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Season 3: Episode 11 (Spoilers) Just for Sidekicks · 4:12am Jan 29th, 2013

We start off the episode with a montage of pictures.

(Who took those photos, by the way?)

The mistakes made in the contemptible Dragon Quest episode are being undone.

I think the writers wanted to retcon Spike's kidnapping by ensuring that Pee Wee was safely returned to his family. I'm really pleased that they went out of their way to tie up this loose end. A lesser show would've forgotten about a character like Pee Wee and never referenced him again.

As pleased as I was with the outcome, I would've preferred it if this resolution had been the basis for its own episode. Merriwether Williams introduced Pee Wee, so she should've been the one to resolve it.

I know Merriwether can write amazing stuff. I've seen her work on Spongebob Squarepants and I loved Hearth's Warming Eve. It's one of my favorite episodes of MLP because it helped establish Equestrian history and expands the universe. Considering that Merriwether could've written a Spike / Pee Wee episode, that makes Spike at Your Service all the more galling.

Instead of producing a vapid and cliche-riddled "indebted butler" story, Merriwether could have written an episode about Spike having to say goodbye to Pee Wee.

Merriwether's never been one to shy away from stories with deep and meaningful scenes. The one highlight of Dragon Quest was Spike's heartfelt desire for identity. It felt real and was genuinely moving.

And then this happened.


Spike learning to be responsible and eventually letting Pee Wee go could've been one of the most emotional episode of the series. Instead, that story idea was shoehorned into the first twelve seconds of Just for Sidekicks.

I don't know how many of you are familiar with The New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, but there was an episode in the first season entitled "Find Her, Keep Her." The story focused on Rabbit adopting a baby bluebird named Kessie.

During a snowstorm, Rabbit saves Kessie and cares for her like a daughter. He reads her stories and teaches her how to garden. As time goes on, Rabbit begins to feel overprotective of Kessie. She wants to be like other birds and fly south for the winter. Rabbit and Kessie have grown to love each other and he doesn't want her to leave. He makes her promise that she'll never fly.

Kessie finds it difficult to keep her promise, so she begins learning how to fly in secret. Rabbit feels betrayed when he finds out.

Kessie: [giggles] I flew Rabbie!
[giggles again]
Rabbit: You what?
Kessie: Oh yes! Aren't you proud of me?
Tigger: Yay!
Kessie: Oh, now I can fly south!
Tigger: Hey that's right you soloed! Oh boy, kiddo! There's nothing holding you down now!
Rabbit: Don't you think I know?
[Rabbit sadly walks away and a deflated Kessie hugs Pooh. Cut to Rabbit's house later in the evening]
Kessie: Rabbie? Um, Rabbie? Could you read me one last bedtime story?
Rabbit: You mean... before you... leave?
Kessie: Oh no, I didn't mean that, I meant...
Rabbit: You don't need me to read you a bedtime story. You don't need me... for anything.
[Rabbit exits and shuts the door. Kessie sets the book on a table and sits in a rocking chair by the fire, and starts crying]

This is a soul-stirring episode about the joys and sorrows of parenting and learning to let go. Find Her, Keep Her won the 1988 Humanitas Prize for Outstanding Children's Programming. I couldn't find the episode on Youtube, but I highly encourage you to find it wherever you can and watch it. This music video was the closest thing I could find. Just look at the raw emotion and pathos oozing from every frame of this beautiful animation.

Such a missed opportunity. I'm seriously considering writing that story.

"Spike," Twilight said, "You've got to let Pee Wee go. He needs to be with his family."

Spike took an uneasy step back from Twilight. Pee Wee was sleeping peacefully in his arms. Spike turned around as he tried to gather his thoughts. He feared his rapid heartbeat might wake Pee Wee.

"I'm Pee Wee's adopted family," Spike said, "Just like you're my adopted family."

"That's different," Twilight said, dismissively as she slowly started walking towards him, "Pee Wee wasn't hatched to pass an entrance exam."

Spike had his back to Twilight as he stared out the window and allowed her words to sink in. The young dragon grit his teeth in anger and spun around to stare at Twilight. He was clutching Pee Wee tightly as though he feared each second they spent together might be their last. Twilight stopped advancing and stared at him sympathetically.

Spike narrowed his eyes as a sudden realization dawned on him.

"Is that all I am to you?" Spike said, "Just another finished test? Hatched from an egg? I may as well be a dissected frog for all you care."

"Stop making this about you!" Twilight said, "Don't you care what's best for Pee Wee? He needs his mother and father! I swear, sometimes you can be so..." Twilight trailed off before completing her thought. She didn't have to, though. Spike knew what she was thinking.

"Selfish?" Spike said, finishing her sentence. Twilight blushed and cast her eyes to the ground.

"That's just typical," Spike said, "I can't have anything without you worrying that I'm going to turn into a giant greedy monster."

