• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2021


It's been a while, but I'm back home! Don't know when I'll write something for this site again, but enjoy my other stuff in the meantime!

More Blog Posts72

  • 467 weeks

    Hey guys, just wanted to make this quick.

    I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to get any chapters for 'Cool Story Bro... MOAR PONIES!' out for the next little while, a few days maybe, because my family is cleaning up our whole house, moving some furniture, and I've been having to help out a lot. It doesn't help that I have a full-time job now, so I barely find any time for writing.

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    2 comments · 807 views
  • 468 weeks
    FNAF scares me in real life... again

    So yeah, I just got a new job this week, which would explain my inconsistencies in my chapter releases, but that's beside the point. So, one of my co-workers, his phone's ringtone is a platypus cry, which is basically a series of organic like clicks.

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    12 comments · 682 views
  • 470 weeks
    Cool Story Bro 3!

    The Third story of Cool Story Bro has passed moderation and is now visible on FIMFiction!!

    You can find it under my stories tab on my user page ('cause I'm posting this on mobile and can't put a proper link).

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 463 views
  • 471 weeks
    I'm coming home!

    I'm on my way home! After two weeks out of the main land of the United States, I'm driving to Utah from Montana.

    I have chapters ready, but I've gotta go now!

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 406 views
  • 473 weeks
    Can't talk long

    Mooching off my neighbor's Internet.

    My Internet went down, I've been busy moving furniture to help repaint my family's house, and I'm leaving tomorrow for a three week trip through Canada.

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    2 comments · 482 views

Haters... <sigh>... they are so clueless. · 11:54pm Mar 5th, 2013

Ah, man. I've got not one hater, but Two on my tail right now. One of them is at my school, but the other is one of my facebook friends. They're both pretty immature and arrogant, so I don't think they'll get bored of hating the show any time soon. I can stand their hating, but it is starting to get a bit annoying. Heh heh, but I'm gonna laugh at them the day they realize that the show is more awesome than they think. One of these days, I'm gonna get either one of them to watch a few episodes and they're going to end up liking it, too (Doesn't matter to me if they become non-haters or bronies, but preferably the latter). But now that I think about it, keeping this in mind really does help me get through all of their hating.

Anyways, to the business of my stories, right now I have two published stories that I'm working on at the moment, Brony Game Online and Naractia's Nightmare-(Night). If you haven't read either of them yet, then go to my user page to find them (because, frankly, I'm too lazy at the moment to post links). But I'm also working on another story that hasn't been published yet, so I'll let you guys know when I'm about to post it on the site.

Right now, my main priority is finishing Naractia's Nightmare-(Night), which should only take about three chapters left to finish. That's good news for you Shadow Magic Series fans, because I've really put off the completion of the story for WAY too long, so I'm knuckling down and finishing it before I post any other chapters. But for you BGO fans, don't worry. Once I finish Naractia's Nightmare-(Night), I'll publish two or three chapters of BGO before I publish anything else.

Also, on a side note, I'm in need of more OC's for Brony Game Online. If anyone else wants to contribute an OC, then that'd be great. It doesn't matter if your OC is a male, or female, good, or evil, brony, or hater, any OC will be fine with me (With the exception of the following: Alicorns, Griffins, Dragons, Diamond Dogs, or anything that isn't a pony.) For more details, just PM me.

And that's all I have to say, so to end this post (choose your desired farewell below),
Keep Calm,
Brony On,
Suck less,
See ya,


Report Shadowflame · 131 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Two haters? that sucks but with the one on facebook there is a button on there for just this reason, it's called: THE UNFRIEND BUTTON!

A short list of things that I tell haters when they hate. With links. :scootangel:
1) Cheerilee's Garden
2) Rainbow Factory
3) Sweet Apple Massacre
4) Haunting Nightmare

I'm not insane, I swear! :pinkiecrazy:

Hm... nah. I don't want to unfriend him, yet. If I unfriend him, then I won't be able to bug him to watch the show.:trollestia:


4)Haven't read it yet. :derpytongue2:

Stage one of becoming a brony(or pegasister) Curiosity

Hmm... Can I add a farewell? Well otherwise, the way I learned of MLP was back during the decembur month when Bluexephos covered the mod Mine Little Pony, and then I hit a wrong related vid and I watched the first episode which made me watch season 1 and what was out in 2. So if you go to your friend on facebook, end up in his home, put on splashtoo and control the computer and make him watch it... hopefully it will work. But hope those haters turn into the hawaiian haters at my school. They do not care at all. So good luck

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