• Member Since 2nd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen May 12th

Axel Nyan

Eh, No one special.

More Blog Posts101

  • 436 weeks
    Excuses, Clearing the Air and Empty Promises

    So ignore that last post of the similar name, after not having done jack SHIT on this site, I forgot the hotkeys for stuff.

    Who even reads these? Hell, who will even notice?

    So. First things first.

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    0 comments · 442 views
  • 480 weeks
    A toda vela

    De colores,
    de colores se visten los campos en la primavera;

    De colores,
    de colores son los pajarillos que vienen de afuera;

    De colores,
    de colores es al arco iris que vemos lucir.

    Y por eso los grandes amores, de muchos colores, me gusta a mi.

    Canta el gallo,
    canta el gallo con el kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri, kiri kiri kiri;

    La gallina,

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    0 comments · 350 views
  • 508 weeks
    It's your choice, in the end...


    <You know, it's more exciting if you press the button.>

    "And if I press the button, countless die needlessly."

    <And if you don't, they continue to live their happy, boring little lives. Mindlessly working away at a hard-set schedule, never truly knowing what it's like to live.>

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 536 weeks
    Oh yeah, i'm still alive.

    and for some reason, i'm not doing ponystuffs. huh. well, have some shenanigans from /write/

    [4:36:21 PM] Axel "Out-Of-The-Hospital-And-Still-Dead-Tired" Nyan: Axel, I wanna caress your hairy butt and whisper sweet nothings about monster trucks and football in your earstrangely, not the weirdest thing i've had said to me, not by a long shot

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    2 comments · 535 views
  • 545 weeks
    [SPOILER] On the newest episode...

    Well, hawt damn! That was actually a pretty good episode.

    So who's driving the wagon?

    2 comments · 370 views

Dat finale [SPOILERS] · 11:39pm Feb 16th, 2013

All I can say is, CELESTIA SINGS. I LOVE IT.


Report Axel Nyan · 269 views ·
Comments ( 11 )

Amen brother! Tis a glorious day!

Huh...Given that I've already made a model of a functioning society, and a language to go with it, should I make a whole backstory for a secret cult that worships Twilight and speaks a weird language? I think that would be fun. Anyone willing to do the actual story part while I make the society?

837426 Well, if you'll give me time to actually, y'know, read your story, I might. I've time.


Alright, so, I feel fit to warn you ahead of time, that this is ALL made up on the spot, and I am giving little to no forethought on this, and there WILL be loopholes, and if there aren't I am officially the best at improv. Let's begin.

The whole cult started long before Twilight had gained fame at all, or, at least any real fame. There was an orphaned colt who was working in the castle, thanks to a sanction granted by Celestia. As the colt worked over his days, he noticed that there was an elusive mare who was always reading, always studying, never taking part in anything that might be contrived as social. As time went by, he found himself more and more curious, as one can imagine he would, and it makes sense really, given the mystery surrounding the tightly locked puzzle that was Twilight Sparkle. He tried many times, to start a conversation with the spellcaster, thought was never really succesful, and all his attempts likely (in his own mind) came off as simply doing his job, and despite how hard he tried, he could never really start any form of actual contact with Twilight, and so he looked into the mare through other means. After a long search, through his limited contacts he'd earned through his work at the castle, he found out that the young filly had managed to fully grow a dragon from naught but an egg, which given that she was but a foal, was amazing.

As he was entranced with her power, he found himself paying more and more attention to her as time went on. By the time they were both fifteen, he'd already gathered some like-minded individuals together, and they made a secret 'fan' club. It was never anything dangerous, and never did anything to catch the eye of the student's mentor, and the student herself wouldn't have noticed if she had happened to walk by, so buried in her books that she was, that the club had little to fear, and they started having meetings. The meetings they had revolved around Twilight, but they also went over other things that any club would, and while the purpose was for the appreciation of Twilight, they also grew to start doing other things with their time. Things such as the study of magic so that they might have common ground with the object of their affections, and not just unicorn magic, they also studied pegasus and earth-pony magic as well, and they became more well versed in the lesser-known pegasus and earth-pony magic than...Just about anyone, given that none had tried before.