Spike walked over to his dragon bed and tucked Pee Wee in before turning around to face Twilight.

"Well, for your information, I'm not doing this for me," Spike said, as he glanced down at Pee Wee, who let out a small yawn, "I'm doing what's best for Pee Wee."


Spike had several excellent expressions this episode. The animators appear to have been influenced by Chuck Jones. Having a character make a sideways glance towards the audience while making a frustrated, dubious or bemused face is iconic Chuck Jones.

The placement of Spike's hands in this image from Lesson Zero is also in the style of Chuck Jones.

Spike's compulsive gem eating reminded me of a certain scene from Spongebob Squarepants.

When a character's powers of perception rival those of Patrick Star, that's not a good thing. Patrick was a relatively intelligent character when Spongebob Squarepants first started.

SpongeBob: Patrick! Patrick! Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! Whats air?
Patrick: Huh?
SpongeBob: I just met this girl! She wears a hat full of... air!
Patrick: Do you mean she puts on "airs"?
SpongeBob: I guess so.
Patrick: That's just fancy talk. If you want to be fancy, hold your pinky up like this! The higher you hold it, the fancier you are!
SpongeBob: [holds his pinky up] Hows that?
Patrick: Higher!
SpongeBob: Like that?
Patrick: Now that's fancy! They should call you SpongeBob FancyPants! [cuts to Sandys treedome] Remember: When in doubt, pinky out! You can do it, SpongeBob. Ill be watching.
SpongeBob: Thanks pal.

As the series wore on though, Patrick suffered a severe Flanderization. I fear the same think is happening to Spike. I miss the early episodes where he was a competent assistant. If the writers aren't careful, Spike's going to be solely defined by certain character traits. Unless some changes are made in future episodes to round out his personality, Spike will end up as an incompetent, selfish slob.

(sigh) At least it's not Jar Jar Binks.

Wait! Spike's not invited back to the Crystal Empire?

It would seem Princess Trollestia taught her pupil well. I think writing Adventures of a Teenage Foalitter has tainted my view of Cadance. I can't help but see her as evil incarnate. Good to see that the show's reflecting my vision.

So Spike agrees to watch the pets. This episode is starting to sound like the missing half of Dragonshy. Spike also looked after Angel in that episode.

You'd think he'd be more prepared to deal with that hopping horror this time around. (I should also point out that Spike was more competent and responsible during Dragonshy. He also didn't ask to be paid in jawbreakers... I mean gemstones.)


Near-sighted Tank has some real comedic potential. He goes great with the nearsighted Rainbow Dash from Friendship is Witchcraft.

We need more stories about a bumbling, visually-impaired Rainbow Dash and her nearsighted turtle, Tank. I'm thinking something like this:

What's new, Ms. Rainbow Dash? She's daring, brash and adventurous, but she can't see two feet in front of her face.

I thought this was a pretty funny sight gag. Great comedic timing.

I loved this whole scene with Pinkie Pie. Gummy is best pet, hands down.

Spike: Gummy would like a little Spike time.
Pinkie: Who wouldn't? Spike time is the best!
Spike: Alas, it doesn't come cheap.

Spike is such a pimp. As suggestive as those lines are, that's nothing compared to what happens later...

This is on of the best moments of the episode. The way Rainbow Dash hesitates and her nervous shifty eyes after showing affection are priceless.

It won't be long before someone replaces the word "fluff" with censor beeps.

And did I already mention all the great Spike faces?

There was also a lot of sucking in this episode.

And yet this episode still sucked less than Dragon Quest.

That's not to say this episode is perfect. I'm not a fan of the lazy and shiftless Spike who foists his pet-sitting responsibilities onto the CMC.

I don't know which is worse: The greedy and lazy Spike we see here, or the incompetent yet congenial bumbler from Spike at Your Service. (sigh) The more I see the direction Spike is heading, the less I like him.

"Has anyone seen Tank's head?"
It's not often we see such macabre humor in this series. I think the animators were trying to push the envelope as much as possible with this gag.

If you notice the paint covering Tank's body, he only has red paint around his neck; possibly so as to be mistaken for blood. I image the animators had to tone it down, which is why the "blood"was moved more to the side. An earlier draft might have had red paint dripping out of Tank's neck hole as his headless body hovered lazily in the air.

Callbacks. Callbacks everywhere.

On this day the CheeriMac shippers rejoiced and the FlutterMac shippers wept bitterly.

I liked how Nurse Coldheart immediately suspected Screw Loose upon hearing a dog bark.

Kudos should really go out to the animators this episode. They're dealing with half a dozen different animals while managing to make their movements feel unique and natural. Opal's mannerisms were especially spot on and catlike throughout the episode.

Now let's talk about Zecora's scene.

There's not really anything I can add to this line. It's going to be taken out of context. A lot.

