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    Rule 34 Updates resuming June 2016

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Tardy / Season Three Episode Poll · 1:03am Feb 19th, 2013

I still plan on releasing analysis of the last two episodes this season. I've just found myself with little time as of late.

What I want to do now is conduct a poll regarding the third season. Specifically, which episode is your favorite? Which episode is your least favorite? What's the biggest controversy from season three? Click on the link below to vote.

Cast your vote here!

Once you've voted, feel free to say which ones you voted for in the comments section. I'm curious to know why certain episodes are chosen. What are your overall thoughts regarding season three and how does the future look for season four?

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Personally, I despised "Spike at Your Service" and adored "Wonderbolts Academy" and the finale. I'm interested as well to see what others have chosen.

I'll be sure to post the results by the end of the week.

Thanks for your vote!

I submitted to the poll, but I'm sad that I could only choose one for the controversy. Hasbro has been a dick this entire time for doing all that crap, and I say it's all the biggest... Fuck you Hasbro, leave us alone.:ajbemused:

Personally I didn't like The Games Ponies Play it was the most predictable episode of the season.

Favorite is the opening 2 parter for the amount of creativity from the new location, new character attributes, and the enhanced animation.

Least favorite is Magic Duel since I found it both forced and rushed with some very jumpy pacing.

Biggest controversy is alicorn Twi because it really shows that Hasbro cares more about merchandising than pleasing the viewers.

Too Many Pinkie Pies was my favorite episode by far. I was also saddened by the cease and desist of "Fighting is Magic". I was really looking forward to playing it.

The season finale is by far my favorite episode, they managed to make it work despite it not being what the viewers wanted. If I had to pick an episode I did not like, it would have to be Discords Reform, they did it too fast for my liking.

Magic Duel was your least favorite? That's surprising. I know you mentioned that you'd stopped watching the series at one point; I'm just surprised that the return of Trixie episode was your least favorite.

(As you know, it gave me plenty of fodder for clopfics.) :raritywink:

"Biggest controversy is alicorn Twi because it really shows that Hasbro cares more about merchandising than pleasing the viewers."

I'm afraid you're right, but I'm still going to give season four a chance. Hopefully, the writers will be able to salvage this mess.

Worst- spike at your sevice (timber wolf animation was borderline insulting to the shows artistic integrity.)

Best- Apple family reunion (raise this barn is from the same vain as the smile song, find a pet, and the hearts and hooves song.)

Overall score- meh, good but not their best. I feel that this season was an experiment. Trying to strike the balance between brony, the show creators, and hasbro expectations. This time it was a bit more jumpy. But i think that with hasbros hand out of it, and a (present but stealthy) poke to the bronies, the show will only get better. Hears to MLP.

Also, I think that a quiet (super stealthy) derpy appearance will happen. (mabey they will put an eye patch on her or something (pirate costume?). Also more luna lines, and a pip plug might be good too.

844607 I never liked Trixie in the first place and there are already more than enough fics of her seeking revenge or trying to reform. The episode did both and were both forced.

I liked Slepless in Ponyville. In fact this was the only good episode in this season.

And for episodes I didn't liked... oh boy. It was really hard to decide:
Crystal Empires - for plotholes; for Celestia being lazy asshole; for Twilight being idiot;
One Bad Apple - for completely stupid take on issue of bullyinh; for major issues with show don't tell; for major issues with moral
Magic Duel - for reducing Trixie to someone who can't even scratch a pegasus with her magic; for duel epic as throwing poo contenst; for Twilight being idiot
Spike at Your Service - for complete OOC of everypony (including Twilight being idiot), and everydragon; for "dragon code";
Keep Calm and Flutter On - for Celestia being psychotic moron; for "I JUST WANTED TO HAVE A FRIEND!!!"; for moral
Magical Mystery Cure - for sucking that much that I didn't even watch it, but from reviews of others I can say that they fucked up; for cutie marks; for idiot princess Twilight; for that, that even my friend who likes other episodes (besides Crystal Empire) calls this a shit.

