• Member Since 7th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 21st, 2013


More Blog Posts2

  • 591 weeks
    'nother idea

    Legend of Dragoon/MLP crossover.

    The question is whether ponify game characters, create OCs, or use MLP characters.
    Winglies - pegasi or changelings
    Red-Eyed Dragoon -
    Jade Dragoon -
    White-Silver Dragoon -
    Dark Dragoon -
    Violet Dragoon -
    Blue-Sea Dragoon -
    Golden Dragoon -

    0 comments · 234 views
  • 596 weeks
    Couple ideas

    The Shadow crossover and a Witchblade crossover.

    Holy shit I got a follower.

    0 comments · 199 views

'nother idea · 2:39am Mar 5th, 2013

Legend of Dragoon/MLP crossover.

The question is whether ponify game characters, create OCs, or use MLP characters.
Winglies - pegasi or changelings
Red-Eyed Dragoon -
Jade Dragoon -
White-Silver Dragoon -
Dark Dragoon -
Violet Dragoon -
Blue-Sea Dragoon -
Golden Dragoon -

Report C0uchP0tat0 · 234 views ·
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