I may be in the minority here, but I wasn't happy with Zecora's "assistance" in this episode. Again, it seems like ponies and zebras are racist towards dragons. Why is Spike's "dragon greed" worse than pony greed? I realize that Spike will become a huge monster if he gets too greedy, but if that's what his natural urges tell him to do, why does he fight it? Why is Spike bartering for gems as food a practice that needs to be shunned, while Applejack's entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged?

This is my main problem with Dragon Quest. It teaches Spike to live a lie and to not be true to his dragon instincts.

I mean, unless dragons are meant to be an allegory for fallen man and the friendship lessons are the New Gospel.

Only by casting aside his greedy dragon nature and following Celestia's Gospel can Spike be cleansed from sin. And you thought Feeling Pinkie Keen had religious undertones.

So we got a new character this episode. The consensus is still out for her official fanon name, but I'm voting for Thin Mint. It's great that we've introduced a scouting organization into this universe. Maybe this is foreshadowing for a CMC episode next season where they join the filly scouts. Considering that porn was drawn of Thin Mint before the episode finished airing, I think this merit badge will be the most relevant in her future.

Bribery has no downsides, kids! Try it out with someone you know!

I suppose Granny Smith could've been having a "senior moment" and legitimately forgot about Spike and the animals, but I'm not buying it. Look at her eyes. You can tell that old buzzard knows exactly what's going on and isn't above taking bribes to keep quiet. The Apple family didn't get where they are today by being dummies.

I will say that this episode wasn't predictable. I had no idea they were going to go to the Crystal Empire. I had imaged that the havoc caused by the pets would be limited to Ponyville. Just when I think I have things figured out, they throw this left turn at me!

Also, am I the only one who though it was awkward for Spike to carry around that big white measuring cup the entire episode?

Did the writers forget that he has pockets? He could have stored the gems there.

Am I the only one who found Opalescence repeatedly running her sandpaper-like tongue up the length of Donut Joe's horn a little suggestive? Could someone write a fanfic where Donut Joe makes sweet, sweet love to Rarity's pussy. I mean Rarity's cat.

When the train arrives at the Crystal Empire, we see Carrot Top affectionately nuzzling a stallion.

We've seen them together before, with the filly whom the fans named "Dinky Hooves."

I find it fascinating that the notion of Dinky being Derpy's daughter was born with no canon evidence to back it up. Yet this relationship, which has ample canon evidence, is largely ignored by the community.

Why? Is this just something the fandom as a whole is unwilling to embrace, no matter how many hints are dropped? Are people going to continue to ignore the signs?

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against Derpy having a daughter, but the evidence is pretty overwhelming that "Dinky" is, in reality, Carrot Top's daughter. Unless you want to play the angle of Carrot Top watching after Dinky while Derpy is "away on business."

How many of you even know this stallion's name? I sure as heck didn't. I had to look it up.

Apparently, his fanon name is "Written Script." Really? Really?! Written Script? Are you serious? That's the stupidest name I've ever heard! While we're at it, why don't we just change Rarity's name to "Three Diamonds?" It makes about as much sense as Written Script. Give me a break. If bronies can't think of a more creative name for him, then maybe it's best if "Written Script" remains lost in obscurity. (Just thinking off the top of my head, I'd call him Wordsworth, Quillstroke or Parchment Pants. Anything's better than Written Script!)

For those of you keeping score at home, here's the breakdown of fan art as of the date of this posting:

On Derpibooru, Carrot Top has 1,349 images, Dinky Hooves has 933 images and Written Script has 31 images.
On rule34.paheal.net, Carrot Top, (under her canon name of "Golden Harvest"), has 92 explicit images, Dinky Hooves has 32 explicit images and Written Script has 5 explicit images.

Some things within the series will most likely never be embraced by the community, no matter how high the evidence piles up.

In the end, where did the gems go?

:raritystarry: Rarity's red gem went to the CMCs to purchase an industrial-size pet hair dryer.

:rainbowdetermined2: Rainbow Dash's yellow gem went to charity.

:ajsmug: Applejack's purple gem went to bribe Granny Smith.

:twilightsmile: Twilight Sparkle's pink gem was used to pay for the train ride.

:pinkiehappy: Pinkie Pie's blue gem was used to pay for Donut Joe's ruined confections.

:yay: Fluttershy's green gem was eaten by Spike before he could add it to his cake mix.

(I can't be one hundred percent certain about Pinkie Pie or Applejack's gems, as we never saw either of them give them to Spike. From a karma perspective, it makes more sense for Applejack's gem to go back to her family and Pinkie Pie's gem to go to a fellow confectioner.)

So, what were my final thoughts on the episode? It was a mixed bag. I liked the story. The moral was a cross between Secret of My Excess and Baby Cakes. Spike had to relearn his lesson about greed, while also learning what it means to be responsible.

This episode also makes me afraid for future Spike episodes. Based on the last two Spike-centered stories, the writers seem to think of him as an amalgam of greed, shiftlessness and incompetence. Here's hoping that season four treats Spike better than season three.

