• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Now, I definitively think I have too much shit Favorited (Post Bookshelf Patch) Previous Aliases: AwesomeCabbage9000

More Blog Posts10

  • 588 weeks
    An idea.

    A man approached the podium, followed by a purple maned, white coated mare. She gave him a nod and a smile for reassurance, and he sighed. His mind focusing on the message about to be relayed, he began.

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    2 comments · 660 views
  • 610 weeks
    So I actually wrote something...

    So after drinking some awesome juice, I ACTUALLY wrote something! The bad news? It isn't related to the fic.
    Here you go:


    And then, when you all ran from the inevitable, I had risen, new in form and power.

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  • 611 weeks
    Fun fact about this year's 9/11

    This year: 11/9/2012

    Original date:11/9/2001

    ->Disregard day and month:


    -> Time for some math:


    ->Add the day and month:



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  • 626 weeks
    Tagged. HOW PEACHY!

    Da Rules You WILL Follow:
    1. You must post the rules.
    2. Each person must post 5 things about themselves in their journal
    3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
    4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
    5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged them.

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An idea. · 9:02am Feb 22nd, 2013

A man approached the podium, followed by a purple maned, white coated mare. She gave him a nod and a smile for reassurance, and he sighed. His mind focusing on the message about to be relayed, he began.

"My people... Sons and Daughters of Earth. This much I vow...'' His composed tone was slowly replaced by anger. ''The history of these days will be written in blood. By crushing the armies of our enemy, by countering the weapons they thought to use against us, we are fighting for our very existence.'' His greenish blue eyes showed hate. ''But if there are those who would deny us peace, refuse us our rightful place in the universe...

...the universe, then we will unleash such terrible vengeance, that generations yet unborn will cry out in anguish!''

''The Princess of the Equestrian Royal Crown, Celestia, had this to say on Councilor Rusanov of the Sovereign Terran Colonies Alliance's earlier outburst.'' Said the pivot pony.

''Once again we are proven how violent and barbarian these humans are. We, the Equestrian Royal Crown....'' Celestia's voice faded as Summer Breeze lost herself in thought, loosing all the attention she had on the device. She just didn't get why the humans where fighting conversion, for it was for their own good. She herself was a convertee, and was more than happy to be recruited by the Royal Guard to serve the Princesses. Even though it had arrived via dimensional leap to one of the STCA's facilities, she couldn't fathom how ponies, or equines, as they called themselves, could live along with humans in such a symbiotic relationship. Together they called themselves 'Terrans'.

The Princesses knew they were just misled, by the evil humans, and only time and rehabilitation would allow them to fully integrate into Equestrian society. She looked at the device again, giving it some attention. ''Royal Guard Command also confirms that a second wave of the Conversion Fleet is due to launch imminently. They will arrive in orbit of the Terran capital in approximately two weeks, by which time Captain Shining Armor expects the first wave of the assault to have dealt decisive blows against the human forces. I'm sure we all wish our brave mares and stallions good luck.''

She looked at the sky to see multiple Chariot Carriers lifting off, on their way to convert the human home world of Earth. Sure, there were many colonies left, but she understood that by loosing such an important planet, humanity would finally see their only hope was conversion. But deep down she knew that the Royal Guard had not even had a taste of even a fraction of the STCA's military power, as every colony converted until now had been border planets with minimal defence forces, as the relatively small numbers of ships in orbit had once suggested. Now that the core worlds had been warned, though, she wasn't so sure. Her ears twitched as she again returned her attention to the device, cut from her train of thought. Princess Celestia's voice rang again.

''The humans do not see reason. They endanger the peace and harmony with their evil nature, and it's up to us to stop them.''

The enemy may shatter our bodies, but they cannot break our spirit.

The Chariot Carriers charged a powerful magic spell each, targeting a few STCA frigates that stood their ground in front of the planet. They fired, and soon the rather small ships blew up, their crew either gone or escaping. They all started to heading towards the planet.

Even now they advance on our home world, to seize by force what they cannot claim by right. They cannot imagine what awaits them.

As the carriers entered orbit, they began slowing their descent to a stop, while their cannons shot the surface with potions. Hundreds, if not thousands of chariots filled with guardsponies took off towards the ground. Some of them could see a small glint in the surface, but couldn't make out what it was due to all the smoke of fighting and the purple mists of conversion potion. Then, a massive wall of blue energy, courtesy of a magic infused ion cannon, shot up, completely obliterating the carrier they had just left.


And as soon as the wall of light dissipated, dozens others repeated the process, obliterating most of the Equestrian fleet. Meanwhile on the surface, chariots landed and unloaded their occupants, just to be mowed down by gunfire and explosions. Some of the lucky ones that had managed to get inside the shields the unicorns where summoning, quickly returned fire with various lethal and stun spells, while others threw potions at anything they though they saw moving in the smoke.

Though they sweep over our lands like the solar winds of our stars, never again will we convert before them; never again endure their oppression; never again endure their tyranny.

The Equestrian forces kept dwindling, being mowed down like cows in a slaughterhouse. They just kept at it, hoping they were dealing some damage. Suddenly, the purple mist started to dissipate, leaving only the smoke. The gunfire stopped. That, however, was only a signal of what was about to happen. A wave of magic swept the remaining Equestrian forces, and immediately the effects where visible. Every unicorn guardspony felt their magic blocked in some perverted, unnatural way, forcing them to drop the shields. Then, the gunfire resumed.

We will strike without warning and without mercy, fighting as one hand, one heart, one soul. We will shatter their dreams and haunt their nightmares, drenching our ancestors' graves with their blood.

All that was left was a small group of seven guardsponies, one equestrian pony and six convertees, when the gunfire seized again. Then all they could see was a blue mist all around them. The sergeant of the group, naturally one of Celestia's finest, born in the sweet land of Equestria, soon found himself alone as the convertees that made up his group fell to the floor with a yelp, and rolled in pain, while wondering in morbid curiosity why he hadn't joined them. He would not live to get his answers, or see the results for that matter, however, as his head exploded in a fine red mist, splattering grey matter everywhere.

And as our last breath tears at their lungs...

The convertees' bodies started morphing, loosing their fur, getting bigger, and growing appendages on their hooves. They were turned back into who they were. Back into humans. Through the smoke and mist, several figures in power armor, both biped and quadruped, wielding assault rifles, rocket launchers and the occasional chain gun wearing gas masks approached the now unconscious humans in the floor. Many Terran pegasi flew in the skies, looking for any stragglers or returned convertees.

As we rise again from the ruins of our cities...

The man on the podium grew quiet for a moment, allowing the mare behind him to approach the podium as well. ''They will know.'' He said in unison with the mare.

''That Earth belongs to the Terran."

So what do you think?
This is set as an alternate reality to the 'Shape Shifter' verse, thus making it not canon to the main plot and storyline, crossed with TCB... I think.
And before you ask, this is PRO-HUMAN, ANTI-MYSANTHOPIC. That is all.

Heavily inspired by:

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