Another thing that the unicorn, earth-pony, and pegasus had done was look into recruitment. It was definitely difficult, as while Twilight was known to politicians, she wasn't known by any who would have any sort of personal like for her, which meant that the group had to spread the word about the amazing spell-caster to the world, for surely all must know of her might! Though, their attempts didn't go over nearly as well as they had hoped, so they decided on a different approach. They started looking into things that other ponies would be willing to join the club for, in place of gathering to share in the wonders of Twilight, and they started taking up crafts, such as language, music, and metal, wood, and stone-work. Then, they started secretly recruiting members. Young ones, like they, and others, when told of the things that the group was developing, started to take interest. Thought slightly off-put by the obvious devotions to a single mare, they agreed to join, and the group decided that they needed a name for themselves. The group called itself The Mistwalkers, given that the anomaly occurred at the time of the name-sake of their affections', and the original three christened themselves the Magic Of Dusk, deciding that surely, any follower of the filly Twilight would need a name such as that.

As followers began coming, the group decided that they need a new meeting place, and so with the skills that had made them so prevalent in the world of secret organizations, they agreed on the Everfree forest, and they found a clearing there. In that clearing, it was at first just a big circle of dirt that they had trampled down, to of course, meet, share techniques, and overall share in an air of comraderee, and for some, a place to openly share their thoughts on Twilight Sparkle herself. That said, as time went on, the group started making things and adding them to the clearing, such as work benches, seating, a ten foot big stone firepit, a metal-working forge, and in fact, they even built a few basic buildings, made with whatever they could gather, and at first the buildings did look bad, but they started cleaning them up, making them smooth, and in fact, for some ponies, those buildings became permanent homes.

By now, the filly herself was fifteen and a half, and the Mistwalkers realized that, if they were to worship Twilight, and in fact survive in the Everfree, they would need a military unit, to defend themselves and their affectee, and so they formed a military unit. It wasn't what most would call an 'army', but it was definitely interesting. With the magical techniques the original three had discovered, the military group, which had been named the mid-gaurd, for the fact that the time of twilight was in fact between night and day, developed interesting skills. From the pegasi who became hit and run guerrilla-style combatants, to the earth-ponies who became front line warriors in shining armour, to the Unicorns, who specialized in stealth, the army had developed some interesting characters.

A slow three months of combat training with all sorts of unarmed, and weapon-based training was pursued, and the group unknowingly discovered several techniques used by ancient warring nations that had long since given up their fighting days, despite the age of the youth, and that was in part due to the dangers posed by the Everfree. Another interesting thing that the metalsmiths the group had accumulated was a technique similar to Earth's Damascus steel, but unlike earth, they found ways to apply it to armour, making the unique wave-like patterns that the group would eventually be known for.

The group had also never truly strayed from its original purpose, and continued to worship the ground the young filly walked on, despite the fact that some of the ponies could only find excuses to come to the base once every two weeks, or something similar, the group still advanced. The group still trained. And another interesting technique developed over a period of another two surprisingly uneventful years, was a unique enchantment system that had never been discovered before. The technique was usable by any of the three races, and while slower to make than the old form of enchanting used by unicorns for a long time, the enchantments were more powerful, and lasted longer. That, in part, was one of the reasons the group had so few fights with any of the local wildlife, and that was because of both an animal repellent, and a sense 'camouflage' that masked any normally detectable traces left by the Mistwalkers. And they had truly become worthy to their name, being able to disappear at a moments notice, to be able to disappear at a moments notice, leaving others to wonder if they were really ever there.

The group had of course over the period of their construction, developed unique building techniques for building structures underground, which was very much needed due to the fact that they couldn't afford to be discovered, and though the enchantments made the outside wall of their base appear like unpassable brambles, anything above the forest canopy would hint at the bases' location. Another thing that had happened, was that they had started recruiting other colts and interestingly enough, fillies, to their cause. They offered promises of unique abilities, strange powers, comraderee, adventure, the chance to be strong, in exchange for the recruited to stay quite about the existence of the Mistwalkers. Naturally, some word got out, as it would have to, with a group as big as theirs, but it never really was believed, and the young teenagers were disbelieved in favour of more likely things.