As always, I appreciate your comments.
1. What did you think of the episode?
2. What are your opinions of Spike's recent characterization?
3. Will Carrot/Script shipping soar after this episode, or will most people continue to ignore it?
4. If you were going to change Written Script's name, what would you call him?

Thanks for reading and thanks for the feedback.

Report Bronystories · 2,719 views ·
Comments ( 85 )

Clearly Written's name should be changed to Scrolly McWritten-Lines.

Or First Draft, y'know... whatever.

I hate cadence now.

Would "First Draft" work as a bartender?

1. I hated it as I hate all Spike episodes.

2. I hate Spike period, so they only compound on top of my previous hatred. He was at least tolerable when he was useful.

3. Please, no :rainbowlaugh: Here's how I see stuff:

I like to think that the majority of ponies are lesbians
Because of the ratio of male x female
The ratio being a direct cause of lesbian childbirth due to magic
Female and female can only create female
Eventually, as more mares turn to lesbianism
the male population will die out entirely

4. Buttface :rainbowlaugh: Really, though? I dunno. I dislike male characters and I suck with names. I have a hard enough time trying to remember the ones in my stuff plus their looks. :raritydespair:

Overall, Spike episode sucked cause Spike sucks. Stick to ponies, My Little Pony

Great summary, I also look forward to a Joe/Opal ClopFic.

I'm betting she's working to erase Spike's involvement from the history books. In one hundred years, everypony will think that Cadance saved the Crystal Empire all by herself.

I know this is off topic, but where were the religious undertones in Feeling Pinkie Keen?

Well I thought it was worst ep of the season yet but liked the cmc in it

You know I kept on thinking that Spike's characterization was beginning to look familiar...

Hopefully Spike doesn't have a secret abusive older brother who we've never been shown before too...

I hated the way Zecora acted towards Spike in this one. He wasn't showing any signs of greed overcoming him, particularly when he ran into Zecora - he was having trouble controlling a bunch of pets! Why in Luna's name did Zecora con him out of a gem and toss it to Thin Mint? (I do like that name, by the way.) It just made Zecora seem like a bitch towards Spike for no good reason. It was ridiculous.

I found Spike's unconscious munching on the gems to be amusing, and I loved the interactions between the pets and their owners. Beyond that - I've never cared for the CMC and their inclusion here was just kinda... eeeh. Although Sweetie's squee was adorable, I'll give it that. Spike extorting gems out of everyone for pet-sitting... I can live with it, if he'd actually tried to pet-sit like he was supposed to instead of immediately foisting them off on the CMC.

Spike's recent characterization has been very blech to me. Spike at your Service was awful. Just god-awful. I didn't care for Dragon Quest, either (particularly the Peewee part, but... the rest didn't exactly leave me with a hankering for more Spike/dragons, either). This one wasn't AS bad as Spike At Your Service, but it was still pretty bad.

I have no idea about who Carrot Top gets shipped with, honestly - and I wouldn't object to seeing her shipped with this stallion. His name is god-awful, though and needs revising. Don't ask me for names, though, I'm terrible at them.

"Merriwether Williams introduced Pee Wee, so she should've been the one to resolve it." > Implying Merry Weather should of written ANOTHER Spike episode

They also cleaned up the fact that he CAN bake without burning the house down or least covering the place in a huge mess. This episode actually brought us back to the lovavle Lesson Zero Spike imho. Anyways, will return to enjoying yet another amazing followup. I just froze up when I read you typed that one line x_x (in fairness, Wonderbolt Academy would of been perfect, save for Creeper Pie, had it gone with the full alternative ending they had)

EDIT: had other things to say but crashing for the night as I cannot stay up any longer. So much for the reading I was going to do.

Also, haven't read enough of why Cadance was sneaking around Canterlot and SA loves Chrysalis, but if you see her anywhere near as the evil I see her as, I really need to give that story a read. That whole phasing Spike out would be rather easy, she did technically save the day herself, she merely caught a Spike falling to his would be doom who caught a serve from Twilight Sparkle.

Cadance is out to prove her Empire is a force to be reckoned with. I'm starting to enjoy my little theorized story about the origins of Crystal Empire's downfall and Sombra's reign, which leads up to Changelings and Cadance's regaining her memories and restoring her Empire. With the Equestrian Games, she'd only gain more exposure, more love, more followers...

But, yeah, Cadance is a bitch and maybe Dragons tie into her people's cursed past and why Sombra has dragon-like features.

Alas, no one ever questions those with good looks and power. Not until it's all far too late!



All the atheists got butthurt because they thought Pinkie Pie had convinced Twilight to exercise faith in the absence of scientific proof. Lauren Faust had to make a statement about it and clarify things.

Speaking as an anti-atheist, I appreciate this episode for its sincere message.



The thing that I really noticed was that scrunch face appears to be the new derpy.

