• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 16th, 2015


More Blog Posts5

  • 586 weeks
    My favs!

    I just thought I would tell you guys my favorite ponies!

    Mane 6: Rarity (I kind of have a lot in common with her. Perfectionist, I draw, she designs)

    Background: Applejack (just kidding!!! Still...) Actually it is probably Lyra

    Princess: Luna (I love night time)

    CMC: Applebloom (I'm not sure why though)

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    0 comments · 272 views
  • 587 weeks

    I just posted my new story Innocence this morning. Already 40 views? Awesome! You might think this is an over reaction, but after how 'great' my first story went, this is AWESOME!!! I swear though, I get all the viewers who read but don't like or dislike stories...

    0 comments · 222 views
  • 590 weeks
    Could be Better

    Well, for my first story I think it is going pretty well. It may be 2 likes and 3 dislikes but hey! That's called progress and 2 people still liked it!

    0 comments · 211 views
  • 590 weeks
    First Post!!!

    Well everypony, for my first story, I think it's going pretty well. I just finished my second chapter of Daddy Discord and with 33 views and only 1 down vote, I think it's going just fine!

    0 comments · 237 views

First Post!!! · 1:05am Mar 8th, 2013

Well everypony, for my first story, I think it's going pretty well. I just finished my second chapter of Daddy Discord and with 33 views and only 1 down vote, I think it's going just fine!

Report pinkiemyster2 · 237 views ·
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