• Member Since 19th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen May 30th, 2021


It's been a while, but I'm back home! Don't know when I'll write something for this site again, but enjoy my other stuff in the meantime!

More Blog Posts72

  • 467 weeks

    Hey guys, just wanted to make this quick.

    I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to get any chapters for 'Cool Story Bro... MOAR PONIES!' out for the next little while, a few days maybe, because my family is cleaning up our whole house, moving some furniture, and I've been having to help out a lot. It doesn't help that I have a full-time job now, so I barely find any time for writing.

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    2 comments · 807 views
  • 468 weeks
    FNAF scares me in real life... again

    So yeah, I just got a new job this week, which would explain my inconsistencies in my chapter releases, but that's beside the point. So, one of my co-workers, his phone's ringtone is a platypus cry, which is basically a series of organic like clicks.

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    12 comments · 682 views
  • 470 weeks
    Cool Story Bro 3!

    The Third story of Cool Story Bro has passed moderation and is now visible on FIMFiction!!

    You can find it under my stories tab on my user page ('cause I'm posting this on mobile and can't put a proper link).

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 463 views
  • 471 weeks
    I'm coming home!

    I'm on my way home! After two weeks out of the main land of the United States, I'm driving to Utah from Montana.

    I have chapters ready, but I've gotta go now!

    Thanks for reading!

    1 comments · 406 views
  • 473 weeks
    Can't talk long

    Mooching off my neighbor's Internet.

    My Internet went down, I've been busy moving furniture to help repaint my family's house, and I'm leaving tomorrow for a three week trip through Canada.

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    2 comments · 482 views

Total OC's for BGO · 11:24pm Mar 7th, 2013

Okay, over the past few weeks, I've received a few OC's from my readers. Right now I'm going to list off all of the OC's that I've received, along with their weapons, their race, and who sent them in. Keep in mind, these are only in order of when they were sent it, not in order of when they will appear in the story.

1. Crossheart (Unicorn)- Hammer and shield (Sent in by thedams)
2. Violet Runner (Unicorn)- Sledgehammer (Sent in by Violet Runner)
3. Cloud Burst (Baby Dragon)- Assisting items but no actual weapon (Sent in by Lionblaze103)
4. Soul Cards (Unicorn)- Dual Swords (Sent in by Mythical_Element)
5. Dyl0nKour (Earth Pony)- Bo Staff (Sent in by Dyl0nKour)
6. Eclipse (Unicorn)- Bow and Arrow (Sent in by Luna-Eclipse)
7. Neon Fire (Unicorn)- Spear and Shield (Sent in by BronzeFog)

That's all that I have so far. Now here's what I think.

6 Males and 1 Female= I think we can add in a few more females, just so the story isn't too sexist.

5 Unicorns and 1 Earth Pony= If anybody else is sending in another unicorn,... I think we're good, so no more unicorns will be allowed, unless you want to change your OC's race. If anyone wants to still send in an OC that is a pegasus or an earth pony, please do.

1 Dragon= Getting a dragon worked in is hard enough with the story continuity. I was able to squeeze this dragon in, but if any of you are thinking of sending any OC that isn't a pony, then please refrain.

Now, if anyone who has sent in their OC already, or is going to in the future, please think of anything that you want requested of your character.

And, that's it. For anyone who has a problem with this, just leave a comment below. Don't PM me, because that won't be necessary. If I see that your complaint is valid, I'll PM you and we'll compromise on the matter.

Thank you for those who have sent in your OC's, and for those of you who didn't, there's still room in the story. I do have some openings for your OC's to be system admins, rougue players, or complete antagonists.

Anyways, thanks for reading,

Report Shadowflame · 128 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Ya my OC was chosen.:yay::moustache:

Well, actually, all of these were chosen because these were the only ones that were sent to me.:trollestia:

Wouldn't mind getting an OC of mine added. Siren, a mare pegasus. And it would be awesome if she could have something like a crossbow mounted on her shoulder, like the camera in MLP.

His pony name is Dylan. His username is Dyl0nKour. :derpytongue2:

I was posting their user names intentionally. Their names will be changed slightly from the username just to make things easier for me.

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