Tell me that doesn't look like Sweetie Belle shooting bedroom eyes at Spike

As for the Carrot Top Dinky family thing, I would say that the fandom is too far invested in Dinky being derpy's daughter to change now. The only way for that to change would be for Dinky to rush up to Carrot Top and hug her while clearly saying 'I love you Mommy' or something to that effect.

Zecora came off as a troll in this episode though, re-enforcing the idea that Zebra's are shifty and untrustworthy. She basically stole one of Spikes gems and didn't even hold up her end of the bargin which was to clean out his bad mojo. Spike had to free himself from that tree. If this was how she acted before Bridle Gossip then no wonder the town distrusted her.

Vote for the girl guide filly - Thin Mint sounds right.
New name for Written Script - Parchment. Simple, easy, fits his mark (and most likely taken already).

Oh yeah! On the Zecora thing, I have to admit that I'm glad she did that. Spike is living among ponies and, while ponies can be greedy, they aren't dragon-level greedy. Zecora was helping him to keep his place amongst the ponies and possibly teach him a lesson; a lesson that he promptly ignored because he was too self-centered to be assed to learn it.

Here's the thing. You live in a country with strict laws. You all abide by those laws. Somebody from another place with less strict laws moves in. What do you expect him to do? You expect him to follow the laws of your country. This is the exact same with Spike. He lives with the ponies, he follows the ponies' rules. If he has a problem with it, he can go jump off a cliff because he's already shown he can't live with other dragons :rainbowlaugh: Seriously, though. He follows pony norms, or he leaves. You wouldn't want a delinquent in your neighborhood fucking up your stuff, would you?

I'd like his name to be short hove :pinkiehappy: you know like short hand but with hoves. I don't know but his cutey scroll looked pretty sloppy :derpytongue2: PS: I think that Dinky is Ditzy's (simaler coloring and all that) and maybe Dinky was vsiating the CE with Carrot and MR. hove because Ditzy us at work. and trust me the postal service is not fun.


"Why in Luna's name did Zecora con him out of a gem and toss it to Thin Mint?"

I'd love someone to take Zecora's scene from this episode and splice it with this song.

The thing is, dragons aren't afforded the same rights as ponies. You let a dragon own property, and before you know it he grows out of control and takes over everything. No. The solution is to keep dragons in their place. They're nothing but slaves and any dragon who refuses to serve has no place in pony society.

Zecora is just following the bigotry shared by all equines. Spike renouncing his dragon heritage didn't make a difference. They still don't trust him. :moustache:

Thanks for the feedback! :yay:

for your referencing a major part of my childhood - not just Winnie the Pooh, but that episode specifically- I award you one internet, three moustaches, and a princess

if you don't know what to do with that, there's no hope for you :rainbowlaugh:

764413 History is written by the victors

764506 Except that the girls all gave him those gems. They were his, nopony else's, and if he's not generally greed-hulking out, there's no reason to con him out of what is also his food.

764544 I just can't help but see it as Zecora being a racist bitch for no reason. Seriously - he's carrying the gems around in a measuring cup, it's pretty clear he got interrupted in making himself a snack! Dragons are allowed to eat, too!


Thanks for the clarification, I didn't get into the series till after season two. I watched all the way through on Netflix, my first exposure was a game site forum thread called "Let There be Pony!" so I'm a little behind:twilightsheepish:.

764582 But he wasn't doing what he was paid to, was he? That logic will not work. If he was doing his job, then there wouldn't have been a need to worry about him being greedy. The only reason he even cared that Angel had run off was because he thought he would get in trouble.


"...my first exposure was a game site forum thread called "Let There be Pony!" so I'm a little behind."

Lucky for you, I like little behinds. :raritywink::heart:

Love reading your followups as usual! i have a lot to say about this episode, BUT I shall keep those to my own review page, shuffled under the desktop never to be seen by the eyes of the public until a later date. First point I wish to answer/address:

Why is Spike bartering for gems as food a practice that needs to be shunned, while Applejack's entrepreneurial spirit is encouraged?

From all I can find via MLP pony lore (from this season, even to the season I hardly recall without watching old VHSes) Dragons are seen in two lights: As masters of the land that are to be feared, and maybe one day told to go away... OR in the most recent cases, servants for said ponies. You have touched on this before, but as we humans have work-horses/mules, the ponies to must have a source of cheap, yet somewhat sapient workers for their perfect society. I think dragons fit into this. Greed would make an obedient dragon a monster, and thus unable to control! So dragon greed BAD! Pony Greed? ok! ;p See also how cows and other creatures are treated... (seriously, do ponies pay for the milk they use.. or do they use their own milk... wait, disregard that!)

Onto other thoughts:

1. What did you think of the episode?

I was neutral on this. I loved the animals as stars themselves, and even the CMCs, who I must say are no longer the annoying kids I once considered them to be. Spike on the other hand... well, I'll leave that to question two.

