• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021



More Blog Posts137

  • 446 weeks
    Truth is...

    I wish I had never written Believing Stories. To this day, that nightmare refuses to leave me alone. Just today, someone accessed the FIRST CHAPTER on my google docs and made suggestions for corrections to it...



    4 comments · 444 views
  • 535 weeks
    I have to face it.

    I haven't updated here in months. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to come back to the stories I have. I would say it's just burnout but I think at this point I'm more like burnedout on pony fanfiction...and on being a writer.

    Read More

    10 comments · 845 views
  • 547 weeks
    So... Bronycon

    I'm going.

    Hopefully there is activity from me here between then and now...

    9 comments · 459 views
  • 549 weeks
    Remember when...

    You were like five and you woke up at 6AM or earlier waiting for your parents to get up so you could open the pile of presents under the tree?

    Slept in until 11:30 this morning.

    My childhood is officially gone.


    8 comments · 486 views
  • 552 weeks
    I'm no longer a pony... for now

    As some of you may remember, last year The Descendent asked for members of the site to add Santa hats to their avatars. I may later add a hat to a pony picture of me but for now I'll have a human face up there.

    Carry on :)

    4 comments · 482 views

That's it . . . · 11:12pm Feb 7th, 2013

When I finally am able to create my OC's mane/tail, she will wear a ponytail!

What did you think I was talking about?

link on DA

Report TypewriterError · 274 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Liked your other one better

Heh, the ponytail makes her look like a nerd. :twistnerd:

805872 The one with Discord? If I can get a tablet at some point I may go back to seeing if I can draw it in less than an hour. It's still up in the air but I'm pretty sure she's getting a ponytail.

805873 I proudly claim such a title! :rainbowdetermined2:

805894 You mean my "hipster" picture? I'm missing the horn in that one (although, I have debated turning earth pony) but I honestly like her better with a ponytail. Not really sure why.

805906 What does your cutie mark represent?

805912 Lol, fun story behind that actually:

I wrote the Cadence chapter in "The Album" and when PC was trying to upload my chapter the servers were wonky. So my "chapter" was just a lowercase "a" with a circumflex over it, until everything got fixed. It was a bit of an ironic moment and I decided it would make the perfect cutie mark for my OC. It used to be a typewriter but I could never get it to look quite satisfactory.

805934 Gonna try to do something for Valentine's day?

805943 Hmm... That's an idea. Not sure though :/

805951 You could probably just add some multicolored hearts in places. Or change it to something completely different, like I did.

I like the new OC Type, very you.

Very nice! Gives off a little more Twilight-ey feel, I suppose.

By the way, what do you use to make your artwork and OCs and stuff? (Aside from GIMP, that is :twilightsheepish:)

806359 Actually..GIMP stopped working with me :( I use CS2 now.(Photoshop) I'm still trying to get the hang of it.I also use vectors from Deviantart to help (as long as I give credit where it is due).

805959 Hmm...possibly

806333>>806338 thanks :twilightsmile:

Glasses are way too big, but other than that, it's really good.

807279 Yeah...I probably should fix that.... :unsuresweetie:

She appears as thou she's considering murder, as a viable option. :pinkiecrazy:

808397 She's still rather irritated that Discord messed with her glasses again. :trollestia:

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