• Member Since 21st Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 16th, 2023

Lady Brony

Love ponies and writing. So why not put them together?

More Blog Posts87

  • 164 weeks
    I'm Bbaack!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I've returned.
    Did you think you all could get of me that easily?

    Also please read my latest story

    0 comments · 169 views
  • 276 weeks
    Giving This Another Shot

    I'm back
    LB here

    I was rereading some of my old stories and it made me really miss it writing fanfics. I going to start writing again. I know said I was done writing on here but a girl is allow to change her min, sue me. Anyway I'm working on a story that I'd never finished. It's father's day themed so I won't be publishing it until June sometime.

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    2 comments · 222 views
  • 337 weeks
    Wattpad Rewrites- Leaving the fandom

    LB Here
    This be the last you see me here

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    1 comments · 330 views
  • 416 weeks
    My Long Break Is Over

    Hey Bronies

    I"M BACK

    I took a break for from the fandom due to medical reasons. that I rather not discuss. Please respect that. Anyway the reason I'm here is to announce that I'm bringing back "Daily Lie". I'm not happy with the ending and many of you seem to feel the same way however I ran of ideas. So you help me out that will be appreciated.

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    0 comments · 316 views
  • 436 weeks
    Editor Please!!

    Ask me for the details thanks

    0 comments · 265 views

Chapter Five Coming Soon · 7:47am Jan 29th, 2013

Hi Everybody

I thought I should let you all know I'm working on "Rainbow Dash Gets a D -" chapter 5. It should be up out soon. Also I'm looking for an editor , I'm not going to be very picky just someone that can help here and there. Grammar is a huge challage for me and I want someone to look over it before I post it. If intersted please comment below or send me a message which whatever is easier for you.

Anyways heres a sneak peak.

One Week Later

The rainbow filly stared hopelessly at the textbook. Trying her best to understand and sucking on all the new information. However no matter how hard she tried she wasn’t getting it. After the fight with Jade at the library, she completely stopped talking to Rainbow at school. Even when she attempted to apologized, resulting with Jade giving her to the cold shoulder and ignoring her much more.

Now force to study by herself without any help. Rainbow continuing to look intently at the book, doing what to figure out she is reading. She kept rereading the same sentence or paragraph when she didn’t quite get it the first time. But still she is reaching her fear in failing and being held back a grade. Out of frustration she banged to her head against the desk recurring this for the tenth-hundred time or so.

Let me know you think and have a nice day. =)

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