2. What are your opinions of Spike's recent characterization?

I don't like it. Sadly I cannot take credit for saying this, but one of my friends on my forums I frequent said it best: "Spike used to be the voice of Reason, the lone male influence that was once needed (or sometimes NOT needed) for the girls in the show. Sadly now, He is, whatever the writer wants him to be now, a bumbling idiot, a greedy no self-controlling dragon beast, who is so impulsive he has no idea he is even eating the jewel until it is fucking pointed out, BY AN OWL!"

I truly think Spike, and other males on the show deserve something better. I once said that if I want to find well-developed (hehe) females, don't look to girl-centric shows, look to older boys shows, like Adventure Time... maybe I am right.. maybe I am wrong. Maybe they can make a Big Mac episode, or a Blank flank Pipsqueak joining the CMCs (because you know, HE HAS NO CUTIE MARK!) We shall see...

3. Will Carrot/Script shipping soar after this episode, or will most people continue to ignore it?

People will ignore it. EVEN the popular Derpy Doctor Who adventure story I follow on youtube, Dinky is another unicorn, and NOT the daughter of Derpy, yet every week, people ask, "Where is Dinky? Where is your Daughter?" IT ISN'T CANON!

I believe the crossover DOES have an explanation. In the early days of the fandom, I recall their being the whole Carrot Top/Golden Harvest living with Derpy as roommates, Derpy being the slob who empties her fridge, and Carrot Top being the responsible one. Perhaps that is the reason Dinky has been drifted slowly as Derpy's daughter, perhaps not.. I don't know. Derpy is dead this season, tragically turned into the fearsome monster called "HOT TOPIC MERCHANDISE"!

4. If you were going to change Written Script's name, what would you call him?

Hmm, having only seen his Cutie Mark in this episode, I would call him something to do with Calligraphy.. like.. hmm. Script Hoof? Um, Scroll Font, Longhoof (like long hand writing),... I don't know! I am not good with coming up with names!

Scrawler! hehehe I give up...:raritycry:

Thanks for reading my thoughts, and have a nice night!

It's still not Zecora's place to take his gems. What if the mane six found out what really happened and demanded a refund?

"Sorry, Rainbow Dash, I can't give you your gem back. Zecora conned me out of it and gave the gem to charity." :moustache: :rainbowderp:

1. I really liked this episode. At the very least, it was a HUGE step-up from Spike at your Service (an episode that... really didn't thrill me). I particularly liked the variety of characters that appeared, especially the background ponies. It wasn't until this episode that I realized just how keenly I had been missing the background pony appearances. There haven't been very many for the past few episodes.

2. I'm not too worried about him, but the writers should nevertheless try to nip any flanderization in the bud.

3. I think it will, or will at least become a little more commonplace. If two otherwise unrelated background ponies are put together just once, it probably doesn't mean much of anything and likely won't leave an impact unless their interaction is particularly notable since background ponies are technically interchangeable with one another. However, now we have TWO confirmed instances of these same two background ponies interacting in this manner. They usually say that you need three confirmed cases of something to prove that it's more than happenstance or coincidence, but I'm willing to call Wordsworth and Carrot Top a couple at this point.

As for what this all means for Dinky... put a gun to my head and I'd say that she's still Derpy's daughter, but my ideal situation is that she's BOTH Carrot and Derpy's daughter. No, no, not in the sense of female/female reproduction or adoption or anything like that, but the full premise of it is rather complex (the idea would probably be more fit for a fanfic than as general fanon) and as such is a tad beyond the scope of this comment. Moving on.

4. I think you hit it on the nose with Wordsworth. I'm gonna start calling him that.

764471 That image link is broken.


1. What did you think of the episode? I absolutely loved it, it's my favorite episode this season next to "One Bad Apple"
2. What are your opinions of Spike's recent characterization? I prefer greedy-Spike to incompetent-Spike, it has more basis in what else is in the show's canon than Merriweather's bipolar dragon.
3. Will Carrot/Script shipping soar after this episode, or will most people continue to ignore it? I'm going to retcon an upcoming chapter of my Conversion Bureau story to give a nod to this pairing, I did not know of it before.
4. If you were going to change Written Script's name, what would you call him? Quill Weave.

764591 Just how does she know if he's doing what he's supposed to or not? All she sees is that he's walking a bunch of pets and that they ran him into a tree and tied him up - he doesn't even have a chance to ask for help before she immediately tries to cons him out of his gem. She has no idea what's going on, why, or what just happened - she just walks over, demands the gem, accuses him of being greedy, and walks away without another word.