In the end I choose something randomly. It's to hard to decide which is worse.

And as for controversy, Twilight Alicorn Princess, cause I don't believe that those equestrian abominations are real. I believe it's a joke.

Best episode: Apple Family Reunion
Worst: Spike @ your service
Biggest controversy: The Fighting is Magic C&D. It was a huge/blatant copyright infringement. If Mane6 had been a bit more intelligent/aware of the consequences, they should've developed this in secrecy. Or released/publicized it when it was 100% done. Or leaked a later version on PirateBay or whatever, so someone else could finish the game. The real dick move here was Hasbro waiting until the last minute to hand them the C&D. At the least, they should've handed it out sooner,and not flushed several months of work down the toilet.

I thought the worst was 'Spike at Your Service'. The idea of a character saving another character's life equaling an eternal debt has been so overdone. The entire thing was cliche, and terrible predictable. It was a horrible waste of an episode. :c

And personally, I thought the finale was the best. The episode make complete sense, in terms of everything leading up to it. The idea that becoming an Alicorn was Twilight's destiny was just so unexpected. And she totally deserves it too! Plus I adore the Cutie Mark song everyone sang during the beginning. I just thought the entire episode was so well done, even though things felt kind of rushed. But with the time they had, I thought it was perfection.

Overall I thought season 3 was pretty great! I loved how we got a Scootaloo episode, a Discord episode, and a Trixie episode. I thought all of those were great. The Wonderbolt's Academy episode was pretty great too! The most disapointing part I thought was the season premiere villian. :applejackunsure: And the Spike at your Service episode, like I talked about above. But overall we had a pretty awesome, short season.

I'm so excited for season 4, and even more so that Twilight's now an Alicorn. :yay: A lot of people have doubts about the show now, but I think it's going to be just as good, if not better.

> Also, I think that a quiet (super stealthy) derpy appearance will happen.
Already happened this season. :derpyderp2:

844710:pinkiegasp: really?!?

Well dont leave me hanging, HOW! WHERE! WHEN!???

I voted for Equestria Girls as the biggest controversy, then almost immediately wished I'd picked the Fighting is Magic takedown instead. Producing bad fiction is kind of a non-issue compared to actively destroying other people's work. (Favorite episode was Magic Duel for continuity, a creative resolution and because I just had fun watching it; least favorite was Games Ponies Play, for idiot plot and the way nobody was bothered by their conning the inspector.)

I found the timber wolves appropriately creepy, personally.

Um, Crystal Empire pt2, Too Many Pinkies, Magic Duel, and 4 times in Magical Mystery Cure?

I picked "Sleepless" for best episode; I really felt it captured its own theme perfectly. I almost went with "Wonderbolts Academy" but they flubbed the end by not really showing what happened to LD so it looked like she was kicked out. Also, Spitfire's behavior in that ep annoyed me. That's not how an officer is supposed to behave.
I picked "Just for sidekicks" as the worst,it ignored its own lesson, although "Spike at your Service" was a close second for me. I just don't think they've figured out what to do with him. He'sa a great sidekick, I don' hate him the way I still hate Angel, but Spike-centered eps seem to suck.
As or the controversies: We ARE pirating. The legal standard for fair use are silly and really land heavily against satire which means that the entire idea of youtube is essentially a crime. Even though no one really thinks this way but judges. So Hasbro's legal department gave the advice they were required to give: shut things down. Mane6 and FiW were too good to leave alone, and therefore Hasbro had to take action. The Brony doc was produced by professional content providers who (subconsciously) don't want to see free content flourish. Basically, Legal beat out PR in the board meetings. Which suck for fans.
I honestly thought that this trend might become a problem, then I saw the last ep. Derpy returned (In force!) and tons of other fan-service (but no Octavia). Maybe PR got through a little bit? Legal sometimes forgets that to sell things, you don't just need to be right, people need to like you.
Each time Hasbro does something weird, we need to remember that they are, first and foremost, running a business to make money, not to make us happy. I'll keep watching the show as long as it remains well-written and available, I'll stay a part of the Brony community as long as the creativity and love flows, and I'll give Hasbro the benefit of the doubt until the ruin my enjoyment. If they already ruined yours, I feel bad for you and hope you can find some joy somewhere else. I'm still here.

