• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021



More Blog Posts137

  • 446 weeks
    Truth is...

    I wish I had never written Believing Stories. To this day, that nightmare refuses to leave me alone. Just today, someone accessed the FIRST CHAPTER on my google docs and made suggestions for corrections to it...



    4 comments · 444 views
  • 535 weeks
    I have to face it.

    I haven't updated here in months. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to come back to the stories I have. I would say it's just burnout but I think at this point I'm more like burnedout on pony fanfiction...and on being a writer.

    Read More

    10 comments · 845 views
  • 547 weeks
    So... Bronycon

    I'm going.

    Hopefully there is activity from me here between then and now...

    9 comments · 459 views
  • 549 weeks
    Remember when...

    You were like five and you woke up at 6AM or earlier waiting for your parents to get up so you could open the pile of presents under the tree?

    Slept in until 11:30 this morning.

    My childhood is officially gone.


    8 comments · 486 views
  • 552 weeks
    I'm no longer a pony... for now

    As some of you may remember, last year The Descendent asked for members of the site to add Santa hats to their avatars. I may later add a hat to a pony picture of me but for now I'll have a human face up there.

    Carry on :)

    4 comments · 482 views

Ever have one of those nights? (kind of a rant/ mass "update") · 2:41am Feb 5th, 2013

I want to write. I want to be able to take my imagination and display it so others can share. Right now I just seem to be having trouble.

First of all, I have so many stories I've stuck on hiatus now that I almost feel guilt tripped whenever I come here. I wish I just had one or two stories to work on so I can focus. It's like all the ideas come but I know they're too big for a one-shot, too close to what I've written, or I'm scared of what the finale will do to the cannon. (yeah . . . that) I'm not sure what it is but it's like there is a sieve in my mind that wants me to focus on everything at once.

Here's the ranting list called "I just want to______":

work on "This is Not My Dream" (Except I should wait and see what will happen in the show first.)

work on "The Alicorn Disability" (But, I have no clue how to get to where it's supposed to go in that story. [Same with "For My Sister" and "When the Bough Breaks"])

be able to rearrange my stories here because the order they are in bugs me. (It bugs me, I tell you!)

work on editing "Believing Stories" (NOT REWRITING IT) because it is still a personal demon that torments me when I write other things.

be able to focus on "It Started with That Humming" because . . . Screwloose is best pony.

And above all:

I want all stories to be done so I can focus on writing "The Princess" (sequel to "False Memory")

. . . and I want to pass college . . . that would be nice.

Oh, and I want Discord to turn me into a pony and steal my glasses.

That's not too silly is it?

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Comments ( 13 )

OuO If you worked on Alicorn Disability I would be so happy! I can't control your muse, of course, but I really really enjoyed that one.

Wanting to be a pony is never silly.

so many things to do...

What does the show have to do with how a story works out? It's called fanfiction for a reason >.> These stories aren't supposed follow the cannon 100% otherwise it would be boring. If you have an idea that you want to explore, then explore it and to hell with the cannon and how it might change in the future. If you're going to sit around and worry about the cannon and how it might change then just put everything on hold until the series finale happens.

~Have a good one.

Ach, I know how you feel what with the guilt of not being able to write fast enough for all your eager readers, though I don't have nearly that many unfinished stories, I do have more I want to start, but haven't because it'd just put more strain on me...

The best I can say is that sometime you just have to push yourself and write when you don't want to. I know it feels so much better when it's just flowing out of you and you barely even recognize that there's a keyboard between you and the story (you've felt like that before, right?) and that it feels horrible and unreadable when you have to push it, but that's the only way to have at least a pseudo-steady rate of production.

Not really that silly, I have a handful of stories that are partially completed. But pushing yourself to write when you don't really have any idea is kind of a recipe for bad writing. I mean, sometimes it will turn out pretty good, but most of the time it's just kind of rambling through the story.

I feel you 100%. Except the stories on "hiatus" for me haven't been published, or haven't been written; I get stuck in a constant loop of having an amazing idea to toss in, begin rewriting, and then wonder if in the long run it'll end up ruining the story's feel and putting it on the backburner. It sucks.

However, the alicorn Twilight fanfiction issue, despite my extreme levels of canon OCD in nearly everything else, doesn't bug me. I honestly feel that stories can and should be written without having to forcibly retroactively incorporate that in. It's such a major change that it somewhat separates the chronology of most fanfictions: the half that were written about events before her becoming a princess, and after, and then those that follow an alternate route to becoming a princess.

In other, simpler words, stories written before this episode, taking place before this episode, or deviating from the canon far enough before the episode, should stay with Twilight as a unicorn. It makes things simpler and induces less stress.

That being said, carry on! :twilightsmile:

Oh, and I want Discord to turn me into a pony and steal my glasses.

Pffffff :rainbowlaugh:

Im having the problem of not having enough creative flow for my stories ;_; i had to cancel a few because they were so bad xD:fluttercry:

Not silly at all! I love the picture.

My suggestion would be re-organize the stories. If it drives you nuts to look at them it's not going to help your muse any.

As well is it worth taking a look at the stories and seeing what sort of rough outline you have for them? I don't know how you write (Just sit down and type or set an outline and plan ahead)

*giggles slightly*
He's making your glasses into a nice PUDDING

797266 I wish I could re-organize them but this site doesn't allow that :/

Yes, I have had those nights. In fact I'm having one right now. I have a story, my one and only story still waiting (last update was September) for the next chapter and I have the idea in my head but I can't seem to get it out. It blows.

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