1. My only problem with the episode was the fact) was given back to his parents. wwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy:raritydespair: I'm seriously hoping that you will write that Spike/Peewee family story though my brother, I love that little guy:twilightsmile:

2. Hmmmm...good question, the thing is no matter how we look at it Spike is a dragon, it's his nature to be.....greedy and dark heart-hearted, evil I guess, even though he has been raised differently...honestly, I'm not sure....get back to me after season three:rainbowlaugh:

3. Honestly? I doubt it, no one really cares about him as far as I know. Sorry bro:facehoof:

4. Umm......no clue.

Love that name, Thin Mint, perfect...MAKE IT HAPPEN FANS!!!!:yay:

I'd call him Jimmy The Scribe.

764410 Woah, woah Skull, calm down bro, breathe. Now tell me, seriosuly wants wrong with Spike? :applejackunsure:

Written Script fits the "One-Two-Punch" nature of MLP names. "Rar-rit-y," "Flut-ter-shy," "Pink-kee-pie," "Carr-rot-top," "Dit-tze-hooves," "Gran-nee-smith," etc. Not all the names fit, but most roll in the direction of that theme.

But Zecora (Zek-kor-ah. K, I'll stop now.) was being a stone-cold bitch. To be honest, I think it was her form of revenge, given how the last time she met Spike he wrecked her house. I think this was the first episode I've seen her in that didn't include her property being robbed or vandalized in some way, so I didn't really have a problem with her scene.

As for the episode itself, I preferred "At Your Service," both because it included delicious Applejack and because my pet theory that Merriwether is trying to break things that deserve to be broken. The whole Peewee thing in the photos was probably someone's idea of "fixing" the problem, but the implicit racism remains. In a lot of ways, this was like a fixer episode. A band-aid on a herpes sore, good for hiding casual inspection but the problem is still there in Spike and Zecora's (aka, the Other's) fucked up role in society.

Comment posted by spiralcrisis deleted Jan 29th, 2013

764612 She has a type of insight, obviously. She knew how to help Twilight with magic and she isn't a 'magical creature' (aka unicorn) and has shown that she's 'in-tune' with magical phenomenon. He's also carrying the gems around with him and, judging by his initial reaction to her offer, it would be obvious that he's not focused on the task at hand. It doesn't help that he's shown to be incompetent and incapable of learning lessons, so the initial assumption that he's giving in to greed again (which is true) wouldn't be far fetched at all. He then proceeds to blame the pets for his own failings. So, who was right there? Not Spike, that's for sure.

764602 It wasn't Spike's place to take the gems knowing full and well that he wouldn't do his job properly. He conned them out of their gems, so his loss was all karmic retribution. The Main Six would understand. They're a lot more intelligent than Spike is.

764626 Everything?

1. He's male (and I've already stated that I hate all male characters as a basis)

2. He's incompetent. Earlier, he was shown as at least slightly useful, thus making him tolerable as a male character, but he's just been compounding crap on top of him making him even less likable

inb4 'He's a baby dragon'. Spike is almost as old as Twilight, so get that out of your head right now. She only has a few more years on him. The only reason he's so small is because he's a dragon and is a baby by their standards. He's been living with Twilight Sparkle, the most intelligent pony we've seen outside of Celestia, so he shouldn't be an idiot, but he is. He's 'learned' several lessons (either by doing the stuff and getting the results himself or penning every single letter about friendship to Celestia and learning second-hand) and has gone on to immediately forget those lessons. (I've only seen him as a decent friend in the Lesson Zero episode considering he was the one to phone Celestia. Only time he's ever really been redeemable to me)

3. He's rather annoying. Like Braeburn and his Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappleasshole! thing, but only slightly less so.

4. I just don't like him.

764609 Thank you. I'm glad somebody can see reason :rainbowlaugh:

764668 So you've never grumbled or made a sarcastic remark because a pet or gaggle of pets wasn't cooperating?

Ugh. Nevermind. You've already stated you hate Spike as a whole.

764690 I have, but I've never blamed them for my misfortune. And I'm looking at this from the scene's standing, not my hatred of Spike. He blamed them for his own faults. Now, if he had lost his gems because they fell down a gutter after the pets knocked him off his feet thus directly causing the loss, then his anger towards them would be properly founded.

I fixed the link, thanks. :twilightblush:

764710 But none of this is something Zecora has any way of knowing. Literally all she sees is Spike having trouble with the pets, and she immediately, for no given reason aside from assumed greed sets out to con him out of one of the gems, which, again, are also his food. For all she knows, he's been struggling with them all day and hasn't been able to get them to behave - thereby earning an occasional sarcastic remark from a being who's shown tendency towards sarcasm in the past. And, again, for all she knows, he's carrying the gems along because they're his lunch.

I'm saying she had no reasonable way to know he wasn't doing his job, no reason to assume it was pure greed instead of, oh, hunger that he's carrying around a measuring cup of gems, and no right to con him out of something that was rightfully his to begin with. She made unfounded assumptions, and effectively stole something of Spike's without reason.