Timestamps or it didn't happen. (I don't say "screenshots" because there's been a number of fake ones.)

844735I still haven't seen the last 2 episodes of the season. I want to, but my parents won't lend me their smartphones to browse Youtube with. So my fave was too many pinkie pie's, simply because Pinkie Pie. Though I hated Keep Calm and Flutter on. Like I'm supposed to believe that [Discord, the spirit of chaos and disharmony, would change his ways in a day simply because he didn't want to lose a friend?! I call bullshit.:twilightangry2: I get the whole friendship is magic thing, but still. For all that to happen in a single day is just too much, even for me.:facehoof:

The worst for me was: "Spike at Your Service"
The best for me: Sleepless In Ponyville, Wonderbolt Academy, Keep Calm and Flutter on and Magic Duel
I like the final episode, but two episodes would have been better.

Magic Duel is my favorite, yes I got Trixie love.

Spike at your Service came close to being my least favorite considering the Timberwolf was tooooo easily dealt with.*

Biggest controversy of season 3 was totally imo "Fighting is Magic" C&D.

*I know its primarily a show for little girls. . .but a single pebble finished it off, really? :facehoof:

Crystal Empire pt2: 11:41 (mane, tail, and rear)
Too Many Pinkies: 14:17 (part of her head)
Magic Duel: 20:31 (two Derpys in the crowd)
Magical Mystery Cure: 0:23, 20:16, 20:30 (twice during "Life in Equestria" song)

For best episode, I chose Sleepless in Ponyville. I thought it was, quite simply, the best-constructed episode of the season, with plenty of excellent characterization for everypony involved, great pacing, and a genuinely heartwarming ending. Wonderbolts Academy was second-place, but not even close - it had plenty of problems to it.

For worst episode, I chose Spike at Your Service. It was just too broken. From a sudden "dragon code" appearance, ridiculous behavior by basically everypony involved (including a new severity and ridiculousness to Twilight's OCD) and just a stupid premise overall... not to mention stupidly predictable, on the whole. Other runners for worst episode include Just for Sidekicks and Games Ponies Play - particularly the latter, for having THE most idiotic premise of the season and just overall stupidity on the part of the Mane 6 for the vast majority of the episode. The former had a somewhat amusing premise... and horrible execution, particularly Dick Move Zecora.

Biggest controversy - I wanted to choose Twilicorn, but instead went with Equestria Girls. Ultimately, Twilicorn was handled okay (even if I have a number of issues with the episode) and I even if there was a lot of unease and freakout, it was still ponies, while Equestria Girls holds much more promise for breaking the hell out of the fandom. The Fighting is Magic C&D was third in the list for me - I hate what happened to the Mane6 crew, but it wasn't entirely unexpected, I'm afraid.


I'm afraid you're right, but I'm still going to give season four a chance. Hopefully, the writers will be able to salvage this mess.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the way you said that made it sound like you were going to abandon the show but then decided not to.

Maybe I'm just paranoid, I don't know :applejackunsure:

I have no intention of leaving the fandom. Sorry if I scared you.

Sleepless in Ponyville was my favorite. The Crystal Empire and Magical Mystery Cure were numbers 2 and 3 respectively.

Spike at your Service was my least liked. I hate what they did to Spike's character that episode and the Timber Wolves were completely non-threatening.

Biggest controversy was Fighting is Magic's C&D after working on it for almost 2 years. Though it wasn't surprising, it was a dick move on Hasbro's part to wait til it was almost done before doing anything. Ali Twilight I saw coming from a mile away. I was expecting it to happen eventually, and I was sure that book had something to do with it. Not really sure about Equestria Girls.

