• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 29th, 2021



More Blog Posts137

  • 446 weeks
    Truth is...

    I wish I had never written Believing Stories. To this day, that nightmare refuses to leave me alone. Just today, someone accessed the FIRST CHAPTER on my google docs and made suggestions for corrections to it...



    4 comments · 444 views
  • 535 weeks
    I have to face it.

    I haven't updated here in months. No matter what, I just can't bring myself to come back to the stories I have. I would say it's just burnout but I think at this point I'm more like burnedout on pony fanfiction...and on being a writer.

    Read More

    10 comments · 845 views
  • 547 weeks
    So... Bronycon

    I'm going.

    Hopefully there is activity from me here between then and now...

    9 comments · 459 views
  • 549 weeks
    Remember when...

    You were like five and you woke up at 6AM or earlier waiting for your parents to get up so you could open the pile of presents under the tree?

    Slept in until 11:30 this morning.

    My childhood is officially gone.


    8 comments · 486 views
  • 552 weeks
    I'm no longer a pony... for now

    As some of you may remember, last year The Descendent asked for members of the site to add Santa hats to their avatars. I may later add a hat to a pony picture of me but for now I'll have a human face up there.

    Carry on :)

    4 comments · 482 views

Grammar Nazi! Editor! I choose you! · 2:02pm Feb 19th, 2013

Ok, there's a reason (besides being turned into a hacking and sneezing mess who needs to blow her nose every three minutes) that I haven't been updating my stories.

I've been working on a one-shot... a 14,000+ word one-shot. It completed in it's most basic form and now I need one to two editors/pre-readers to help me polish it up.

As for the content of the one-shot. I've noticed that some of you who usually comment on my blogs also seem to be following the work of a certain Daemon of Decay. The work I am referring to is Asylum. He has been encouraging those who like his story, and want to feature his or her own OC at Broadhoof, to write spin-offs and play with the concept (which, is a brilliant concept and I can't wait to see what he does with it). He's already been giving me a lot of help with editing/proofreading/improving the story and I can't wait to show it to you when it's finished!

So, who would like to help me? :pinkiesmile: Those who have volunteered already please send me your e-mails in a private message so i can add you to the google doc.

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Comments ( 9 )

Yeah, I'm up for it. Need to hone my editing skills anyway, I always loved the concept of characters having imagined their life. Plenty of room for twists there....

I'd be willing to lend my red pen in the cause, if you'll have me.

846209 846257 Alrighty, send me your e-mails in a PM and I'll send the gdoc to you :) thanks!

14k words? Oh boy. Well, I'll give it a shot. Can't make any guarantees on my reliability, though.

846581 Alright. GO ahead and send me your e-mail. (oh, and I love your profile pic!)

Three editors should be able to do this :twilightsmile:


(oh, and I love your profile pic!)

This pleases me :pinkiecrazy:

847289 Seriously, I need to read that story at some point. It's just... dat concept... :moustache:

I regret nothing. :moustache:

Yes... Yes! Editors are the opposite of chefs - you can never have too many.

Also, they lack cool hats. :fluttershysad:

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