in Equestria as it stands, some may be Wonderbolts, but speed is not quite the same as complete pegasus magic any more than being a powerful telekinetic unicorn makes one’s special talent magic. Pegasi need their wings to use their magic properly and use their magic to connect to the local environment and manipulate it.

A pegasus who is trained to use their abilities to the fullest can create many powerful environmental effects. These are controlled through wing movement. A pegasus will have to put effort into making the things happen and to "build" the power for their "spells"; she has to physically shape or condense clouds, beat her wings several times to create gusts of winds, fly at great speeds for tornadoes.

A pegasus also has to depend upon the ambient environment: she can't make clouds in a desert because there's practically no water, for example, but she can create ice when it's winter. Much of a magical pegasus arsenal is like a faster & stronger version of weather pony magic though at high level a pegasus might also be able to make wind blade or generate lightning.
Lightning Dust cannot pull off a Sonic Rainboom, she is super fast but not that fast.

Any comment critiques or feedback would be really appreciated! I would like to thank RDD for his advice while designing these characters and inspirring the idea in the first place, as well as emeral for for his advice and for designing those two awesome armored Dust's. and the fantastic Strawberry Sunshine pic.
I have a sudden and random desire for the one of the mane cast to own or work in a hotel...

...Oh and to any reader still around, You made it to the end! Congratulations!

Report vazak · 1,430 views ·
Comments ( 20 )

I like this world; seems like it has more of a steam-punk feel. Love the unicorn with the wings (magical mechanics make me:pinkiehappy:), and your idea for Lightning Dust as Magic with the weather magic is brilliant. Jealous of that idea:raritycry:


I like this world; seems like it has more of a steam-punk feel.

Thank you, I really appreciate that! It certainly will have a more steam punk/Gas lamp fantasy feel to it, I'm definitely going to have to figure out a story for those wings :pinkiehappy: aw don't be jealous, but thank you, I've been wanting to try exploring different takes on the magic systems for a while now and C!verse gives me a good chance to do so and Lightning Dust just fits this whole role perfectly. Though I did have three runners for the role making the final cut was hard :twilightsheepish: Thanks for the comment! :pinkiehappy:


and your idea for Lightning Dust as Magic with the weather magic is brilliant. Jealous of that idea

Considering you are maybe planning your own AU, feel free to take any ideas I might have about magic if you feel like it, if that doesn't come across as rude :twilightsmile:

Oh gods, no, I just like brainstorming stuff. I'm waiting to see how season 2 starts for the lunaverse to see if there's anything I can contribute for that in a short story or something, but I know better than to embark on any major projects with my time schedule. I'm mainly jealous because that's such a brilliant, flavorful solution and "Grr, why couldn't I have come up with that?" in an intellectual sense, sorta like how all the other inventors were jealous of Newton for devising the first cat-flap.

*slow clap* Excelent job, and nice to see some creative choices for the new 6...and a non-Unicorn Magic. I've had the idea floating around in my own head, but wasn't quite sure how to pull it off without seeming...contrived. Good job on pulling it off.

Thanks for the compliments regardless, I love brainstorming stuff two it's pretty much my favorite hobby now a days, looking forward to seeing what you bring to the L!verse next season! :pinkiehappy:

Thank you! I'm glad you feel I pulled it off and that you like my elemental choices, best of luck with your own writing projects :twilightsmile:

Heh, I've been searching around for people that are trying to do CadenceVerse. You are the only one I've seen- WHICH IS GOOD! :pinkiehappy: You have interesting choices for bearers, while I did mostly run-of-the-mill ponies from the background. You may check my blog for did-bits of info on what I am doing

Thanks for the compliment, I picked them partially based on how good of a back-story/personality I was able to build for them as well as how much they "looked" the part. I'll check you stuff out tomorrow, (sorry it's late here) I did see your Element choices, they seem to work quite well, I like your changes in the personality types such as for kindness.

I didn't want them to have the same personalities as the M!Verse Six or the L!Verse Six though I don't know them too well. And I made them common background ponies- Roseluck mostly because she had a line in "Cranky Doodle Donkey." You welcome by the way. :pinkiehappy:

It makes sense to want to make them, their own interdependent characters.

Yeah. I am not even halfway through the first "episode" and I have, like, 2,700 words.:pinkiegasp: Which is a ton of words for me.

You'r certainly beating me,:pinkiehappy: sadly I world build better than I write :twilightblush:

Well I haven't any idea what to call the Court, how military and everything works, and ughhh. :raritydespair:

heh the normal show doesn't really go into detail much there either so no need to worry :twilightsmile:

Well, that's true. But I do know the military is used often even though a God of Love is their ruler, cause changelings.

Fair point, I tend to look at real life militarizes, government and ecetera for inspiration and idea is i'm struggling, other series can be useful as well.

Hmm. Well, I suggest writing some of the story and not focus on details that will be unneeded, like how the guard works. Ima watch some Dictor Who now. :rainbowkiss:

Good luck and have fun.

oops, Doctor WHo. I'm luckily on the computer now so I shall type!:pinkiehappy::rainbowkiss::raritystarry::twilightsmile::yay:

Mjolna/Sandy, Blacksmith
The Element of Loyalty

Dang it! I thought I was the first to think of using her as Element of Loyalty.:applecry:

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