I wanted to vote the finale as my fav, but sleepless was just too good. Not just for scoots but for dash as well.

For controversies, shouldn't you also have "Discord reformed" as an option? That actually bothered me more than Twilacorn, since let's face, they were dropping hints about her for awhile.

I picked Keep Calm and Flutter On for my favorite episode, mostly because I really liked Fluttershy in that episode. I liked how she stood up to her friends, she stood up to discord and all around she took no shit from anyone in that episode. It showed off (I think) how much she's grown in the series and just her overall intelligence.

I picked Spike At Your Service as my lest favorite episode simply because of what they did to Spike in this episode.

The controversy I picked was Twilight becoming an Alicorn mostly because it felt to soon to be doing any of that. Since they did do it though, I disagree with making this a 3 parter and making the first 2 episodes of season 4 part 2 and 3 of this whole twilight alicorn arc. I just don't see the point because the season 3 finale felt more like a series finale. There just wasn't anything in that last episode that made me think "wow, I can't wait to see what they are going to do in season 4" because it felt like it was already over. In short, I think they jumped the shark, but since they went ahead and did it anyways I think it was done in a crappy way.

While I wish they left Friendship is Witchcraft alone, I do understand why they took down Fighting is Magic. It got bigger than the internet. It was in a competition that was competing with other original fighting games and from what I heard, it was winning. It got pulled a little after that, but still. I think Fighting is Magic got ahead of itself and forgot that it was a fan game using copyrighted material. It was looking to be something cool, but I didn't get all bent out of shape when it happened. Lauren Faust offered to make original characters for the game I hear. Pissed at Hasbro much? (lul)

~Have a good one.

For the Best: Sleepless In Scoots. It made me feel, and being a bitter old Burro, that is hard to do.

For the Worst Spike at you Service.. animation, stupid ass Spike being annoying, and, just all around Merrii-fuck up. ;p

Controversy to me goes to the assholes who accused ME of downloading their shitty documentary. Look, I didn't give ya money because I had no interest, but ONLY making the video available and trying to guilt people into not pirate "because we over extended ourselves" is outright insulting to people like me! (you know, accounting majors and penny pinchers who DO NOT think spend more money before all bills were paid was a great idea) Then you have the BALLS to blame the fans?!? Fuck off right there!

Now, I also shall mention the video takedowns, and/or the Fighting is Magic thing.. however, being a (former) Sega fan, and the absolute BULLSHIT Sega did last year pulling ALL VIDEOS related to Shining Force (including filing copyright claims to 'total biscuit' and other high profile youtube guys) I sort of expected this behavior. At least Hasbro gave you answers. Sega is blaming each division, and STILL pulling videos, and having people banned.

(Sorry about this rant, dude.. I just did NOT like that nonsense, as I lost an account with help videos on Shining Force 2, which had NOTHING to do with their claims. I loved Sega for bringing NiGHTS and other franchises back, but you can still hate for the shit they spew)


Sleepless in Ponyville - This episode packed so many tasty levels of feels from happy, very happy, sad, waterworks, child labor at it's finest (or at least training her to be the world's hope against alien monkey's with names sounding like vegetables), and the most EXPRESSIVE faces in an episode by a single pony! All that and it had great classic warner brother gag moments.

SO much put into ONE episode, and such great chemistry throughout, and O M G WINGHUGS!

All that tossed into a small tuna can sized tin, compressed several times over with help from a car compactor and, served to us in a nice small 22 min sandwich. All it needed was a SONG sung by SCOOTS AND RAINBOW DASH just between before the rainbow falls, and that episode may as well been a season of and in itself with all that much awesomeness that makes a season worth watching!


Wait... it DID have a song! SLEEPLESS IN PONYVILLE WAS BEST SEASON! (let's just toss that one in with S2 just to say we DID get a Scootaloo for a completed set of CMC episodes in s2...)

So... worst episode? Hmm... well, first let's see what options we got. Personally I loved Magic Duel and Wonderbolt Academy. Hated the executions and stuff, but, let's move on.