I do believe that the overwhelming point of Spike that you're missing is that no matter how mature and adulthe may seem, he is still just a child who can and does give into childish Iimpulses. Sure he can act like a grown ass man at times, but at the end of the day that's just a veneer that peels away to reveal a kid

764731 As I said before. She is shown to have insight surpassing everybody else's. She's known him just as long as she's known the rest of the main six, so she's had plenty of time to learn his mannerisms and typical behaviour. She was the one to tell Twilight about why he was growing in Secret of my Excess as well, thus showing she is well-versed in dragons than even Twilight and Twilight doubted that he would be able to do the job right.

It's all a matter of observation. Just because we only saw Zecora look at him for this short time, doesn't mean that she hadn't observed him earlier in the day. She doesn't just come into town for one thing then leave. Do you go to walmart (or whatever store you use regularly) every day to pick up a single item then leave knowing you'll need something else soon as well? No, you get everything you need in one go and browse just in case you might need something that's not on your list, thus making your trip a lengthy one (just covering ground here, because it was only a matter of time before you thought of this as an excuse).

764746 But he's almost as old as Twilight....

764668 Why do you dislike males so much in MLP?

And hmmmm.....I honestly have to agree with the fact that I despise when they treat him like a child, mainly because my favorite pairing is Spilight but you're right about that.

Still, he's not annoying as Pinkie Pie who I wish would get more serious sometimes and I would not say he's 100% stupid but he does make mistakes, as does everone else, even the Gods of Equestria. But to each their own brother, no judgement here:twilightsmile: All I was doing was asking, thank you for sharing your thoughts though.:yay:

764778 correction he is approximately 10 years younger than twilight when she got her cutie mark and hatched spike she was about as old as the CMC and they are about half as old as their siblings are they not. The mane six are in fan terms at least belived to be in their early to mid twenties are they not. Not to mention that Spike tends to hang out with other filies and colts around the age of the cmc which are about ten as it would make sense for him to hang around others of a relative age group. From which we can safetly conclude that he is around ten years of age.

I actually like Fiddlebottoms' answer.

"To be honest, I think it was her form of revenge, given how the last time she met Spike he wrecked her house. I think this was the first episode I've seen her in that didn't include her property being robbed or vandalized in some way, so I didn't really have a problem with her scene." -Fiddlebottoms

Spike did steal all her stuff the last time he was at her house. I wouldn't blame Zecora for holding a grudge.

764810 You base this off of human aging, which ponies do not follow because ponies are not human. inb4 'But they act like humans, so therefor they must be exactly like humans, but in pony bodies!' Of course they act like humans. Would you want to watch a show where all the characters did was neigh, eat hay, run, and shit? Cause I wouldn't.

but in pony bodies!

This would automatically make them follow equine life-standards. They have the same diet (aside from sweets which, with the excess that they seem to eat them, would shorten their life spans) as their earth relatives, so that wouldn't be a benefit to their longetivity. They are less active, aside from ponies like AJ and Rainbow Dash, so that wouldn't benefit them. And don't pull that 'magic, I ain't gotta 'splain shit' thing either, 'cause if magic was a cause for longevity, then none of the unicorns would die ever as they have the closest attunement to the aether around them.

764798 No problem! Pinkie is annoying, though, but I will say that her adorability is endearing whereas Spike's makes me want to murder (plus she's female). Pinkie's childishness comes from her repressed childhood (she actually has a reason to be annoying, even if it's not the best). And Spike does make mistakes, but he makes them all the time, like repeatedly :rainbowlaugh: True though, that is my opinion.

764812 That is a good reason, but I still stand by what I say :rainbowlaugh:

764841 disregarding the magic factor the rest of that still stands does it not. He tends to hang out with the CMC and other kids plus the mane six are somewhat older than their siblings. So just to SCALE the mane six would be the equivalent of twenty ish their sisters ten ish and spike would be around that age.

764870 Again, that's following human standards. If the ponies follow their equine lifetimes, then they'll live to be about 40 years before hitting the hay forever. Since that is half of humanity's typical lifespan of 80 (give or take 10 years generally), it wouldn't be wrong to assume that ponies go through education twice as quickly as we do. Ponies grow faster than we do, thus their maturity sets in faster (they come into their first heat around age 1.5-2 where our females are physically able at around age 9). If we go by this standard, then Twilight was about age 1-3 (3-6 in human years) when she hatched Spike, thus making him about 7-10 (14-20) to Twilight's 9-12 (18-24) . He has had almost as much time as Twilight has had to learn everything she does if not a little less for losing out on those first 1-3 years that she had on him.


She would have had a max of 6 years on him as she was under Celestia's tutelage at the time of Magic Kindergarten which would start at age 5 for humans.

About the hints of dinky being Carrot's daughter, remember that Hasbro higher-ups wanted to censor Derpy and anything about her character. The studio wanted Dinky to be with Derpy, but the Higher-ups forced them to change the story. So you can understand why the community doesn't want to accept it. This makes me depressed how the higher-ups can be so cruel to Derpy. :fluttercry:

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