There was, however, an unfortunate complication. Twilight was sent out of Canterlot, which disheartened many of the Mistwalkers who lived there, though the persevered. And the Magic Of Dusk had decided to leave Canterlot permanently, taking with them only what mattered, so that they could live in the base of the Mistwalkers, the so-called Clandestine Grotto, thought their affections of the Princesses' student had not gone unnoticed, and she had asked them what they were doing when they had chosen to leave. While they were old enough to go, something didn't add up to the matriarch. Their magical signature had changed quite a bit since she'd first met them, and though it may be a normal thing, the signatures had grown stronger than they should have by any normal means. In addition to that, there was the movement of their eyes, which had seemed grow to, over time, seek out any weaknesses that could be seen, which, to Celestia's chagrin, commonly found in her guard. And lastly, was the muscle tone, which had not necessarily grown bigger, but definitely more taught, as though they were ready to spring at any given moment. That all, combined with their love of her student that was never really hidden made Celestia worry. And though she had brought them all into one room, to talk to them, she had decided to turn around for dramatic effect, and talked a little while, but when asked a question, they didn't answer. When she looked back, they were gone.

And that's all I have. Well, not really. I actually have at least give ideas where the plot can go from here. As far as pacing, it is terrible, but it was needed, because this is only a summary. A very very long, surprisingly detailed summary. You can tell it's a summary because there's no dialogue. Anyway, opinions? Maybe we could get a collab going...Or something.... Anyway. I know that I didn't mention the language ANYWHERE, but this is a first draft, and that can be added in later. Once I've decided on something unique I can actually do for the language. Also, most details are changeable, and notice that I didn't choose any real names for the ponies? Yeah, that's because I suck at naming things. Seriously. I named the capital of a secret organization the Clandestine Grotto. That's terrible.

Edit: Also, maybe this is too big for a single story, now that I look at it. We really should get a collab going, maybe get a few different authors writing on certain parts of the story, and allowing everyone to overall make manageable chunks of reading. Like say, maybe a story covering the very initial start-up, or a story of what happens after the end of my description of the Mistwalkers.

Another thing I noted after reading it when I was in fact not sleep-deprived was that this was crazy good for having been made after my usual bed-time (for lack of a better word, I usually fall asleep around eleven, and this 'story' was written at around one in the morning...So...Yeah.

And lastly, the reason I'm not doing this alone, is because I am literally incapable of finishing a story project THIS large. Really. I need someone else to constantly tell me to work on it, or I won't really get anything done. EVER. And I mean that.

842201 The sheer genius and awesomeness I feel from this is amazing. While it is a tad bit rushed, it still holds up well. I'd be honored to work with ya on something like this. Although, aside from idea tossing, I don't know how much good I'd do ya.

844269 Like I said in the edit, idea bouncing is good, but I also need other authors working on this with me. And I do desperately need ideas. Most of them, while they will be cannon, probably won't even be in the story, but that's just a standard tactic, that is to say, some authors like to write out way more back-story and character interactions than ever get into the story, to keep it consistent, and I will need people to work on that, so if you could even do little parts like that.

Another thing I might like to address, is that the reason it seems rushed is because I was just giving a basic detailing; which means that it was suppose to be rushed, to allow more high quality data to fall into place.

The last thing I would like to mention, is that I need other authors, like I said in the first paragraph, and I think that anyone who can help me find other authors to work on this with me would be a very handy person to have on the project.

844903 Hmm... I might have a friend who could help with this, though I'm not too sure. Let me check in with him right now.

844919 Sweet, I just wrote five personalized invitations to the collab. In the time that you didn't respond. Kidding, but seriously, I wouldn't mind if you started bouncing a few ideas off of me soon, because I need ideas for individual stories and the like. I am going to be a coordinator after all, and I need to give the authors something to work with (not that I couldn't make something up on the spot, but I like having as many ideas as possible)

861555 I am a huge sucker for musicals. Sue me.

i had a Love /Hate relationship with that episode and it shut down my imagination for 4 hours i was in statues of pause for 1 hour not sure what to do next then i ranted at my friend on skype and killed things in shooters quite a weird moment for me, i can no longer guess what the show is going to do next :applejackconfused:

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