Say what you will about episodes like Magic Duel, the gimmick of the alicorn necklace, the 'redemption' that frankly... It was still an amazing episode, even if the gimmick and lazy plotting. Twilight has to resort to smoke and mirrors to actually purposely show up Trixie and this time make her look bad, honestly if they didn't make the necklace evil and why she was getting crazier and crazier, that episode would of just further demonized her in the eyes of ponyvillians (let's be honest, that's exactly what happened anyways... .)

Spike At Your Service? Yeah, it had two ancient overused story ideas glued together, it even made Spike a overly eager retard that totally forgot who to do chores right and how to cool... I can buy that he probably ain't good at pie making, crust *is* annoying to get right! I could even deal with his Dragon Code, had they not try to force it down our throats with the "You *know* how important his Dragon Code is to him" AJ's face of "Um, wut?" said it all. She only agreed with Twilight because she didn't want to be insulting. But, this was *STILL* a great eipisode assertive Fluttershy, Fanfic Author Extradanire Rainbow Dash and her unwilling future pre-reader/editor, AJ tying a knot on her tail with her LIPS and teeth... HOLDING DOWN AN AIR BALLOON and that was after she damn well without a second though, hell on INSTINCT ALONE, went out and risked her tail to bait the wolves and barely escaping with her life.

And come on... it was still, at its core, a damn good episode.

WHAT IS WORST EPISODE? Cause I can go on about an episode's saving graces that makes up for all it's blatant faults..... except maybe 8 minutes of the last half of the finale and the emotional scars of 5 mares holed up in a tree house freaking out and mourning the loss of Twilight who they blasted to atoms who only left the tree house, after hours, once they all agreed its best to head home... only for the SECOND COMING OF JESUS PONY!

But, aside from the rushed, and dynamically changing what was the cutest well designed pony with a chibi short and flabby flanky nerd frame, that half episode was still great! *eye twitch*

SO WHAT IS IT?! Too Many Pinkie Pies? Wonderbolt Academy?? Family Reunion??? (DIAF whoever thinks that! NO U!)



*Crowd lets out a collective groan* "Figures, this guy just fucking hating on Cadance again... fuck this I want my time back!"

WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! Sit your collective asses da fudge down! Here's a bit of a shocker... it actually has *nothing* to do with Cadance! Cross my heart and hope to fly, and stick a Pinkie Pie in my eye!

Why was it so bad? Well, damn... I may as well make a blog post myself!

I mean, with such a great little experiment idea this seemed to be, and seeing how awesome Spike's first best episode to ever be in a person's top 10 or top 20, I'd say this half failed on the continuity on SO many levels. It has *NO* re-watch value. It went from being a comedic exploit of what Spike went through with the CMC and pets, to giving it no attention AT ALL with minor exception being the start and end.

We got no "Oh snap, I see Spike in the background biting a crystal pony dog catcher! Oh SNAP Twilight almost caught a glimpse of what she THOUGHT was Owlowishes" from that one point she left the spa after saying hi to Whiney. No, all we got was a Rainbow Dash feels obligated to help Crystal Empire than her own Cloudsdale. Let's face it, it was cute, but there wasn't enough hijinks and original expressiveness save for that chicken Run pony. Or "The one with that Scootaloo for a cutiemark". (leave Scoots out of this!)

It's sad, when you think of an episode and the only moments that made you crack a smile is from a throw away character that is secretly a terminator 3.0 and probably 2 or 3 two or 5 second clips of Rarity, Porcupine Twilight, and Rainbow Hugging Glass like a suction car plushie.

This episode, especially Pinkie Pie save for drowning in a "oh, Pinkie was devoured by GAK..." the episode for the most part, well let's be honest here, it was shallow. So shallow you'd have to drill for three days to feel the slightest of moisture. All that episode did was try and add more sales to the Crystal Empire Playset that's collecting as much dust as I'd imagine Twilight's 50 dollar alicorn playset will...

There were no jokes. There was no world building. There was hardly any fun or interesting facial repressions that we haven't seen in other even more bitched about pony episodes from the past. Shit, Too Many Pinkie Pies still had GREAT fun moments. And common, dem bedroom eyes... HANDS... PINKIE WATCHES PAINT DRY! (something that pony fic readers on this site should have gotten a nice chuckle from)

I'll say this, I can usually find a lot of enjoyment from just about any FiM episode. I LOVE the show. I love taking shots/scenes out of context and poke fun at it! It's FUN. But, THIS! Oh, oh nonono! This was just UTTER TRASH! and wasted opportunity used up on sightseeing. No close calls. No, they spent all those things showing you how 'awesome' CE is, and look SA trying to be Luna!

A background pony/throwaway had more character than most the mane cast and the ones they tried to promote!

On a final note, who else is with me on wanting to petition Hasbro to beautify Cadance with a new hair do? Because I just LOVE this new look on her!
You know you like it. It gives her a certain charm. :heart:

The best episode was Apple Family Reunion, yeah I may be biased because Applejack has been my favorite pony since the beginning but until that episode I honestly couldn't decide what my favorite Applejack episode was because they were all great but now I know it is this one. We got to find out a bit more background on the Apple Family while not having them overshadow Applejack and I found it very touching that Applejack tried so hard to make it perfect like she was trying to honor the memory of her parents.

The worst episode not only of this season but entire series was Magical Mystery Cure, to say that it was a mess is an understatement. There were so many songs that it bogged down the dialogue making them more of a distraction as opposed to actually complimenting the story, it is not that the songs were bad I just think they went a little heavy handed with that. The cutie mark switching was a good idea but was poorly executed as it didn't have enough time to truly be fleshed out and really should have been its own episode which lead into Twilight becoming an alicorn instead of having Twilight alicorn just appear out of nowhere at the very end of the episode with almost no explanation other than "hey guess what Twilight you are an alicorn now just because you are teachers pet and have friends."

And the very idea of Twilight becoming an alicorn at this point in the story puts her dangerously close to Mary Sue territory, I am not saying it couldn't work and as seriously flawed as the introduction of alicorn Twilight was if the writers bring their A game which if Hasbro lets them do their job they undoubtedly will then they can polish this turd and make one of the worst ideas in the history of the show into something that could actually work out. The irony in this whole thing is that it reminded me of all the things I like about Twilight and pusher her up from my second favorite pony to now being tied with Applejack for best pony.

For most controversial I voted for twilicorn because in my humble opinion it is even more polarizing than the Derpy controversy which was mostly parents and the habitually offended complaining without even bothering to understand why Hasbro gave Derpy a speaking role. Most of the fans seem to agree that this copyright stuff is lame and that the laws need to change though opinions differ on how much Hasbro is at fault.

i don't feel like typing an essay, so i'll make this short. my fave spisode was keep calm and flutter on. that episode had me through roughly entertained with the shenanigans of discord, the way in which fluttershy handled the situation, and how it seemed it was fluttershy and discord against the world the entire episode.

as for my worst episode, it's a tie between "spike at your service" and "sleepless in ponyville". *dodges tomatoes" to but it bluntly, they really bored me to death, spikes character and mannerisms were too off for my liking and "sleep less in ponyville", well, that is too hard to explain fully right now but nothing seemed to really happen there, that i care for anyway.

and as for the controversies, i don't give a flying fuck about a single one. i feel like i'm getting a little bit too old to be worried about something so meaningless and have no bearing on my life whatsoever. perhaps i just have an unusual amount of high faith in the show or something.

Favorite season three episode:
Sleepless in Ponyville. This episode finally gave us a good Scootaloo centered episode. The atmosphere was there, the characters were memorable and it was just overal great fun. Also really loved the interaction between Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash. That ending was what we all wanted to see i think.

Worst episode of season three:
Spike at your service. Seems to be a good few people disliking this episode for the same reason. Spike was always good at chores and cooking and stuff. This episode just threw that out the window for no apparent reason other then to get some laughs out of people (and i didnt laugh once). The only redeemable parts were the timberwolves that got shown.
Spike is not my favorite character but this episode should not have been made.

Biggest controversy:
A tough one if you ask me. I'm not really following the fandom all that much on these points. I just find it strange that Hasbro has apparently decided to not allow anything mlp related to be posted (episodes, fighting is magic, friendship is witchcraft). It feels a bit off from what they usually do.

The future:
Well i cant really say how season four wil turn out. I have about the same thoughts as at the start of season 3. I hope its good and go from there. It will be interesting to see how princess Twilight Sparkle will be handled. I've still got a bit of hope that they will turn her back to a normal unicorn in season four. Not that i mind it that much but it will take some adjusting if they keep her like this.

Overall feeling of season three:
Pretty good I have to say. Most episodes were enjoyable to me. And even the ones that are commonly hated have some upsides to them. As with all things, its easy to hate on something but much harder to see the positive side of it.

All writing and spelling errors are copyright of myself.

Well, gotta throw my two cents in here I guess.

Best episode: A tie between Sleepless in Ponyville and Keep calm and flutter on. I really love Scootaloo and would like to see her developed even further, and it was fun seeing Discord again and not have him be a throwaway villain like NMM or Sombra.

Worst episode: Spike at your service. I can't stretch it enough how much I hated this episode. The voice actors seem uninterested, and the whole setup seems lke it should've belonged in a very early episode of season one. Spike has been established as being able to both cook and clean since Twilight obviously isn't in to that, and to have him botch everything all of a sudden is so strange. Also, wasted timberwolf giant. Seriously, this episode seems like really bad fanfiction to me, REALLY BAD. Hated this episode.

Biggest controversy: Do you have to ask? Twicorn. It's pretty much the only real 'controversy' we've had in my opinion, since it's been the only thing that has seemingly split the fandom into 2 camps. And while I think it's fine and I'll be able to overlook it, I feel that it was very rushed. That's been one of my biggest issues with the season as a whole, two major story arcs (Return of Discord and Twicorn) that were finished of in single episodes, when really, both could've made great two-parters. Especially Magical Mystery Cure since it was the season finale.

Overall, I think this has been a mixed bag, but the good stuff was well worth sitting through the season for. I still would've liked to see those two episodes I mentioned in the form of two-parters, but they're still good. I think the worst part about this season has been all the wasted opportunities for really great stories and the fact that so many episodes have been just "meh". Magic Duel for instance, it wasn't bad, but the return of one the fandom's most beloved characters should've been handled with a little more dignity.
Also, throughout the season, Twilight's magic tricks are just cringeworthy for me. She's suppose to be taking her studies towards a whole new level, and what does she do? Turn animals into fruit and make animals float around forming the inifnity sign or whatever it's called, and somehow that's impressive. She stopped a magical constalation bear in the first season, fixed a broken dam in the second, but the thing that makes Celestia seem to think she's getting closer to Alicorn mode is that she juggles a bunch of animals.

Yeah, it sounds like I hate the season, right? Well I don't, I just think there was so much wasted greatness in it. But the stuff that is good, I feel makes it worth it. I just hope season 4 flips it around again and gives us more of the really great stuff that made the first 2 seasons so enjoyable.

But that's just me.:derpytongue2:

Too many. Pinkies was well written as Well as Wonderbolt academy... strange tobsee Dashie still with the girls... biggest controversy was that now anypony can become an Alicorn...

worst epidosdes
Spike at Your Service ... the dragon organizes everything... they could have had him do the work stridently for the whole family but the guilt causes the apples to get spike to get even with an...

Keep Calm and Flutter On
I really liked this episode but I disliked the plot but loved it... 1 HARMONY MUST HAVE DISCORD TO EXIST! Discord becoming friends with Fluttershy was great ... I really sad to see him die basicly from the show

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